Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category


15 Sep

President Biden is pushing for a crypto currency. Such a currency would allow the government to know how much money you have, where it is kept, and how you spend it. Every transaction you do would be recorded and could be monitored. They could control what you purchased and who you supported. While many say that the American people would never accept an economic  system like is recorded in the book of Revelations, liberal politicians in Washington are pushing for exactly that. The system he proposes would eliminate all paper money and coins and would give the government complete control of all money transactions. While nothing is being said about a computer chip to handle transactions, once it is in place, the government could require it and there would be no alternative to it. You either get the chip or lose the ability to access your funds. The Obamacare bill included a provision for a computer chip to be inserted with medical information to allow access to government health care once private insurance was eliminated.  The medical chip would include an ID number similar to the Social Security number but that would be required of everyone accessing medical treatment, that could than be expanded to include financial transactions in the same way that the Social Security number was. The original Social Security card said it was not to be used for anything but Social Security, but is now utilized by almost all major financial transactions. Once it is in place, they could simply remove your number and you would be unable to buy or sell anything. They could easily eliminate anyone they felt posed a threat or refused to cooperate with them. The federal reserve is already testing it and major banks are expected to join in soon.



The Deep State-A-M

06 Sep

President Obama directed the hiring of large numbers of new employees in the justice dept. who were loyal to him, just before leaving office knowing President Trump could not remove them because they were under civil service. By selecting them on the basis of party affiliation, he was in violation of civil service rules that require all hiring be done on merit rather than on party affiliation. Many of them were used to investigate President Trump and others in his cabinet throughout his presidency in spite of a lack of evidence of wrong-doing, for the purpose of finding something they could exploit for political gain and to turn his voter base against him preventing him from being reelected. When President Trump tried to remove the heads of several agencies who did not agree with his policies, the liberals yelled that he was doing it for political purposes. He was prevented from removing several of them who continued to act in direct defiance of his directives. It was obviously to discredit him and was done to deceive the voters into thinking he was doing something wrong, even though the President appoints them and would normally appoint people who will work with him, not against him. Congress enacts laws and the agencies are the ones that carry them out. The agency heads are the ones that direct the day to day operations of the agencies and design the rules and regulations that form the operating format for the laws enacted by Congress. Therefore, it is important for the President to appoint agency heads that will carry out the policies the people have elected him to carry out. When the people elect a President, they are saying that they agree with his policies and so the people who head the various agencies should agree with him or they will be carrying out policies that go against his policies and as a result, go against the will of the people. The people would not have voted out the previous President if they wanted his policies to continue. When the President is prevented from appointing the agency heads, it allows the deep-state in the agencies  to operate without any oversight by the people elected by the voters. Now President Biden is doubling the number of agents in the IRS. They will be under civil service and can’t be removed by the next President. This is very disturbing in view of the IRS actions in 2016 when the IRS investigated conservate organizations and threatened to remove tax exempt status from churches who questioned liberal policies. They also held up the tax exempt status of conservative organizations who applied.


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29 Aug

Under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Social Security Act (1935) was passed to help the elderly, the unemployed, and the disadvantaged. While that seems like a great achievement, the devil is in the details. While the main goals were to help those who are retired by having them pay into a separate fund, it also included a program for unemployment insurance which employers would contribute to, which were good programs. However, they also included health insurance for those in financial distress, assistance for widows with children, and assistance for those who were disabled. Overall, they were good programs in the beginning, however they were not funded by those who benefited and opened the doors to more entitlement programs. They soon began making changes that undermined them. Welfare was originally restricted to widows and only assisted children of needy families. It soon was extended to include women whose husband was no longer in the home. While that sounds good, it opened the door for husbands who were unwilling or unable to support their family to desert their wives so their wife could get help. That led to widespread desertion and divorce, destroying the family structure of many families paving the way for families to continue on welfare from one generation to the next. This hurt Black families the most because Black men were more likely to have low-paying jobs and their wives could make more on welfare. The percentage of Black families with two parents has dropped drastically, resulting in increased crime, alcoholism, drug use, illegitimate babies, and single parent families. That has trapped many families in welfare because they can not make enough in entry level jobs to equal what they make on welfare, so they don’t dare leave it. Democrats found they could get widespread support among Blacks and poor Whites, who were dependent on welfare, by expanding the welfare programs  and telling recipients that Republicans wanted to abolish the programs.



29 Aug

It is interesting to see that Joe Biden suddenly called for closing the borders after fighting it for four years when the election approached, and every poll said immigration would be a big issue. Yet, he continued to fight Texas who tried to secure their borders. Kamala Harris is now calling for closing the borders after being responsible for the border crisis for four years and not doing it. It is also strange that Democrats are silent about her new stand. They fought it for a long time too. At least some of them should be outraged that she would suddenly change her stance. I suspect that the silence is due to the fact the Harris has already assured them that it is just words to deceive unsuspecting voters and will not affect her attempts to keep the border open once she is elected.





29 Aug

There are calls for an Article V Convention– They want to amend the Constitution to limit federal power, balance the budget, secure the border, and impose term limits. Those are worthy goals but the Constitution already limits federal power and federal law already requires a balanced budget and secure borders. However, voters keep electing representatives that openly violate the Constitution and federal law. Term limits would help by ending career politicians who live off the federal payroll, however voters can easily impose term limits by refusing to re-elect someone who has served over two terms. Unless voters take responsibility for who they vote for, nothing will change. If voters continue to re-elect the present politicians who ignore the Constitution and federal laws, we will get to where they will so corrupt the voting process that the people cannot vote them out, if we haven’t reached that point yet. The law means nothing if the people allow politicians to ignore it.




22 Aug

It is interesting to watch liberals trip over their own words. The Democrats in their convention have been railing against Republicans who they say are depriving families of having kids by opposing artificial breeding of babies. Yet, they push the murder of over a million unborn babies a year. If they want every family that wants a baby to have one, all they have to do is cut back on aborting them. If abortion was abolished today, there would not be enough families to take all the children. Those who push abortion have created a monster by unleashing sexual freedom. Before, women were afraid to have sex outside marriage because they might get pregnant. Now, they say you can enjoy sex with anyone anytime and not have to worry about carrying a baby to term. If you don’t want the baby that results, you can abort it. Now we are reaping the fruit of that. Then they say if you do want a baby, we can manufacture one for you. It is strangely similar to Hitler’s plan for the master race. You abort all the babies that aren’t wanted because of their race or some disability, then you kill those who are born with disabilities, and finally, you selectively breed the strongest of the race to create a master race.




21 Aug

Democrats joined Republicans in criticizing Harris for not controlling the border and other tasks assigned to her as Vice-President. All of a sudden, when she became the nominee for President, she is portrayed as competent and confident. She didn’t change overnight, but Democrats realized if she was going to win the election, they would have to change her image.  Voters have to look at her record and realize she isn’t fit to be President. President Biden was not competent to be President and a lot of the work was probably carried out by Harris. President Biden referred to Harris several times as President Harris and to himself as Vice-President. She also referred to herself several times as President. Was it just a slip of the tongue or did they accidently forget and reveal who was really running the  country. She did a poor job then and won’t do any better once she is elected to the Oval Office. It is even worse the fact that she wasn’t selected by the Democrat voters but was appointed by the Democrat party leadership.


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21 Aug

Kamala Harris claims that she will institute price ceilings to stop the price gouging of big corporations. She refuses to admit that the price raises are the result of out of control government spending which has fueled inflation and increased regulations and taxes on corporations  which have driven up production costs forcing companies to recoup the increased costs from the consumer. Price ceilings have never worked. They limit how much a company can charge for its product but do not limit the costs of producing the product. When companies can no longer charge enough to pay for producing goods, they stop producing them. The result is that the product is no longer available and the workers who produced them are laid off. It sounds good to stick it to corporations but people forget that corporations have to make enough to pay their expenses in order to stay in business. When they can no longer meet expenses, they go out of business. President Trump recognized that. He cut government spending and the rate of inflation dropped. He also cut taxes and regulations and businesses expanded, the economy flourished, and unemployment dropped.  President Obama and President Biden expanded government spending and increased taxes and business regulations. As a result, inflation increased and businesses cut back production and laid off workers. President Biden even went beyond President Obama in wasteful government spending and in expanding welfare benefits which led many people to go on government benefits rather than go to work. The result is less job openings, but far fewer people looking for work so there are a lot of jobs available but people don’t want to work because they can make more in government benefits.



The Courts-B-AB

14 Aug

We are seeing an increasing number of courts that ignore the law and push their agenda. The Colorado courts are continuing to prosecute a man for refusing to bake a transgender transition cake even after the Supreme Court has twice overturned previous convictions. Now the man is facing prosecution in another attempt to force him to create cake depicting Satan. This has gone on for over a decade. In addition, we are seeing the courts continue to prosecute the man who revealed that Planned Parenthood was illegally selling body parts from aborted babies. Yet, no attempt has been made to prosecute Planned Parenthood for violating the law by selling the body parts. We are seeing similar cases in Texas where they are prosecuting a nurse in for revealing that the hospital billed Medicaid for child transgender hormones and a doctor was  previously prosecuted for revealing the program and was sentenced to prison for sharing patients records even though they were redacted to preserve patient privacy. Liberal judges seem to feel that it is a crime to reveal their crimes but that they are exempt from prosecution for their own crimes. Its time we got judges that prosecute criminals and not those who expose the criminals.



The Courts-B-AA

14 Aug

Recent decisions by the Supreme Court show the shift taking place between ruling on the case based on the Constitution which has been its tradition to ruling based on furthering their agenda. The Supreme Court did rule that religious organizations are exempt and are still free to decide for themselves whether to conduct same-sex marriages or not but government employees must do so. So once you are hired by the government, you no longer are allowed to object to things that violate your conscience. I am certain that now that a precedence has been set allowing the Supreme Court to set aside the Constitution when it gets in the way of their agenda, we will see attempts to get the Supreme Court to repeal that exemption, just as we have seen attempts by President Biden to take away the rights of people of faith to refuse to conduct abortions and to refuse to support Gay marriages. The liberal press has severely criticized the conservative judges for detailing what they believe is the end of democracy. The conservative justices know that when a majority of Supreme court judges can ignore the Constitution and ignore the will of the people, imposing their will on the country, there is nothing left between us and a socialist dictatorship. Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected, and serve for life. They can only be removed by impeachment to isolate them from political pressure but it can’t protect us from Supreme Court justices who put their own agenda before the will of the people. We are seeing similar trends in lower courts who choose to ignore Supreme Court rulings which they do not agree with. Courts are to uphold the law, not ignore them when they don’t like them. It is important for voters to carefully consider the judges they elect, whether they will continue to uphold the law or violate it and impose their own agenda. It is also important to consider the candidates for US President who appoint federal judges, whether they will appoint judges  who support the rule of law or who will impose their own agenda over the rule of law. A good indication is whether they themselves obey the law or ignore it. You cannot rely on what they say but must research what they have done in the past.