Archive for the ‘Priorities’ Category

Sanctity of Life-3-C

27 Jun

While Roe vs Wade said the courts could not protect the baby, it said nothing about the mother. Now that Roe vs Wase is abolished, liberal politicians are fighting any attempt to protect the life of both the mother, and the child, even though they are both living beings and subject to the court’s protection. Now abortionists are pushing to allow babies born alive to be killed if they aren’t wanted. Where previously, abortionists claimed a baby wasn’t a person until it took its first breath, even though it had a heartbeat and brain activity, now they are violating their own rule and saying the baby isn’t safe, even after it is born. Apparently nothing will satisfy their thirst for blood until, like Hitler, they eliminate every unwanted person from the face of the earth. This is just in the United States. In Europe, they openly push for killing the sick, the crippled, the elderly, the mentally ill, and even unwanted children. They are also pushing for helping those who don’t want to live, to kill themselves, even though they may be healthy. This is where the United States is headed if we don’t vote out those who are pushing this agenda.



Sanctity of Life-3-B

27 Jun

Almost all Democratic legislators these days vote for abortion bills, including those who claim to oppose abortion, which shows they care more about the money that abortion providers provide for their reelection campaigns than they do about the women and girls they represent, but unfortunately, not all Republicans vote against abortion.  It is important to look at they way they vote and not just accept campaign rhetoric. The Liberals say that they care about these women and those who oppose abortion don’t care about them. Do they show they care for women when they vote to pay abortion providers who pressure women and girls to get abortions against their will? Is it concern for women that leads them to oppose any attempt to allow women to get the facts before they decide? Is it concern for young girls that leads them to oppose attempts to require that an underage girl’s parents to be notified that she is considering an abortion? Is it concern for young girls that leads them to abort babies of underage girls and not report it to police knowing they are required by law to do so and that by failing to report it, they are allowing the girl’s rapist or incestuous relative to go free. Do they really care?


Sanctity of Life-3-A

27 Jun

President Biden has tacked on money for Planned Parenthood to every major bill considered whether it relates to health care or not. However Planned Parenthood has dropped just about every form of health care for women beyond abortion and providing contraceptives and abortion is the major portion of it. The fact that abortion is not health care and they are not giving the funds to crisis pregnancy centers who provide the majority of women’s health care indicates they aren’t really concerned about health care for women, they are interested in funneling tax dollars to their friends. Planned Parenthood plans to spend $40 million dollars this year to support the election campaigns of President Biden and other Democrats who will in turn vote for additional funds for Planned Parenthood. That is a clear conflict of interest and using tax dollars to support a political campaign. While Democrats recently called for a conservative Supreme Court justice to recluse himself from a case involving abortion, because his wife spoke out against abortion (even though he has not personally taken a stand on it), we don’t see any Democrats removing themselves from voting on bills that support abortion in spite of the amount of money they receive from Planned Parenthood. If Planned Parenthood has that much money to support election campaigns, it doesn’t need additional taxpayer dollars.




26 Mar

Informed voting    Those who put God first in their life generally support the value of life, marriage, free enterprise, and other God-ordained values. They are generally open to the opinions of their constituents. Those who do not put God first, generally value those things that will benefit them, like money and power. Liberal politics makes for strange bedfellows. You have politicians who support Abortion, Gay privileges, socialism, and a host of other liberal causes because those causes contribute to their campaign chest, even though their constituents may oppose those issues. It doesn’t matter that they are supposed to be serving those that vote for them, they just lie about what they support and many voters do not bother to check their record. That is becoming commonplace. As a result, we see liberal politicians voting for causes that the vast number of voters oppose. They often attack their opponent to distract voters from the issues or make  false accusations that cannot be decided in court until after the election to turn voters against their opponent. Their opponent has no chance to prove their innocence because it is decided in the court of public opinion and liberal media censor any attempt of their opponent to defend themselves. That is why it is so important in voting to check the record of those on the ballot and not be swayed by what they say or by accusations they make against their opponents which are broadcast by the liberal media. There are organizations like Right to Life and Planned Parenthood who publish the voting records of the candidates. Though they are on opposite sides of the issue, their information can help you decide who to vote for. There are also other organizations that publish the stand of the candidates on other issues. While it takes some time to research them, it is well worth it in getting candidates that will care out the wishes of the majority rather then just those that contribute to their campaign.





26 Mar

Reports indicate that an increasing  number of people are driving without insurance. Michigan is one of the leaders with over one out of every four drivers driving without insurance. There may be a number of reasons for that, however I think Michigan has no-fault insurance which may be a big contributor. No-fault insurance is designed to solve the problem of increasing insurance costs by eliminating costly battles over responsibility for accidents by having each insurance company cover losses for their customer. The problem is that many are driving cars that are not worth covering. If it is destroyed, it is no great loss so they normally get coverage to cover any damage they may do to others and leave their car uninsured to save money. With no-fault insurance, they aren’t responsible for damage done to others so they simply don’t get insurance.  That works as long as they stay in their home State. If someone from Michigan comes into Ohio and causes an accident, they have no insurance to cover the damages they cause.  In addition, if someone from Ohio goes to Michigan and gets hit by an uninsured driver, there is no insurance company to collect from. The person they hit cannot collect for damages without going to court and filing a civil suit against the driver at fault. If the driver at fault has no assets to seize, the injured driver has no way to collect compensation for damages. Some insurance companies allow you to take out insurance to cover you in case you are hit by an uninsured driver, but you must bear that cost yourself.  While no-fault insurance is designed to cut out large insurance settlements, which helps insurance companies avoid large payouts, it hurts the drivers who have to bear the cost when hit by someone who isn’t insured. It is one of those liberal solutions which puts a simple solution to a problem of increasing insurance costs, while ignoring the other problems it causes. It doesn’t solve the problem, it just shifts the cost to innocent people. It is time that such States either reinstate regular insurance or check to make sure drivers have insurance and enact large jail sentences for those caught driving without insurance to deter drivers from driving without insurance. Here in Ohio you have to declare that you have insurance before being allowed to get a driver’s license or license plates. While people can lie or drop their insurance once they get them, it prevents a lot of people from driving without insurance. If your State doesn’t require that, you should contact your legislators and demand they make it the law.




21 Feb

Democrats are making a big deal out of the fact that Republican States are turning down funds for summer school feeding programs to help poor kids during the summer when they can’t get school lunches and crowing about how Republicans don’t care about the poor kids who will go hungry. However, they are not saying why the Republican States are turning down the funds. President Biden added an executive order to the school lunch program which requires those who get the summer feeding program to recognize transgender students and allow them to use the bathroom of their choice. It is a matter of accepting the funds and being forced to endanger girls and women by allowing men disguised as women to use women’s restrooms, showers, and sleeping quarters or turning down the funds in order to protect them. Republicans care more about protecting women from embarrassment and even rape then the summer school program, while Democrats are more concerned about pushing their agenda regardless of the danger to women. They would rather have the kids go hungry then back down on promoting their pro-transgender policies. Many churches and civic organizations are stepping up to provide meals and food to low-income families in the States that refuse the funds at far less cost than the government funded programs and do not have to accept the government mandates that go with the funds.



21 Feb

It is clear where President Biden’s priorities are. He issued a ban on new oil drilling to satisfy the environmentalists causing gas prices to double. However, with his ratings falling because of inflation fueled by rising fuel prices and his out of control spending, he apparently had second thoughts about restricting our oil production. He apparently hoped to cut his party’s losses in the off-year elections, and bowed to public pressure to cut gas restrictions to allow a drop in gas prices. He agreed to open new gas drilling and gas prices started to fall slightly. However, due to pressure from environmentalists, who contribute to his party’s campaign funds, he has now restored the ban on new drilling and prices have begun rising again. Apparently he is more concerned about the source of his campaign funds than about the voters that elected him and who might not vote for his party in the upcoming election.


Sixth Sunday of Kingdomtide-Oct 9

06 Oct

Value of Children –In early history, children were prized because they were necessary for the preservation of the family or group. In fact, women (who produced children) and children were so prized that they were often kidnapped or taken as captives of war from neighboring groups. Over the years, they were often valued to help out on the farm and farm families had a lot of children. As cities have grown, the value of children has declined. At various times in history, they have lost their value and various means of aborting unwanted children or killing them after birth, were developed. However, at no time in history has it taken on the proportions it has today. Environmental activists seek to restrict the birthrate to preserve nature and groups like Planned Parenthood seek to restrict the birth of populations they don’t like, such as Blacks and Hispanics, and the poor. They look at whether they can contribute what they cost to maintain or will they restrict our opportunities?  We have no way of estimating what the future economic contribution of a child will be. Many non-White and poor White orphans have gone on to make great contributions, when given the opportunity and the education. Christians recognize that each person is created by God for a purpose and to take that life is to destroy God’s creation. Many individuals contribute a great deal that cannot be measured in dollars and cents and God created them regardless of their skin color and nationality.


Sanctity of Life-C-8

09 Apr

Planned Parenthood continues to say that they care about the poor girl who is pregnant and doesn’t want the baby. That doesn’t wash. They fight attempts to enact laws to protect the women and refuse to comply with laws already in place, placing the women’s lives in danger. I worked in an inner city neighborhood center in the late 1960’s. They had a planned Parenthood clinic there to help poor mothers avoid pregnancy by dispensing contraceptives. Many of the centers are in Black neighborhoods because Margaret Sanger, who founded it, sought to limit the spread of the Black race. They sought and received increasing government funds to support their clinics. At that time, they strongly opposed abortion, which was illegal and performed in back alleys by unqualified people. However, they openly acknowledged that contraceptives had a high failure rate. Once abortion was legalized, they openly embraced it as a solution when contraceptives fail. They increasingly sought and received government funds to pay for the abortions. They make millions selling baby body parts for research even though it is illegal, and fight attempts to stop the practice. In addition, they openly solicit business by establishing school-based clinics, supported by government funds, to teach kids to have sex and pass out contraceptives so the kids don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. They tell the kids that if the contraceptives fail, they will help them abort the baby. Now that gays are promoting sex change drugs, they have begun openly dispensing them through their school base clinics and openly solicit government funds to pay for them. They seem more interested in making money than the problems they cause,



17 Mar

Liberals in Congress are very open about their priorities. They are strongly opposed to any limitations that would discourage people from voting. They oppose any laws that would require voters to produce an ID because that would prevent some people from voting. They want everyone possible to be able to vote whether they are eligible to vote or not. Yet, they have no qualms about requiring an ID if you pay taxes. If you file your tax return online, you must Scan your ID, your Social Security number, and a host of other documentation, plus a live selfie with your phone or webcam. If you can’t produce that, you must submit to a live video chat that would be recorded. There is no other entity out there that requires that kind of verification for online transactions. Apparently, they are not worried about those restrictions preventing someone from paying their taxes. They must feel people are so eager to pay taxes that they will overcome any restrictions for the privilege of paying their taxes. I wish we could get people to be that eager to vote.