Archive for the ‘Voting’ Category


29 Aug

There are calls for an Article V Convention– They want to amend the Constitution to limit federal power, balance the budget, secure the border, and impose term limits. Those are worthy goals but the Constitution already limits federal power and federal law already requires a balanced budget and secure borders. However, voters keep electing representatives that openly violate the Constitution and federal law. Term limits would help by ending career politicians who live off the federal payroll, however voters can easily impose term limits by refusing to re-elect someone who has served over two terms. Unless voters take responsibility for who they vote for, nothing will change. If voters continue to re-elect the present politicians who ignore the Constitution and federal laws, we will get to where they will so corrupt the voting process that the people cannot vote them out, if we haven’t reached that point yet. The law means nothing if the people allow politicians to ignore it.




26 Mar

Informed voting    Those who put God first in their life generally support the value of life, marriage, free enterprise, and other God-ordained values. They are generally open to the opinions of their constituents. Those who do not put God first, generally value those things that will benefit them, like money and power. Liberal politics makes for strange bedfellows. You have politicians who support Abortion, Gay privileges, socialism, and a host of other liberal causes because those causes contribute to their campaign chest, even though their constituents may oppose those issues. It doesn’t matter that they are supposed to be serving those that vote for them, they just lie about what they support and many voters do not bother to check their record. That is becoming commonplace. As a result, we see liberal politicians voting for causes that the vast number of voters oppose. They often attack their opponent to distract voters from the issues or make  false accusations that cannot be decided in court until after the election to turn voters against their opponent. Their opponent has no chance to prove their innocence because it is decided in the court of public opinion and liberal media censor any attempt of their opponent to defend themselves. That is why it is so important in voting to check the record of those on the ballot and not be swayed by what they say or by accusations they make against their opponents which are broadcast by the liberal media. There are organizations like Right to Life and Planned Parenthood who publish the voting records of the candidates. Though they are on opposite sides of the issue, their information can help you decide who to vote for. There are also other organizations that publish the stand of the candidates on other issues. While it takes some time to research them, it is well worth it in getting candidates that will care out the wishes of the majority rather then just those that contribute to their campaign.





11 Mar

The media continues to demonize Republicans for blocking people from voting which sounds terrible but ignores the fact that most of the ones they remove cannot vote anyway. Many have been dead for years, some for a decade or more.  While laws vary,  those who don’t vote for several years are notified by mail. If it comes back as undeliverable because they no longer live at that address or they fail to respond to repeated letters, they are removed.  Voters must update their address if they move so if they do not live at the address and have not registered at any other address in the State, they are not eligible to vote until they register at their new address.  Many have moved out of State. Some may register and vote in the State they now live in, or they may not, but they are no longer eligible to vote in the State where they no longer live. If they still live at the address that they registered at, but fail to respond to the notices, they apparently aren’t interested in voting, and their name is removed. If they decide sometime in the future to vote, they can simply register again. It is required in every State that drivers have legal driver’s licenses, and it is even more important for voters to have legal voter registrations. Leaving their names on the rolls when it is obvious that they will probably not vote leaves an open invitation to unscrupulous politicians to pull the names of those who haven’t voted for several years, create fake ID’s and have people vote using those names. Either one person votes different times under different names or people who aren’t eligible to vote, will vote under a name on the rolls who probably won’t vote.  It is even easier to vote illegally in liberal States who do not require voters to produce identification or fail to check them. Both corrupt the elections and can result in candidates stealing an election by stuffing the ballot box with illegal votes. The only reason to fight allowing people to vote illegally is if someone intends to steal an election. Voters should not be swayed by such emotional appeals and should defend their right to fair elections by requiring that their State periodically clean their rolls by removing those who have died or moved out of State and are no longer eligible to vote, and requiring identification for those who vote.


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25 Jan

Democrats have been pressing to remove any requirements to require ID’s of people voting and the Obama Administration even filed lawsuits to force States to drop their voter ID laws saying that it discriminates against poor people. However, those who don’t drive can get State ID’s and they have to have ID’s whether they want to get welfare or to get a job so there is no reason for them not to have one. The only reason to try to vote without an ID is if you are an illegal alien or are trying to vote multiple times at different locations under different names. That also explains why the President has been so reluctant to shut our southern border. The more illegal aliens in the U.S., the more they can register illegally and get to vote. Of course, we could always compromise and allow people to vote without an ID if they allow themselves to be fingerprinted to allow the voter registration workers to verify they aren’t trying to vote twice and provide verification of residence and citizenship to verify that they are eligible to vote.


























25 Jan

One of the main questions today is if our elections are safe. While Democrats claim that there is no evidence  of fraud,  repeated instances have been uncovered and numerous people convicted. However, the media has censored any instances of widespread fraud by Democrats while exploiting minor instances where Republicans were involved. For instance a mailman caught with several bags of ballots was hardly mentioned but a person taking several ballots from a nursing home to the election office was blown all out of proportion.  While Democrats have spearheaded efforts to loosen voter laws and open the doors to fraud, unscrupulous Republican candidates have not been above exploiting those possibilities.  America used to have the safest election system in the world. You had to go to the election board, present picture ID, and register to vote at least 30 days before the election so they could send your confirmation to your address to verify you lived there. Then you had to appear in person at a voting poll in your neighborhood, present a picture ID to a Republican and a Democrat election worker from your neighborhood, before you could vote. Since then, Democrats have sought to tear down those protections by allowing registration a wide variety of ways, allowing voting by mail and computer where there is no personal verification, and allowing you to vote anywhere so you can vote in multiple places without being recognized. Those open a wide variety of opportunities for fraud by both Republicans and Democrats, jeopardizing the safety of the ballot box. Americans need to press for returning to more stringent laws to protect their vote.




21 Jan

Even though liberals say the Republicans pose a great threat to democracy, with no proof of any kind, they continue to show their contempt for democracy. Democrat politicians are urging Democrat voters to switch their affiliation to Republican in the primary and vote for the worst candidate so the Democrats can be guaranteed of winning the next election.  They don’t care anything about the will of the people, all they care about is winning so they can impose their will on the people. That doesn’t sound like democracy to me, that sounds like the working of a party that is trying to overthrow a democracy and establish a dictatorship. They are seeking to corrupt elections, discourage candidates from running against them by physical threats and legal harassment, and blackening the reputation of their opponents through frivolous accusations and investigations so voters won’t vote for them. Once in power, they pass legislation that goes against the wishes of a majority of voters They demonstrate open contempt for democracy and the will of the people.  We need to elect people who will respect the Constitution, the rule of law, and the will of the people. If voters don’t pay attention to who they are voting for, the day will come when we will be like China and Russia and a wide variety of banana republics who hold elections but the one chosen by the party always wins.


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Voter Safety I-A-B

27 Dec

Even with ID laws, it is not completely safe. Fake ID’s are easy to get and a lot of teens get them so they can buy beer and cigarettes. If a political party knows someone is registered but won’t vote, they can make fake ID’s using the names and addresses of registered voters for someone to pose as those people and vote in their place. By registering a lot of inner-city people who probably won’t vote, they have a goldmine of potential for fake ID’s.  If you have to vote where you live, someone will recognize if you come back to the same voting place several times using different names and ID’s but if you can vote by mail, on multiple days, or wherever you want, you can go to several different polling places or go on several days, and vote under different names without anyone realizing it, making it easier for a dishonest party to “stuff the ballot box” with fraudulent ballots. Most States today issue ID’s for those that don’t drive. Poor Blacks often get welfare and have to have ID’s to get it. As a result, voter ID laws do not provide a barrier to them voting, like they used to. It does require that people prove they are eligible to vote and are not trying to vote illegally. The most common fraud is when someone claims to be someone else who is registered but not likely to vote, either because they have died or because they moved out of State and are no longer eligible to vote in the State. Many States have laws requiring them to clean out voter registration lists and remove anyone who hasn’t voted in three years to eliminate those who have died or moved out of State so people can’t use those names to vote illegally, however that still leaves a window where someone can try to vote claiming they are someone who is already listed on the rolls, but is not likely to vote because they either died or moved out of State.


Voter Safety I-A-A

27 Dec

Democrats are fighting attempts  to enact or maintain voter ID laws saying they prevent people, particularly minorities from voting.  It is not strange that a large number of illegal immigrants are found on the voter registration rolls in States that allow online and mail registration since it doesn’t allow face to face verification of identity. It is also not surprising that many of them might vote in States that also do not require voter ID’s at the polls. Further problems arise when States allow registering at  driver’s license offices and do not verify citizenship before issuing driver’s licenses. California recently enacted a law which will automatically register you to vote when you get a driver’s license or renew one unless you opt out. Since California also has enacted a law allowing people to get driver’s licenses without verifying citizenship, it means that up to a million illegal immigrants in California could become registered to vote. A review of Pennsylvania’s voter roles have shown over 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote. Pennsylvania also allows you to register to vote when you renew your driver’s license. There was no check to see how many have voted but it isn’t hard to think that a lot of them probably did since it is unlikely they would register to vote if they did not intend to vote, unless someone signed them up to vote, knowing they would not vote, so their names could be used to allow someone else to vote illegally. Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are being allowed to stay in the U.S. and States like California are now allowing them to get driver’s licenses, so the potential for fraud is unimaginable.




Voting Safety-1-D-A

27 Dec

The National Voter Registration Act was passed to require States to clean up their voter registrations.  Before President Obama took office, many States complied with the National Voter Registration Act and regularly cleaned their rolls. However, President Obama filed lawsuits against many States to prevent them from complying with the National Voter Registration Act. A clear act to defy the law and force the States to violate the law as well. President Obama  claimed it deprived people of their right to vote, in spite of the fact that the majority were people who had died or moved out of State and were no longer eligible to vote. Ohio went ahead and cleaned their rolls anyway but the federal government took them to court and the court ordered Ohio to reinstate them. As a result, records showed that there was probably between 3-5 million people on the rolls in Ohio that weren’t eligible to vote. That left a great deal of potential for fraud. Ohio appealed it to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that Ohio did not violate federal laws in cleaning up its voter rolls by removing the names of those who had not voted for several years. While it did say not voting alone was not an acceptable reason for removing them, since Ohio seeks to contact the person and if after notification the person still doesn’t vote, then it is permissible to remove them. Six other States have similar laws which means 43 States do not have laws protecting the integrity of their voting by removing those who do not vote. Judge Alito in the majority opinion stated that about 1 in 8 voter registrations are invalid or inaccurate allowing people to use those names fraudulently. It is not strange that dead people and those people voting in multiple States usually vote for Democratic candidates since Democrats are the ones fighting to keep these names on the rolls. Without a voter ID law, anyone can go to the voter rolls, pick out someone who hasn’t voted in a couple years and go to the polls claiming to be that person. Since the name of the person they claim to be is on the rolls, and they are not asked for identification, they could vote. Research showed that the man compiling the information was registered in three States, though he did not realize it. He had moved and not canceled his registration in the old State. Most people don’t cancel their voter registration when they move out of State, and most States don’t cross check voter registrations with death records. While Donald Trump urged States to comply with the act, many States controlled by Democrats refused.  By not cleaning the rolls, it leaves a lot of ineligible voters registered which leaves a large pool of names for those who seek to stuff the ballot box with illegal votes by creating fake ballots under the names of those who haven’t voted. Judicial Watch, a political watch dog group, has uncovered evidence that at least 11 States, with a total of over 100 counties have more registered voters than people of eligible age to vote and have warned the counties that if they don’t make a reasonable effort to clean up their rolls, Judicial Watch will file a lawsuit against them to compel them to comply with the law. Private citizens should not have to go to court to compel States to obey federal law.




Voting Safety-I-C-A

24 Dec

Democrats claim that fraud is not a problem and have been spouting the statistic that there have only been 31 confirmed cases of voter fraud. Yet they have not included accusations of fraud which they refused to investigate because their candidate won and they don’t want to risk losing that. They also ignore their own history of trying to control election results which goes back over 100 years. After the Civil War, federal troops were stationed in the South to provide protection for Blacks who were freed from slavery. Since the slave owners had owned large numbers of slaves, Blacks outnumbered Whites, especially in rural areas, and many Blacks were elected to office. When the federal government removed troops from the South, Democrats stood outside polling places and would not let Blacks in to vote. Later they used poll taxes and voter ID laws to prevent them from voting. Now Democrat leaders object when Republicans push for voter ID laws but things are far different now then they were then. Democrats required voter IDs and refused to allow Blacks to get them so Blacks could not vote. Now IDs are available in just about every State and are required both for getting welfare and getting a job so there is no reason that someone would not have one. The laws are needed to insure that the person coming to vote is who they claim to be. Democrat leaders are pushing a whole list of laws to open elections to widespread fraud, however the laws Republicans are pushing are designed to make sure that only legal voters vote. In addition, Democrat leaders have been openly trying to remove Donald Trump from the State ballots in States they control, citing a law preventing those involved in an insurrection from running for public office, Colorado passed a law to prevent Donald Trump from being on ballots in their State and other States are considering them, however Trump has never been convicted. By doing so, they are seeking to prevent voters from voting for Trump. He has been accused but accusations do not prove guilt. If people were punished for accusations and not convictions, the whole rule of law in the United States would crumble. People could simply make unfounded accusations and not have to provide any proof. A far more serious problem has surfaced in cities in Florida and other States. Democrat leaders are banning all Democrat candidates besides President Biden from the primary ballot so he is the only option. That is particularly serious since a majority of Democrat state they would not vote for him. By doing so, they are denying Democrat supporters  from voting for anyone besides President Biden. Such blatant attempts to manipulate the election and insure that Biden wins cannot be tolerated if we are to have fair and honest elections. Voters should research candidates and vote for candidates that will uphold the law.


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