Kamala Harris is proposing a national health care system similar to the one she pushed in her home State. It would expand Obamacare to complete coverage for everyone under one system. Canada has one and it has been failing for years with delays in treatment for months for critical care and longer for routine care. Many Canadians come to the United States for treatment even though they have to pay out of their own pocket. In England a lot of people die every day waiting for emergency care and their system is so overwhelmed they have proposed supplementing the system with a series of private clinics. While proponents claims it makes care available to everyone, it forces health care providers to get approval from government boards that weigh the cost against benefit and reject a lot of care to those who are critically ill or injured or are elderly, as not worth the cost. It results in endless delays due to layers of authorizations, and it depersonalizes care as decisions are made by government review boards and patients are seen as units rather than individuals. It is also not flexible enough to meet individual needs. While they say it cuts the cost of care to the individual, the true cost is hidden in taxes and the cost of health care increases as it adds layers of government bureaucracies.
President Biden is pushing for a crypto currency. Such a currency would allow the government to know how much money you have, where it is kept, and how you spend it. Every transaction you do would be recorded and could be monitored. They could control what you purchased and who you supported. While many say that the American people would never accept an economic system like is recorded in the book of Revelations, liberal politicians in Washington are pushing for exactly that. The system he proposes would eliminate all paper money and coins and would give the government complete control of all money transactions. While nothing is being said about a computer chip to handle transactions, once it is in place, the government could require it and there would be no alternative to it. You either get the chip or lose the ability to access your funds. The Obamacare bill included a provision for a computer chip to be inserted with medical information to allow access to government health care once private insurance was eliminated. The medical chip would include an ID number similar to the Social Security number but that would be required of everyone accessing medical treatment, that could than be expanded to include financial transactions in the same way that the Social Security number was. The original Social Security card said it was not to be used for anything but Social Security, but is now utilized by almost all major financial transactions. Once it is in place, they could simply remove your number and you would be unable to buy or sell anything. They could easily eliminate anyone they felt posed a threat or refused to cooperate with them. The federal reserve is already testing it and major banks are expected to join in soon.
Third Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 15
Many churches are building huge children’s programs and many also are seeking young pastors to lead youth programs as their second pastor, but that is a big mistake. Youth are at a critical time in their life and are making decisions about the rest of their life so it is important to reach them, however, many young people leave their local church after graduating to go to college or pursue a career and do not return, because the youth programs are not helping them deal with the problems they face. In addition, it is hard to combat the influence of the world in only a couple hours a week, so if the church doesn’t also reach the parents, they fight a very difficult battle. They make up a small part of the congregation and require large amounts of resources, yet contribute very little to the church financially. The same goes for children’s programs. It is important to maximize resources to get the most out of them and to pour large amounts of resources on a small segment of the congregation while neglecting the rest of the congregation is not a wise use of resources. While young pastors may understand what it means to be a student, they don’t understand what it means to be a parent, and they don’t have the experience to minister to parents, middle aged empty nesters, and the elderly. Far better to get an older pastor capable of ministering to all ages and have him recruit and train young adults in the congregation to lead the children’s and youth programs under his guidance.
Senior Citizen issues-G
While Democrats continue to declare that Republicans want to cut Social Security, they ignore the facts. It is the old story of accusing your opponent of doing what you are doing so people won’t notice you are doing it. President Biden has been providing Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants endangering the already threatened fund. In addition, he has cut Medicare reimbursements two times in the past two years. The only cuts to Social Security that Donald Trump wants to make is to remove illegal immigrants who did not pay into the fund and have not met the eligibility requirements. President Biden feels that supporting illegal immigrants is more important than supporting Seniors who paid into the fund their whole life. In addition, President Biden and Kamala Harris continue to push abortion which is robbing us of the future workers needed to pay into the Social Security fund to keep it solvent and available to Seniors who will continue to need the fund. Democrats drained the funds in the social Security fund to support welfare programs so it relies on funds supplied by those currently working, but abortion has killed one out of every three babies conceived and left us with too few workers to support the program. We might be helped by immigrants who come here to work, but Democrats are keeping the border open and flooding he country with illegal immigrants who are not paying into the system and forcing reduction in the number of legal immigrants that we can accept who would work and pay into the system. Unless we cut back the number of abortions and control illegal immigration, we will soon face a real crisis. Seniors need to support someone who will work to protect the Social Security fund so it will be there for Seniors when they need it. President Trump did what he could but President Biden has undone everything he did and did a great deal more damage to it.
I recently came across two articles that made me think about our approach to the environment. In Russia, the world’s fourth largest lake has been reduced to two small stagnant ponds due to poor agricultural practices that waste water. In the next article, transgender people were calling for us to do away with gender designated bathrooms and make all public bathrooms open so anyone can use them. I have noticed that when public bathrooms are made unisex that they usually take out the urinals because many women are offended by the sight of them. The average toilet uses about 3-4 gallons or more for every flush while a urinal uses a pint to a quart. Some new ones don’t use any water. That means that every time a man uses a urinal he saves up to four gallons of water. If I had one installed in my home, I could probably save about 100 gallons a week. That is water I pay for and then flush it down the toilet. For a city of 500,000, assuming half are men, a urinal in every bathroom could save 25 million gallons a week, or enough in a year to fill a small city reservoir. If we installed one in every home and business, America probably wouldn’t have a water crisis. Make a little cabinet for it and women wouldn’t have to see it. Install a little attachment for women and you could double the savings. Environmentalists want people out west to tear up their grass, which cleans carbon from the air and holds water in the soil, and leave it bare so the water runs off and down the sewer. In addition, grass has a cooling affect while bare ground reflects heat back into the air. Maybe we ought to enlist the environmentalists in our fight against the transgender movement since its a threat to the environment. It is just another instance where environmentalists look for easy solutions, not always the best solution.
Second Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 8
Organized worship Organized worship services-Worship leaders today often don’t realize the power of songs to evoke emotions and need to take serious thought to both the theme and the tempo of a worship service. Many worship services today are organized like the pastor’s sermons. They have no clear theme and don’t seem to lead anywhere. When I was in school, I was taught that a sermon should have an introduction, three main points, and a summary so that it will be easy to understand and remember. Many pastors today apparently didn’t learn that because their sermons seem to wander aimlessly. The worship service should be built around the theme of the pastor’s sermon so that it complements it and builds up to it. The tempo of songs should shift gradually, leading the members from where they were when they came to where they should be in meaningful worship. Many worship services today shift suddenly from fast and happy songs to slow and sorrowful ones and back, leaving the members with tangled emotions. Rather than drawing the members into a spirit of worship, they serve only to entertain.
The Deep State-A-M
President Obama directed the hiring of large numbers of new employees in the justice dept. who were loyal to him, just before leaving office knowing President Trump could not remove them because they were under civil service. By selecting them on the basis of party affiliation, he was in violation of civil service rules that require all hiring be done on merit rather than on party affiliation. Many of them were used to investigate President Trump and others in his cabinet throughout his presidency in spite of a lack of evidence of wrong-doing, for the purpose of finding something they could exploit for political gain and to turn his voter base against him preventing him from being reelected. When President Trump tried to remove the heads of several agencies who did not agree with his policies, the liberals yelled that he was doing it for political purposes. He was prevented from removing several of them who continued to act in direct defiance of his directives. It was obviously to discredit him and was done to deceive the voters into thinking he was doing something wrong, even though the President appoints them and would normally appoint people who will work with him, not against him. Congress enacts laws and the agencies are the ones that carry them out. The agency heads are the ones that direct the day to day operations of the agencies and design the rules and regulations that form the operating format for the laws enacted by Congress. Therefore, it is important for the President to appoint agency heads that will carry out the policies the people have elected him to carry out. When the people elect a President, they are saying that they agree with his policies and so the people who head the various agencies should agree with him or they will be carrying out policies that go against his policies and as a result, go against the will of the people. The people would not have voted out the previous President if they wanted his policies to continue. When the President is prevented from appointing the agency heads, it allows the deep-state in the agencies to operate without any oversight by the people elected by the voters. Now President Biden is doubling the number of agents in the IRS. They will be under civil service and can’t be removed by the next President. This is very disturbing in view of the IRS actions in 2016 when the IRS investigated conservate organizations and threatened to remove tax exempt status from churches who questioned liberal policies. They also held up the tax exempt status of conservative organizations who applied.
The Constitution contains numerous guarantees of the rights of citizens, but it is only as good as the courts that interpret it. President Trump pledged to appoint nominees to the Courts who would uphold the Constitution and nominated judges to fill many of the lower federal court vacancies. While the Supreme Court gets the major attention, the lower courts hold a far more important position today since many cases never make it to the Supreme Court. If lower court judges respected the Supreme Court, once the Supreme Court upheld your rights, you would be safe because the lower courts would uphold that decision in any cases before them. However, since judges are appointed for life, many of these positions are held by liberal judges appointed by former President Obama who had eight years to fill vacancies that occurred. Since liberal judges do not respect the Constitution or the Supreme Court, many continue to openly violate decisions of the Supreme Court. Rights guaranteed by the Constitution and upheld by the Supreme Court are not being respected by the lower federal courts placing American citizens in general and those who hold conservative values in particular at risk. The decisions of the lower court stand until they are overturned by the Supreme Court but many cases do not make it to the Supreme Court or take a long time to get there. When an investigator uncovered evidence that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts of aborted fetuses in violation of federal law, the attorney general of his State prosecuted him for violating the privacy of Planned Parenthood, but has never moved against Planned Parenthood for violating the law. The State courts convicted the investigator but the Supreme Court overturned the conviction. The courts then tried him again in violation of the Supreme Court ruling and convicted him, but it was again overturned by the Supreme Court. The courts have now convicted him again in violation of the Supreme Court ruling. Many of our courts are being used to prosecute the innocent while failing to prosecute the guilty. It is time we returned a President to office that will appoint judges that uphold the Constitution and federal law, and elect representatives that will approve the appointments because it does no good to appoint them if they are not approved by Congress. We cannot do anything about current judges since they are appointed for life, but we can guarantee new judges appointed will uphold the Constitution and federal law by who we elect to office.
I have always had the impression that the environmentalists operate solely on feelings and ignore facts but saw a recent article confirming it once again. Some time ago I heard they were tearing down some dams in Washington State and didn’t think anything of it because we have a lot of old coffer dams that are aging and getting weak threatening to break and cause floods. Recently I saw an article saying these are hydroelectric dams being torn down to save the salmon. Salmon swim up river to breed and the dams blocked them so they couldn’t breed and their numbers declined. The environmentalists pointed this out in the 1970’s. That is true and so the government built salmon ladders which are a series of pools like a ladder to allow the fish to swim up over the dam. That solved the problem and the salmon returned. Now the environmentalists are again claiming that the dams are threatening the salmon, even though their numbers are increasing. The dams don’t pose any threat. The problem is that these are hydroelectric dams which produce electricity. The environmentalists are pushing for solar panels and wind turbines to replace coal and gas fired generators. Yet they are not dependable because the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine. While some hydroelectric dams in the west are being threatened by low water levels due to drought, that is a rare occurrence and that is not a problem in Washington State. Water generated electricity is generally dependable and consistent and tearing down hydroelectric dams to solve a problem that doesn’t exist doesn’t make sense. The fish aren’t having a problem so why should we tear down the dams, when we really need them. The salmon numbers are below what they should be but it isn’t due to the dams. Animal protection activists fought to ban the killing of walruses and seals so they have been multiplying and one of their principle foods is salmon. Hunting used to control the numbers of walruses and seals but when hunting them was banned, they have multiplied out of control. Nature has a delicate balance and when we tinker with one thing, it may effect others. We built dams and it caused a problem so we built salmon ladders and solved the problem. That is the way to approach problems. You don’t just jump on something because it looks like a problem, because it may not really be a problem.