Gay Rights-V-H

03 Jun

While doctors pressure parents to go along with transgender treatments for their kids, there is no proof it helps. They often tell the parents that their child will probably commit suicide if they aren’t allowed to transition, but studies are showing that kids that transition are far more likely to commit suicide than children that don’t. In fact, a number of European countries that  were pioneers in the trans movement have begun to ban the use of  transitioning drugs and surgeries.  Gender transitioning drugs and surgeries are lucrative programs in the US with government funding, just as abortion is, and is being promoted with the help of health programs and health clinics in schools, just as abortion is, in order to create a rich source of income. In fact, Planned Parenthood is the major player in pushing both programs. At least 22 States have passed the “Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act” (Safe Acts) to protect children from the dangerous effects of transitional drugs and surgeries.


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