Archive for the ‘Publications’ Category

video-A Servant’s Heart-part-A-book promo

13 Jun


Videos-Understanding the Path-book promo

07 Jun


videos-A Servant’s Heart-part-B-book promo

30 May


videos-Rebuilding the Kingdom-book promo

23 May


Videos-Truly in the World-part-B-book promo

18 May


videos-An Unlikely Choice-book promo

25 Apr


“An Unlikely Choice: One Such as I” in E-book. An autobiography on the stages of my life. How the Lord pursued me until I found Him and my experiences as I sought to serve Him to this day. (Also available from Lulu Press in paperback under “One Such As I”) see An Unlikely Choice:One Such As I by Robert Barr – BookBub


Videos-Truly in the World-part-A-book promo

22 Apr


“Truly in the World But Not of it-part-A” Examines the various aspects of the world around us in light of the Bible teaching laid out in part-A which deals with Personal Relationships, Health, and Welfare  (available from Lulu Press in paperback and E-book) see Truly In the World But Not of It-part-A (2) by Robert Barr – BookBub


Videos-In the World-book promo

19 Apr


“In the World But Not of it” Examines Bible teaching as it relates to our modern situation, through practical illustrations and Biblical principles (available from Outskirts Press in paperback and E-book)   see In The World But Not Of It-Serving Christ In The Modern World: God’s Principles for Living by Robert Barr – BookBub


publications-E-books Available

09 Apr

The following books  are now available in E-book on Bookbub. I hope to have others soon. Feel free to follow me on Bookbub and write a review of books you read.

“In the World But Not of it” Examines Bible teaching as it relates to our modern situation, through practical illustrations and Biblical principles (available from Outskirts Press in paperback and E-book)   see In The World But Not Of It-Serving Christ In The Modern World: God’s Principles for Living by Robert Barr – BookBub

“Truly in the World But Not of it-part-A” Examines the various aspects of the world around us in light of the Bible teaching laid out in part-A which deals with Personal Relationships, Health, and Welfare  (available from Lulu Press in paperback and E-book) see Truly In the World But Not of It-part-A (2) by Robert Barr – BookBub

“An Unlikely Choice: One Such as I” in E-book. An autobiography on the stages of my life. How the Lord pursued me until I found Him and my experiences as I sought to serve Him to this day. (Also available from Lulu Press in paperback under “One Such As I”) see An Unlikely Choice:One Such As I by Robert Barr – BookBub


Previous Posts 12/15

05 Nov

This is the twelfth in the series of previous posts and highlights
publications, videos, study courses. and promos
Click on the links below to access those series.