Posts Tagged ‘Voting’


12 Oct

Look at the issues Early balloting will begin for many early in October but many voters are being swayed by the rhetoric and very few voters are looking at the issues. The media is concentrating on the verbal battle between the candidates as they criticize their opponent’s qualifications and the media is avoiding talking about the candidate’s stand on the issues while continuing to trash Donald Trump and anyone associated with him. Yet the election has come down to a question of sharp contrasts. I do not promote one candidate or the other, but point out the stands they take on different issues. This election could be critical to the future of our nation because the two basic groups choose different paths that could have widely differing consequences for our nation. Don’t take my word for it, review the candidate’s speeches and follow the money as I have. Sadly, few people will take the time. Liberal politicians say you should never discuss politics because they know that an informed voter is not easily fooled and they would rather you sleep in ignorance while they run the country.  Special interest groups will tell you who they support because they want you to vote for the candidates that support their views. Groups like Right to Life and Planned Parenthood will tell you who they support on life issues. The National Rifle Association will tell you who they support on Gun issues. The League of Women’s voters will often have a list of candidates in your area and what issues the candidates support. The Congressional Record  will usually tell how representatives voted on each bill, unless it was a voice vote. Regardless of what issues they say they support, you can tell if they  support on issue or not by how they vote.




11 Oct

Polls show that very few, only 3%, of voters consider a candidate’s value of life as a priority when voting. If a candidate does not value life unless it has value to him, he will do anything to cater to you as long as you have value to him, but ignore you the moment you no longer have value to him. The vast majority of voters say that the economy is their number one concern, showing how much the American people have been corrupted by greed, placing personal gain above protecting life. However, the administration’s record on the economy is as bad as its record on protecting life. While the administration and media are trying to convince you that the economy is looking up, all you have to do is look around you and you can tell the economy is in serious trouble. The administration has been handing out generous gifts to lure voters to vote for them and printing money like never before to pay for those gifts. The money is being handed out indiscriminately with no requirement of need. Many people were working and did not need the money.  With all the free money, many are buying luxuries, not necessities, which is fueling inflation. With a lot of excess money, many people are willing to pay higher prices. With high demand and a shortage of goods due to the administrations poor handling of the economy, sellers are pushing to get as much for their goods as possible, which leaves low income and fixed income people paying more and often doing without. Many store shelves are empty because those with extra money are buying wholesale and stockpiling or reselling scarce items at a  profit so many goods never reach the shelves. The administration knows that people will be upset by the rising prices and that they have to pay for all the free money they give out, so they are raising taxes to pay for the generous gifts and raising interest to reduce the money available and slow the inflation. However, this also hurts low income and fixed income people most because they can least afford the higher taxes and interest. Since most people have money taken out for taxes, they won’t notice the higher taxes. They will not notice a difference in what they owe or get back at the end of the year because the amount taken out will be increased to cover the added taxes. The administration is giving away money openly to get votes and then taking it away secretly so they will not lose votes. The question is, do you want to reelect those who force you to continue paying high prices for goods and high taxes and interest rates, or do you want to elect someone who will stop the wasteful spending, reduce the rate of inflation, and bring down taxes and interest rates like we saw under President Trump.



Voter safety-I-IM

05 Aug

Liberals keep hammering on how conservatives are trying to corrupt the election process and steal the election, but it is the liberals who are pressing for the loopholes to allow ballot tampering and fake ballots. If I thought my opponent was trying to steal the election, I certainly would not hand him the tools to do it. I would be fighting to close every loophole as soon as possible to make sure my opponent was not able to steal the election, like conservatives are trying to do. It is interesting that liberals are fighting every attempt to close the loopholes that allow ballot tampering. They are fighting Voter ID, allowing voting by mail, preventing voting stewards from getting close enough to actually be able to spot any ballot tampering, allowing ballot harvesting by unauthorized personnel, not cleaning the voter rolls. They all enable voting by those not eligible to vote, or allow fake ballots to be entered into the system and are being pushed by liberal politicians who claim conservatives are trying to steal the election. Frankly, I would go with the evidence and not with accusations that present no proof.  The people need to guard their ballot system carefully or it could be stolen from them. Voters can no longer rely on politicians and will need to initiate and pass ballot issues requiring voter ID, ban voting by mail, allow voting stewards to actually supervise the ballot counting, and ban ballot harvesting by unauthorized personnel. In addition, they should vote out politicians who refuse to clean up the voting rolls or follow voting rules.




04 May

While every election is important, this election could well determine the way this country will go. It is obvious that this country is headed downhill financially, and something needs to be done soon. Democrats subscribe to the tax and spend philosophy which is bankrupting our country. They pass out money to win people over, but people don’t realize that it is their money they are getting. The government takes their money and gives a little back. On social issues, it is apparent that Democratic Congressmen vote the way the party tells them in spite of their campaign promises because they are afraid to break ranks due to the fear of losing the millions of dollars in campaign funds they get from Planned Parenthood and the Gay Rights Coalition so they cannot be depended on to turn this country around. In addition, Presidents nominate Supreme Court Justices, and they serve for life. The Court currently contains four who support the Constitutional rule of law and four who support the liberal policy of legislating from the bench (making laws by judicial rule, with one swing vote. Therefore, this President or the next one will shape the Court for years to come. In addition, it is hard for a President to accomplish much unless he has the support of Congress. Therefore, it is very important to check the voting record of the candidates.




04 May

America was once great because its people were informed and valued education as a way to get ahead. In early America, newspapers flourished because people wanted to be informed and communities pushed to get public schools so their kids would be educated. Voters voted for candidates that they felt would be best for the country and themselves. In recent years, educators have moved education from a debate format where you explore both sides and come to a conclusion based on the facts to indoctrination where you are taught what is politically correct and expected to accept it. Short answer and essay tests which test your understanding and allow you to come to differing conclusions, are giving way to multiple choice tests which are easily graded by machine and only allow one right answer (the answer wanted by the person who drew up the test). The first allows you to disagree with the teacher as long as you support your conclusions, the second does not. While many people graduate from high school, many are unable to read or write well and the number who drop out of school is increasing. Because many aren’t taught to research both sides and draw a conclusion, they are easily swayed by emotional arguments which may not be based on facts. In addition, our election campaigns have moved from debating the issues to an exchange of verbal character assassinations to divert voter attention away from the issues and few people today research the issues. As a result, many people vote based on a candidate’s personality rather than on whether they will be a good President. Our country won’t get back on track until voters begin to take their vote seriously and study the issues before voting.




21 Apr

Liberals attacked President Trump for opening up our oilfields, claiming that the Republicans are raking in millions from American oil companies and using it for their election campaign. If it is true, and it could be, it apparently is very little compared to how much President Obama and President Biden are raking in from the unions, Planned Parenthood, Gay Rights activists, the Environmentalist organizations, and other big business interests because the Democrats generally have from three to ten times the money in their campaign chest as the Republicans. Republicans get a major portion of their funds from individual donors because their policies benefit Americans. Political parties cater to those who support them financially and while the Democrats say what the people want to hear, they vote in Congress to satisfy the above groups. Republicans generally have to satisfy their voters to keep their campaign funds coming. Anyone who checks their voting record can verify that. Unfortunately few voters I talk to check the voting record of those they vote for. Liberals are resorting to mud-slinging to obscure the issue because they know that higher gas prices are not popular with voters. Ultimately, voters have to determine if a politician is concerned about what voters want or they are only concerned about promoting their agenda. Developing America’s oil resources provides jobs for America, lowers the cost of gas, pours money back into America’s economy, and protects us from blackmail by oil producers who want to cripple America’s economy. Buying foreign oil from countries that don’t like us, like Russia and the Arab countries, takes jobs from Americans, raises the cost of gas, drains money from America’s economy, and leaves us open to blackmail when countries threaten to cut off our oil supply. Voters need to decide what is in America’s best interest?




17 Mar

Liberals in Congress are very open about their priorities. They are strongly opposed to any limitations that would discourage people from voting. They oppose any laws that would require voters to produce an ID because that would prevent some people from voting. They want everyone possible to be able to vote whether they are eligible to vote or not. Yet, they have no qualms about requiring an ID if you pay taxes. If you file your tax return online, you must Scan your ID, your Social Security number, and a host of other documentation, plus a live selfie with your phone or webcam. If you can’t produce that, you must submit to a live video chat that would be recorded. There is no other entity out there that requires that kind of verification for online transactions. Apparently, they are not worried about those restrictions preventing someone from paying their taxes. They must feel people are so eager to pay taxes that they will overcome any restrictions for the privilege of paying their taxes. I wish we could get people to be that eager to vote.



11 Jan

HB-1 would also invalidate laws preventing States from mailing out ballots to registered voters regardless of whether they asked for them or not. It would allow States to mail out ballots to all registered voters, like California and other liberal States did, and someone can easily collect the ballots that can’t be delivered because the people died or moved away, and fill them out and submit them in that person’s name.  In addition, liberals continue to prevent securing our borders while encouraging illegal immigrants to flood into the United States, where they are welcomed by States controlled by liberals. Many of those illegal immigrants are turning up on voting rolls and voting because liberal registrars are not verifying residence.  HB-1 also makes mail-in registration and mail-in voting mandatory, not just legal. It is impossible to verify that the person voting by mail is who they claim to be and registrars can not protect the ballots while in the mailing system. Several postal people in the 2020 election were found in possession numerous ballots that were never delivered to polling places and may have been replaced with fake ballots and many ballots showed up at polling places without their mailing envelope making it impossible to verify that the ballot was the original one that was mailed. HB-1 also allows vote harvesting where unauthorized people can collect votes from voters and transport them to the polling place. There is no guarantee that the person collecting the votes isn’t substituting a fake ballot for the ones they receive.



11 Jan

Liberals keep talking about conservatives trying to suppress voting and prevent people from voting implying that conservatives are trying to steal the election by preventing people from voting. The truth is the people that conservatives are trying to prevent from voting aren’t eligible to vote. Liberals are pushing the HB-1 bill which would transfer control of voting regulation to the federal government in violation of the Constitution that allocates that to the States. The bill would then do the same things nationwide that they have already done in States they now control. The bill would invalidate laws requiring ID’s and would prevent States from cleaning names of people off their rolls that haven’t voted in a while so anyone can look over the rolls, pick a name of someone who hasn’t voted in a while (because they may be dead) and claim to be that person and vote. It would invalidate laws requiring people to vote in their own precinct so that person could develop a list of names of people who haven’t voted and go from precinct to precinct voting multiple times, using multiple names. It would also invalid laws requiring verification of residence. It would allow someone to go into a neighboring State and vote, using a factitious address and claiming they just moved into the State, even though they weren’t actually residents of that State. In case you think this is not possible, laws similar to HB–1 are currently in force in many liberal States and cases of all these illegal voting practices were uncovered in those States, in the last election. If HB-1 is enacted, these illegal voting practices will become available in all States.



10 Sep

Parents finally got a look at what their children are being taught as the Covid epidemic forced  children to learn from home and many parents are very upset by what they see. Many voters do not vote in school board elections and there is usually no information available on what school board candidates believe and it has allowed liberal school board members to dictate what is taught in the schools. In addition, the federal government and text book publishers have been increasingly pressuring schools to accept liberal indoctrination. It is time for parents to rise up and take back their children’s education. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of school board seats open this Fall and it will be important for parents to research where the candidates stand. Press your local newspaper to do a poll of the candidates on important issues and publish the results for voters to use in selecting who to vote for. IVoterGuide is doing a massive project to gather and publish as  much information on school board candidates around the country as possible but they won’t be available to do them all. Check before the election to see if they have done your school district. Important issues include sex education, including LGBTQ indoctrination, Critical race theory, religious freedom for children, teachers, and school district employees, parent’s rights (including the right to know what is taught and be able to opt their children out of objectionable curriculum), academic excellence vs liberal indoctrination, if non-academics are crowding out critical learning, school choice, school budgets, and rising local taxes. .