The administration has also cut Medicare reimbursements resulting in doctors being increasingly reluctant to treat Seniors. In addition, as expenses mount, Medicare is rejecting procedures which they feel will cost more than its benefit. While that is common in all government funded medical care, it is especially true for Seniors since they are no longer working. Liberals value individuals only as long as they are productive and since many Seniors are no longer gainfully employed, they are considered a burden on society. As a result, the Senior continues paying copays for office visits while not getting relief. Many will die from conditions that could have been cured. Canada illustrates the end game of socialized medicine. Their death rate, especially among Seniors has risen sharply due to delaying or withholding treatment. In addition, they are pushing assisted suicide for those whose conditions are too expensive to be economically worthwhile. That includes a large percentage of Seniors. It is the natural conclusion of the belief that it is alright to terminate someone’s life, whether before birth or after, if they are going to be a burden or will get in the way of your happiness. Abortion was the easiest to start with because the baby is not seen, but their goal is to do away with all those who are a burden, including the critically ill, the severely disabled, the elderly, and those with mental deficiencies or disabilities, just as Hitler did. To avoid the cost of long term care, they simply push the individual to terminate their life. If the person refuses, the doctor may proceed to kill the individual without securing their approval. In the United States, we have been slow to accept abortion and so assisted suicide has not been pushed vigorously, however some States like Oregon have approved physician assisted suicide and other States are considering it.