Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category


25 Jul

It is hard to understand why Democrat voters are not outraged at the way the Democratic leadership has run their primaries this year. All opponents were shut out of the Democratic primaries in a lot of the States so only Joe Biden’s name was on the ticket. As a result, voters did not get to express a preference for anyone else, in spite of the fact that numerous top Democrats said he was unfit to run. It seemed there was doubt in the beginning whether he should run, yet voters were not allowed to express their views.  Now suddenly, at the last moment, Biden removed himself from the running so the voters will not have an opportunity to express their preference for anyone else, and Biden’s replacement is being picked by party leaders with no input from voters. Was that the plan all along? It seems that the Democratic Party is not being very democratic. It remains to be seen if Democrat voters will rebel against their leadership in November.


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25 Jul

Hillary Clinton used her own private server as Secretary of State to avoid scrutiny, a clear violation of law. When exposed, she destroyed the computer, phones, and laptops to prevent them being used as evidence against her, but she has never been held accountable. The FBI began investigating Donald Trump knowing that the evidence they used to get permission to investigate him was fake, and it was leaked to the press to discredit Trump so  Hillary could win. Fortunately it failed and Donald Trump won. When it came out that the Clinton Foundation produced the fake evidence, they were not investigated, and the Democrat controlled House continued to investigate Trump to discredit him and prevent him from getting a second term.  They then impeached him in spite of evidence that he was innocent. On Jan 6, 2020, Trump ordered his followers to go home and urged Congress to call out the National Guard to help the capital police but Nancy Pelosi refused their help.  Yet they impeached Trump again for encouraging his followers to riot when clear video evidence proved otherwise. When a laptop was found with incriminating evidence against Hunter Biden, the FBI claimed it was fake news and a number of FBI staff attested to the lie. When it became clear that the story was true, no attempt was made to prosecute Hunter Biden. The FBI raided Trump’s Florida residence and seized sensitive government documents even though as President he was legally allowed to possess them and they were in a secure place. The Justice Dept then proceeded to publicly trumpet his supposed guilt. When it was found that President Biden had such documents from when he was a Senator and when he was Vice-president, which was illegal for him to possess and they were laying around his garage where anyone could access them, they felt it was not worth prosecuting him. I think we are seeing a clear pattern here where politicians and unelected government agencies are acting to interfere with the election process through a media campaign to discredit their opponents and protect their friends and that is eroding public confidence in our government. Those responsible need to be prosecuted but it is apparent that they won’t be by the current administration.


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18 Jul

The media has been saying that the Supreme Court decision exempting presidents from legal action concerning actions they take in their official duties will make Trump a dictator is a blatant lie. It has been generally understood for over two hundred years that the President was immune from prosecution by civil courts for carrying out his official duties, until Democrats began attacking Trump with frivolous lawsuits to turn voters against him in an outrageous attempt to influence the election. It would subject the president to tremendous pressure since he would be afraid to act on difficult decisions because he would be constantly afraid of getting sued after he leaves office.  The decision is to Biden’s benefit since his crimes are openly known (refusal to close the border as required by law, influence peddling while in office, supporting terrorists with taxpayer money, using the justice department to investigate and prosecute those who oppose him (particularly Christians who oppose abortion, and parents who object in school board meetings), promoting abortion in violation of federal law, forcing federal agencies to circumvent State laws, and forcing school boards and State agencies to violate their State laws).  Biden has followed President Obama’s lead and enacted executive orders without authority and in open violation of federal laws and the Constitution and threatened States with law suits if they didn’t comply, even though executive orders have no force of law and do not override State laws. He has distorted the truth and sought to scare uninformed voters and attacked the separation of powers which seems desperate and unethical. He has also sought to increase the Supreme Court to enable him to pack it with judges who will ignore the Constitution and make laws from the bench like Roe vs Wade which the framers feared most and why they made justices positions for life. If he hasn’t been able to get things by legal means, he has sought to do it by force.  Those sound more like something a dictator would do.  They attacked President Trump for canceling President Obama’s executive orders that violated the Constitution and federal law and claimed he had no authority to do so, yet feel President Obama had the authority to issue them.  Either the President has the authority or he doesn’t.  The Constitution says he does not. President Obama  violated the constitution by issuing them, so President Trump was well within his authority and had a responsibility to remove them and restore the rule of law. In addition, President Trump was within his authority to pressure State and federal agencies to obey the law and carry out their duties in accordance with law. The Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach a president if he neglects his duty or violates his oath of office, but to open him to lawsuits by any and every stray court would tie his hands and make it impossible to function. That is why it is so important to elect representatives  to Congress who will carry out the law and the will of the people. They are responsible for seeing that the President carries out his duties faithfully and they have been negligent in doing so.



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Social Strife-2-AC

18 Jul

It was a surprise that we were not inundated by rhetoric calling for banning guns after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life, though the media has often been silent after other attempts on the life of prominent conservatives so it doesn’t bring attention to it, so it is not too surprising. President Biden called for us to tone down the rhetoric and draw together as a nation. That is surprising for him though it may relate to the fact that it is approaching election time and he is suffering from miserable polls. Most of the hate speech has come from Democrats who have demonized their opponents  and called on their supporters to drive people out of restaurants and other public places for wearing MAGA hats and T-shirts. They refuse to debate issues and attack their opponents character and families to divert attention away from the issues. Though some Republicans have also, it has predominantly been prominent Democrats like President Biden and Nancy Pelosi. In addition, Democrats have continued to claim that Republicans are responsible for the violence and continually bring up January 6th, although the January 6th “riot’ was not really very violent. There were no guns used or rocks and bottles thrown. The people merely pushed their way into the capital building and the only person shot was a woman who was trying to stop the rioters and she was shot by a security guard. They completely ignore the left-wing gangs like Black Lives Matter and others who have terrorized cities attacking police and prominent Democrats who have called for defunding the police. The violence went on for several years and involved millions of dollars in destruction and numerous police and innocent bystanders being killed or injured. Their idea of violence is standing outside an abortion clinic praying or standing up in a school board meeting and questioning why the school allows boys to share the girls restrooms and showers with the girls. Apparently they don’t feel that the continual burning and vandalizing of churches and pro-life women’s clinics  falls under the category of violence, because they would rather hunt down and prosecute people praying in front of abortion clinics and parents objecting at school board meetings then investigate the continual vandalism and destruction of churches and pro-life centers. It is important that we elect candidates that respect life and the rule of law.



Senior Citizen Issues-D

18 Jul

Democrats say they want to help preserve the Social Security fund for Seniors but they seem to have other priorities. They have added a lot of illegal immigrants to Social Security even though they haven’t paid into it. That further endangers the fund. While they continue to cry that Social Security is running out of money and they may have to cut benefits, they continue to extend benefits for those who are receiving welfare, and have even extended welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. Seniors have paid into Social Security their whole life and should be able to expect to receive some benefit from their sacrifice. Many Seniors, especially low income Seniors could have used those funds when they were younger but allowed the government to take them with a promise that they would be available to help them in their old age. Those receiving welfare did not pay into a fund and have no right to expect help. The government helps them in the hope of helping them get back on their feet and return to productive work, however welfare rules discouraged them from working and we saw generational welfare families where they stayed on welfare indefinitely and the children followed their parents in welfare, until politicians got wise and finally put limits on welfare to prevent it. The taxes they paid when they were working, if they did, went into the general fund and their benefits are taken out of the general fund. Seniors also paid taxes which went into the general fund and were taken out for welfare. They have as much right to help from the general fund as welfare recipients, but no one is talking about protecting Social Security by replacing funds taken from the Social Security fund.



05 Jul

Hillary Clinton used her own private server as Secretary of State to avoid scrutiny, a clear violation of law. When exposed, she destroyed the computer, phones, and laptops to prevent them being used as evidence against her, but she has never been held accountable. The FBI began investigating Donald Trump knowing that the evidence they used to get permission to investigate him was fake, and it was leaked to the press to discredit Trump so  Hillary could win. Fortunately it failed and Donald Trump won. When it came out that the Clinton Foundation produced the fake evidence, they were not investigated, and the Democrat controlled House continued to investigate Trump to discredit him and prevent him from getting a second term.  They then impeached him in spite of evidence that he was innocent. On Jan 6, 2020, Trump ordered his followers to go home and urged Congress to call out the National Guard to help the capital police but Nancy Pelosi refused their help.  Yet they impeached Trump again for encouraging his followers to riot when clear video evidence proved otherwise. When a laptop was found with incriminating evidence against Hunter Biden, the FBI claimed it was fake news and a number of FBI staff attested to the lie. When it became clear that the story was true, no attempt was made to prosecute Hunter Biden. The FBI raided Trump’s Florida residence and seized sensitive government documents even though as President he was legally allowed to possess them and they were in a secure place. The Justice Dept then proceeded to publicly trumpet his supposed guilt. When it was found that President Biden had such documents from when he was a Senator and when he was Vice-president, which was illegal for him to possess and they were laying around his garage where anyone could access them, they felt it was not worth prosecuting him. I think we are seeing a clear pattern here where politicians and unelected government agencies are acting to interfere with the election process through a media campaign to discredit their opponents and protect their friends and that is eroding public confidence in our government. Those responsible need to be prosecuted but it is apparent that they won’t be by the current administration.


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05 Jul

Planned Parenthood is planning on spending $40 million on Joe Biden and Democrats who in turn push additional tax funding for Planned Parenthood. Democrats recently demanded a conservative Supreme Court justice recluse himself from a case on abortion because his wife spoke out against abortion (even though the judge himself has not spoken out about the issue) but they don’t recluse themselves from votes on new funding for abortion when they support Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars and Planned Parenthood supports their election campaigns. That is a clear conflict of interest. If Planned Parenthood has that much money to support election campaigns, it doesn’t need additional taxpayer dollars. It is time to stop the flow of taxpayer dollars to support abortion. We need to elect representatives that are not being supported by Planned Parenthood.


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Sanctity of Life-3-C

27 Jun

While Roe vs Wade said the courts could not protect the baby, it said nothing about the mother. Now that Roe vs Wase is abolished, liberal politicians are fighting any attempt to protect the life of both the mother, and the child, even though they are both living beings and subject to the court’s protection. Now abortionists are pushing to allow babies born alive to be killed if they aren’t wanted. Where previously, abortionists claimed a baby wasn’t a person until it took its first breath, even though it had a heartbeat and brain activity, now they are violating their own rule and saying the baby isn’t safe, even after it is born. Apparently nothing will satisfy their thirst for blood until, like Hitler, they eliminate every unwanted person from the face of the earth. This is just in the United States. In Europe, they openly push for killing the sick, the crippled, the elderly, the mentally ill, and even unwanted children. They are also pushing for helping those who don’t want to live, to kill themselves, even though they may be healthy. This is where the United States is headed if we don’t vote out those who are pushing this agenda.



Sanctity of Life-3-B

27 Jun

Almost all Democratic legislators these days vote for abortion bills, including those who claim to oppose abortion, which shows they care more about the money that abortion providers provide for their reelection campaigns than they do about the women and girls they represent, but unfortunately, not all Republicans vote against abortion.  It is important to look at they way they vote and not just accept campaign rhetoric. The Liberals say that they care about these women and those who oppose abortion don’t care about them. Do they show they care for women when they vote to pay abortion providers who pressure women and girls to get abortions against their will? Is it concern for women that leads them to oppose any attempt to allow women to get the facts before they decide? Is it concern for young girls that leads them to oppose attempts to require that an underage girl’s parents to be notified that she is considering an abortion? Is it concern for young girls that leads them to abort babies of underage girls and not report it to police knowing they are required by law to do so and that by failing to report it, they are allowing the girl’s rapist or incestuous relative to go free. Do they really care?


Sanctity of Life-3-A

27 Jun

President Biden has tacked on money for Planned Parenthood to every major bill considered whether it relates to health care or not. However Planned Parenthood has dropped just about every form of health care for women beyond abortion and providing contraceptives and abortion is the major portion of it. The fact that abortion is not health care and they are not giving the funds to crisis pregnancy centers who provide the majority of women’s health care indicates they aren’t really concerned about health care for women, they are interested in funneling tax dollars to their friends. Planned Parenthood plans to spend $40 million dollars this year to support the election campaigns of President Biden and other Democrats who will in turn vote for additional funds for Planned Parenthood. That is a clear conflict of interest and using tax dollars to support a political campaign. While Democrats recently called for a conservative Supreme Court justice to recluse himself from a case involving abortion, because his wife spoke out against abortion (even though he has not personally taken a stand on it), we don’t see any Democrats removing themselves from voting on bills that support abortion in spite of the amount of money they receive from Planned Parenthood. If Planned Parenthood has that much money to support election campaigns, it doesn’t need additional taxpayer dollars.