
26 Mar

Informed voting    Those who put God first in their life generally support the value of life, marriage, free enterprise, and other God-ordained values. They are generally open to the opinions of their constituents. Those who do not put God first, generally value those things that will benefit them, like money and power. Liberal politics makes for strange bedfellows. You have politicians who support Abortion, Gay privileges, socialism, and a host of other liberal causes because those causes contribute to their campaign chest, even though their constituents may oppose those issues. It doesn’t matter that they are supposed to be serving those that vote for them, they just lie about what they support and many voters do not bother to check their record. That is becoming commonplace. As a result, we see liberal politicians voting for causes that the vast number of voters oppose. They often attack their opponent to distract voters from the issues or make  false accusations that cannot be decided in court until after the election to turn voters against their opponent. Their opponent has no chance to prove their innocence because it is decided in the court of public opinion and liberal media censor any attempt of their opponent to defend themselves. That is why it is so important in voting to check the record of those on the ballot and not be swayed by what they say or by accusations they make against their opponents which are broadcast by the liberal media. There are organizations like Right to Life and Planned Parenthood who publish the voting records of the candidates. Though they are on opposite sides of the issue, their information can help you decide who to vote for. There are also other organizations that publish the stand of the candidates on other issues. While it takes some time to research them, it is well worth it in getting candidates that will care out the wishes of the majority rather then just those that contribute to their campaign.




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