
26 Mar

Reports indicate that an increasing  number of people are driving without insurance. Michigan is one of the leaders with over one out of every four drivers driving without insurance. There may be a number of reasons for that, however I think Michigan has no-fault insurance which may be a big contributor. No-fault insurance is designed to solve the problem of increasing insurance costs by eliminating costly battles over responsibility for accidents by having each insurance company cover losses for their customer. The problem is that many are driving cars that are not worth covering. If it is destroyed, it is no great loss so they normally get coverage to cover any damage they may do to others and leave their car uninsured to save money. With no-fault insurance, they aren’t responsible for damage done to others so they simply don’t get insurance.  That works as long as they stay in their home State. If someone from Michigan comes into Ohio and causes an accident, they have no insurance to cover the damages they cause.  In addition, if someone from Ohio goes to Michigan and gets hit by an uninsured driver, there is no insurance company to collect from. The person they hit cannot collect for damages without going to court and filing a civil suit against the driver at fault. If the driver at fault has no assets to seize, the injured driver has no way to collect compensation for damages. Some insurance companies allow you to take out insurance to cover you in case you are hit by an uninsured driver, but you must bear that cost yourself.  While no-fault insurance is designed to cut out large insurance settlements, which helps insurance companies avoid large payouts, it hurts the drivers who have to bear the cost when hit by someone who isn’t insured. It is one of those liberal solutions which puts a simple solution to a problem of increasing insurance costs, while ignoring the other problems it causes. It doesn’t solve the problem, it just shifts the cost to innocent people. It is time that such States either reinstate regular insurance or check to make sure drivers have insurance and enact large jail sentences for those caught driving without insurance to deter drivers from driving without insurance. Here in Ohio you have to declare that you have insurance before being allowed to get a driver’s license or license plates. While people can lie or drop their insurance once they get them, it prevents a lot of people from driving without insurance. If your State doesn’t require that, you should contact your legislators and demand they make it the law.



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