Archive for the ‘Sanctity of life’ Category

Sanctity of Life-A-3-G

21 Sep

Rapists hope the woman will abort the baby if they become pregnant so that it will destroy the evidence and protect them from prosecution. However, when the woman decides to keep the baby, they sometimes file for child custody to harass the woman and gain custody so they won’t have to pay child support. Rapists also use custody laws to get at children and molest them. They may also use the laws to threaten the mother and force her to continue submitting to the rapist. Right to Life groups seek to help rape victims choose life for the baby and protect the mother and the child. They have been pushing a Federal law, “The Rape Survivors Child Custody Act” to protect women who are victims of rape and choose to keep their child. We must also encourage States to pass laws terminating the custody rights of rapists. Recently, a 10 year old girl was raped and became pregnant. Children’s Services seized the girl and took her to an abortion clinic and got her an abortion against her parent’s wishes. While the rapist stole her innocence, Children’s Service took her child. Adults can say it is different because the baby was conceived during rape, but a 10 year old girl does not make that distinction. To her, it was her child regardless of how it was conceived. She was victimized as much, if not more, by Children’s Services than she was by the rapist. In addition, by aborting the baby, the rapist probably went free because the abortionist destroyed the evidence.


Sanctity of LIfe-A-2-L

21 Sep

Kamala Harris has been crying about a woman who died because she couldn’t get medical care due to the repeal of Roe vs Wade, however it is a lie. The woman had a chemical abortion. The baby was not completely expelled leading to an infection which spread killing the mother. By the time she was taken to the hospital, it had spread to where medical care was no longer able to save her. Medical personnel did all they could but it was too late to save her. The Federal Drug Administration approved the drugs for home use without medical supervision. The pills are given to the woman by the doctor or clinic. The woman takes them home and takes the pills. The baby is then expelled.  As a result, the woman is often alone or with friends or family who are not trained to spot complications. If medical personnel had been supervising it or if she had been in a hospital where she could have been monitored, it probably would have been caught immediately and treated but the abortion is directly responsible and the FDA is equally guilty for approving it for home use without medical supervision. She would probably be alive today if she had not had the abortion or if she had medical supervision. If she would have carried it to term, she probably would have been supervised by a doctor or midwife during delivery where any complications could have been handled immediately. Women die regularly from botched abortions but the abortion industry hides the facts so they will not lose business. They claim abortions are to protect the life of the mother but such instances are very rare. The abortion puts the mother at added risk because it is not natural and puts added stress on the mother. The abortion industry not only has no value for life, either that of the mother or the child, it also has no value for truth. Abortion is not the safe procedure they say it is. Many are rushed and careless resulting in injury and even death to the mother.



Sanctity of LIfe-A-2-K

21 Sep

Planned Parenthood is pushing for unlimited abortion under the pretense of protecting the mother. They recently pushed through an amendment to the Ohio State Constitution under the pretense of protecting mothers when their life was threatened but included a phrase that would allow an abortion if the doctors felt the women’s mental health was in danger. It gives the doctor the authority to perform abortions up to the time of birth for any reason , since every unwanted pregnancy is stressful to the mother. It also opens the door to the doctor doing it even when the mother objects because it says the doctor may perform it if he feels it is necessary but does not require the mother’s consent. That allows them to abort a baby when a rapist or a  relative engaging in incest brings in a pregnant woman and seeks an abortion even when the woman doesn’t want it. It also allows parents, husbands or boyfriends to force the woman to have the abortion against her will. It also included a provision that prevents interference when the woman or young girl wants an abortion. That prevents parents of a minor child from preventing her from getting an abortion, and allows a girl as young as 10 or 11 to get an abortion without her parents knowledge or consent. They claim they care about the poor girl but they just want the money. They are also pushing the same scam in other States to overturn pro-life laws.




22 Aug

It is interesting to watch liberals trip over their own words. The Democrats in their convention have been railing against Republicans who they say are depriving families of having kids by opposing artificial breeding of babies. Yet, they push the murder of over a million unborn babies a year. If they want every family that wants a baby to have one, all they have to do is cut back on aborting them. If abortion was abolished today, there would not be enough families to take all the children. Those who push abortion have created a monster by unleashing sexual freedom. Before, women were afraid to have sex outside marriage because they might get pregnant. Now, they say you can enjoy sex with anyone anytime and not have to worry about carrying a baby to term. If you don’t want the baby that results, you can abort it. Now we are reaping the fruit of that. Then they say if you do want a baby, we can manufacture one for you. It is strangely similar to Hitler’s plan for the master race. You abort all the babies that aren’t wanted because of their race or some disability, then you kill those who are born with disabilities, and finally, you selectively breed the strongest of the race to create a master race.



Sanctity of Life-3-C

27 Jun

While Roe vs Wade said the courts could not protect the baby, it said nothing about the mother. Now that Roe vs Wase is abolished, liberal politicians are fighting any attempt to protect the life of both the mother, and the child, even though they are both living beings and subject to the court’s protection. Now abortionists are pushing to allow babies born alive to be killed if they aren’t wanted. Where previously, abortionists claimed a baby wasn’t a person until it took its first breath, even though it had a heartbeat and brain activity, now they are violating their own rule and saying the baby isn’t safe, even after it is born. Apparently nothing will satisfy their thirst for blood until, like Hitler, they eliminate every unwanted person from the face of the earth. This is just in the United States. In Europe, they openly push for killing the sick, the crippled, the elderly, the mentally ill, and even unwanted children. They are also pushing for helping those who don’t want to live, to kill themselves, even though they may be healthy. This is where the United States is headed if we don’t vote out those who are pushing this agenda.



Sanctity of Life-3-B

27 Jun

Almost all Democratic legislators these days vote for abortion bills, including those who claim to oppose abortion, which shows they care more about the money that abortion providers provide for their reelection campaigns than they do about the women and girls they represent, but unfortunately, not all Republicans vote against abortion.  It is important to look at they way they vote and not just accept campaign rhetoric. The Liberals say that they care about these women and those who oppose abortion don’t care about them. Do they show they care for women when they vote to pay abortion providers who pressure women and girls to get abortions against their will? Is it concern for women that leads them to oppose any attempt to allow women to get the facts before they decide? Is it concern for young girls that leads them to oppose attempts to require that an underage girl’s parents to be notified that she is considering an abortion? Is it concern for young girls that leads them to abort babies of underage girls and not report it to police knowing they are required by law to do so and that by failing to report it, they are allowing the girl’s rapist or incestuous relative to go free. Do they really care?


Sanctity of Life-3-A

27 Jun

President Biden has tacked on money for Planned Parenthood to every major bill considered whether it relates to health care or not. However Planned Parenthood has dropped just about every form of health care for women beyond abortion and providing contraceptives and abortion is the major portion of it. The fact that abortion is not health care and they are not giving the funds to crisis pregnancy centers who provide the majority of women’s health care indicates they aren’t really concerned about health care for women, they are interested in funneling tax dollars to their friends. Planned Parenthood plans to spend $40 million dollars this year to support the election campaigns of President Biden and other Democrats who will in turn vote for additional funds for Planned Parenthood. That is a clear conflict of interest and using tax dollars to support a political campaign. While Democrats recently called for a conservative Supreme Court justice to recluse himself from a case involving abortion, because his wife spoke out against abortion (even though he has not personally taken a stand on it), we don’t see any Democrats removing themselves from voting on bills that support abortion in spite of the amount of money they receive from Planned Parenthood. If Planned Parenthood has that much money to support election campaigns, it doesn’t need additional taxpayer dollars.



Politics-Deep State-A-J

07 Jun

Since the American people are opposed to the liberal agenda liberals are working through judges and unelected bureaucrats to subvert the will of the people. They know that Federal judges and unelected officials are hard to get at because voters never have a chance to vote them out since they didn’t vote them in. Most voters do not realize the power of the politicians they elect. While the President and State governors aren’t allowed to enact laws, they appoint the heads of the various government agencies under them. A candidate for governor may not talk about abortion in his campaign but when it comes to appointing officers to agencies like the Board of Health, a pro-abortion governor will usually appoint a Director who is pro-abortion and abortion often quickly rises to a top priority for the Board of Health and the only way to remove him is to defeat the governor in the next election and elect a governor who will appoint someone who is pro-life. While agencies are only supposed to carry out laws passed by Congress, liberal directors are taking it upon themselves to ignore the laws and push their agenda. In addition, liberal Presidents like President Obama and President Biden have taken it upon themselves to issue executive orders to force the government agencies to violate the law. For instance, President Biden ordered the border patrol to not hinder immigrants entering illegally and ordered the Veteran’s Dept to perform abortions in States where it is illegal. Candidates for President are even more important since they appoint the Supreme Court justices who then serve for life. They aren’t appointed by each new President so once they are appointed, they are there until they die or retire. The President also appoints federal judges to fill vacancies so it is important to know where the Presidential candidate stands. President Trump filled many vacancies with conservative judges who respected the law but there were many who remained from before he became President who were hampering his work in restoring rights to the people. The Constitution was written to protect the rights of the people but politicians like President Obama openly ignore and violate the Constitution.



video-Sanctity of Life-promo

25 May


study course-Value of Life-special price

25 May

I am offering my course on  “The Value of Life” for the reduced rate of $12.99 until June 22, 2024 with the following link