While many people cheer because Donald Trump won the election, they need to remember the limits of government. President Trump can remove many of the barriers that prevent the church from speaking out, and he can stop the constant harassment of churches by the IRS and the Justice Dept., but he cannot change the hearts of people. In the 1950’ and 1960’s, the church actively taught the value of life and the value of the rule of law. It was also taught in the schools and adhered to by the media and the courts. As a result, most people believed in them whether they attended church or not. Since then the expansion of abortion has eroded the belief in the value of life to where only about half of people value life. Many who no longer value life are active in churches who no longer teach the value of life. In addition, we have seen a rapid spread of liberal politicians and judges who no longer value the rule of law but feel they can violate the law whenever it suits their purpose. As a result, many people in America have lost their respect for the law. If people do not respect the law and see judges and politicians violate the law without any penalty, they feel they can too. We see that on our highways. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, most cars adhered to the speed limit whether there were police around or not. Today you know there are police up ahead if you are doing the speed limit and see break lights going on in al the cars that just passed you. President Trump can cut government funding to Planned Parenthood and prevent the mailing of abortion drugs to States that have outlawed abortion, but people will still get abortions under the table unless the women are provided with the services needed to keep their babies or put them up for adoption. In addition, women will still have sex outside marriage and end up getting pregnant and get abortions until they learn to value life and the sanctity of marriage. The government cannot do that. The church must teach the value of life and marriage, and the value of the rule of law. In addition, there must be a revival of people turning to God and recognizing the true value of life, marriage, and the rule of law.