Archive for the ‘Social Strife’ Category

Violence-Social Strife-D-R

08 Sep

We see an abuse of power when they arrest peaceful protestors who are praying in public. The people were sentenced to eleven years in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic. The punishment certainly did not fit the crime, which is only a crime because they say it is. The FACE Act they were  convicted under is an abuse of power and is not applied evenly. They arrest people peacefully praying but have yet to arrest those responsible for the almost weekly vandalism and burning of churches and pregnancy centers that oppose abortion. If it is illegal to pray in front of an abortion clinic, it should be just as illegal to vandalize or burn down a pro-life clinic providing healthcare to women. To understand how unfair it is, two men broke into my parents home and beat them unconscious, leaving them for dead while robbing the house. They were convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to eight and ten years respectively. Apparently the liberals feel that those who pray pose more of a threat to them then those who attempt to kill someone. It is important to elect local judges that will apply the law fairly and elect federal officials that will appoint judges who will apply laws fairly.


Violence-Social Strife-D-Q

08 Sep

Democrats say they want to reform the judicial system and have restructured the judicial system from one based on the rule of law to the use of the legal system to harass their opponents and ignore the crimes committed by their own members based on the old belief that might makes right. Something is wrong because they say it is or is legal because they say it is, regardless of the law. They feel that he who makes the law can change it or ignore it when he has the power to do so. Maxine Waters was quick to condemn President Trump for inciting the people to riot on Jan 6, when he called on the people to be peaceful and go home. When it came out that the riot had been planned weeks before and the FBI had notified members of Congress and the Capital police, she never apologized and neither did the media. Democrats continued on and voted to impeach President Trump, even though there was no evidence that he was guilty, yet she feels she can openly call for rioting on public media and not face prosecution. Justice demands prosecution of the guilty, not the innocent. It is time we restore justice to this country. Our country was  founded on the belief that no one is above the law. It stems from the Christian view that God made the law and only He can change it. Even King David found he was not above the law when Nathan confronted him. Our Constitution clearly states that God has established certain rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and the government has no authority to take them away. (see Christian Values-The Rule of Law) Course URL-



Violence-Social Strife-D-P

08 Sep

Democrats called for defunding the police. In response, the media has continued to demonize the police while ignoring the facts. That causes citizens to lose faith in the police. They played up the killing of the girl in Columbus by a police officer as just another case of police brutality, but the videos of the scene taken by a nearby security camera clearly show she was attacking another girl with a knife and he had to shoot the girl to prevent her from killing the other girl. The officer could have played it safe and tried to tackle her, then arrested her, but he could not have reached her before she stabbed the other girl. By playing it safe, it would have cost an innocent girl her life. He chose to shoot because he had sworn to protect life. By doing so, he risked his job and faced prison time if rioters forced another trial like they had in Minnesota. Not only does that lead citizens to not cooperate with police making it more difficult to apprehend and prosecute criminals, it also leads police to not intervene where they may be putting their job on the line. The result is increased crime.



Violence and Social Strife-D-N

30 Aug

Democrats say they want to reduce racial discrimination by police. The media continues to play up the death of the Black man being arrested by police in Minnesota. They make him out to be an innocent bystander attacked by police, but the fact is, he had a long violent criminal record and was high on drugs at the time. We don’t know what resistance he put up before finally being subdued. The one video recording it conveniently left that out. Reports are that he didn’t die on the street but died later in the ambulance after he slipped out of his handcuffs and died of a drug-induced heart attack while making a violent attempt to escape. It is hard to make any judgement without all the facts. Our media today seems to portray what they want you to believe and leaves out a lot of facts needed to make an intelligent decision. That contrasted with a more recent incident in St Louis where a Black security officer was gunned down when he responded to an alarm at a pawn shop. He interrupted a group of looters who were in the process of looting the pawn shop and they shot him. Although he was Black and just doing his job, he lost his life, yet it was never mentioned on the media. Apparently Black lives only matter to them if they can use it to stir up social strife.



Violence and Social Strife-E-J

10 May

While Democrat politicians continually call for social justice, they often don’t see the causes and effects. They demonized police by illustrating every Black person killed by a White police officer claiming racism and called for defunding the police. They ignore the fact that most were hardened criminals, often armed and dangerous, and in the process of committing a crime. While accidents do happen because officers have to make split second decisions with nothing but appearances to decide whether the criminal has a gun and intends to use it, they often are dealing with people who have weapons and a history of killing. Blaming the high rate of arrests of Blacks on racism ignores the fact that the majority of crime is committed by Blacks and more Blacks kill Blacks then Whites kill Blacks. Their rhetoric resulted in increased fear of and anger against police by Blacks. The result was extensive violence that destroyed more Black businesses and residences then White ones. It also created greater fear of Blacks by Whites. Relations between Blacks and Whites had been steadily improving, but have seriously deteriorated since President Obama took office. It also ignores the fact that we would have chaos without police. Every city defunding the police has seen crime skyrocket. They also call for reparations for Blacks who had ancestors who were slaves. It ignores the fact that Democrats protected slavery before the Civil War and suppressed Blacks after the Civil War. They also fought civil rights for Blacks in the 1960’s. They ignore the fact that it was mostly White people who fought for freeing the slaves before and during the Civil War and many White people aided Blacks in pressuring the government to pass Civil Rights laws in the 1960’s. Those who would pay the reparations had nothing to do with slavery and may even have fought against it while those who would receive it did not suffer from slavery and are hurt more by broken families caused by poorly designed welfare programs instituted by Democrats then by racism. If welfare was designed to help husbands get employment instead of driving them out of the house, Black people would not face the problems they face today.



Violence and Social Strife-6-D

03 Sep

While liberals continue to claim conservatives are trying to overthrow the government, they are the ones who continue to exhibit violence against those trying to preserve American values.  While the media splashes school violence all over the media, they are only isolated incidences, yet there is a systematic and deliberate attempt to threaten and intimidate conservatives which is not even mentioned by the media. There have been daily vandalisms and fire bombings of churches  and pro-life centers. Some involved shootings where several people were injured or killed. If those had been conservatives picketing in front of abortion centers, or even schools, it would be all over the media. In addition, conservative Supreme Court justices have been threatened and their families have been threatened for voting to overturn Roe vs Wade. The only mention of it is accusations that conservative groups are behind it. Why would conservative groups want to threaten justices that support the overturning of Roe vs Wade?  That doesn’t make sense to any thinking person. Of course, they don’t believe that people should think for themselves. They feel that most people are incapable of deciding what is best for themselves, so they feel they should make the decisions for you for your own good. That is why President Biden makes executive orders to support things opposed by most Americans, when he feels Congress can’t get things passed soon enough, just as President Obama did. That is also why liberals pass all kinds of laws that the majority of Americans oppose. If you oppose them, they feel justified in threatening and intimidating you into submitting, whether by using the courts and Congressional committees to harass you with frivolous lawsuits or terrorizing you through vandalism and violent attacks. It is time to elect people who will listen to the American people and govern accordingly and will appoint judges that will rule justly to punish the guilty and not the innocent.


Violence and Social strife-2-U

10 Aug

Businesses in Portland, Oregon continue to close or move out of the city due to the ongoing violence in the city since George Floyd was killed. Liberal politicians continue to sit on their hands and refuse to curb the violence. As long as criminals are allowed to walk freely without being held accountable, they will continue to see violence and the people and businesses will continue to move out of the city. Laws are established to keep order and prevent crime. It depends on catching and prosecuting criminals. Criminals will think twice before committing crimes if they know they will be caught and prosecuted. When no attempt is made to catch them or if they are not prosecuted once they are caught, they will be free to commit more crimes and will do so since they don’t have to worry about being punished for their crimes. In addition, children have to be taught to obey authority for if they do not learn it as children, it will be harder for them to learn when they are older. The liberal thought today that you should not punish a child when they disobey leads them to continue to disobey laws and those in authority when they are older. If they are allowed to get away with committing crimes and violence against others when they are young, they will continue it once they are grown. While liberals continue to blame guns for the violence, it isn’t the guns that are throwing bricks and stones, and they aren’t the ones breaking into stores and stealing the inventory. While they cry about all the violence, they have no one to blame but themselves. They are like spoiled children, they do what they want and then cry and lash out at others when they can’t get their way. When confronted, they refuse to accept responsibility and blame other people for their actions. It is time to hold them accountable for their actions.  For more on law and order and violence see my course on the Value of the Rule of Law on Udemy at

promo on You Tube at


Video-study course-Value of the Rule of Law-promo

01 Aug

I have a course on Christian Values on the Value of the Rule of Law, which is posted on Udemy.

It is available by posting the following link in your browser.


Violence and Social strife-2-T

16 May

Liberal philosophy says there is no relationship between what you believe and your actions. As a result, they are totally confused by the sudden rash of hate crimes and mass shootings that have broken out recently. Again as usual they condemn the hate crimes and mass shootings and call for stricter gun control. They see no connection between their rioting to intimidate the Supreme Court justices and the renewed violence. What do calling for the right to kill an unborn baby that is inconvenient and will threaten your happiness have to do with a gunman who tries to kill people who he feels are a threat to his happiness? What does burning down a church because its members disagree with you (the church opposes abortion which liberals support) have to do with someone attacking someone else because they disagree with them?  What does calling for Blacks to attack Whites have to do with Whites responding by attacking Blacks? Once you open the door to violence and claim the right to attack others, other people are going to claim that right also. The only difference is who you claim that you have the right to attack. The violence wasn’t caused by a sudden flood of guns on the street, it was caused by the actions of those who feel they have the right to threaten and intimidate those who they disagree with and those who feel they have a right to eliminate people who they see as an inconvenience or a threat. The current leadership is leading the country in the wrong direction, and it is time to vote in new leadership that will restore the values that made America great.


Violence & Social Strife-2-S

12 May

The left has become very bold and no longer hides their intensions. When it became known that the Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe vs Wade, liberal protestors openly threatened the Supreme Court justices to get them to change their opinion. We are a nation of law and should not tolerate a minority trying to overturn Supreme Court decisions by threats and intimidation, yet President Biden has not condemned the rioters and Nancy Pelosi has openly encouraged them. They continue to hunt down and prosecute those present at the January 6 riot, whether they were actively involved or not, and President Biden has ordered the FBI to investigate parents who object to the policies of their schools as terrorists, while not arresting the protesters or investigating the organizations like Antifa who are behind the rioting in major American cities. President Obama used the FBI and the Dept of Justice to spy on Donald Trump using a document that they knew was fake to justify it, so they could prevent him from winning the election. When it failed, they created other fake charges to impeach him even though they never uncovered any evidence of wrongdoing. If we don’t elect representatives that respect law and order in the next election, there may not be any law and order by the following election.