
12 Oct

Look at the issues Early balloting will begin for many early in October but many voters are being swayed by the rhetoric and very few voters are looking at the issues. The media is concentrating on the verbal battle between the candidates as they criticize their opponent’s qualifications and the media is avoiding talking about the candidate’s stand on the issues while continuing to trash Donald Trump and anyone associated with him. Yet the election has come down to a question of sharp contrasts. I do not promote one candidate or the other, but point out the stands they take on different issues. This election could be critical to the future of our nation because the two basic groups choose different paths that could have widely differing consequences for our nation. Don’t take my word for it, review the candidate’s speeches and follow the money as I have. Sadly, few people will take the time. Liberal politicians say you should never discuss politics because they know that an informed voter is not easily fooled and they would rather you sleep in ignorance while they run the country.  Special interest groups will tell you who they support because they want you to vote for the candidates that support their views. Groups like Right to Life and Planned Parenthood will tell you who they support on life issues. The National Rifle Association will tell you who they support on Gun issues. The League of Women’s voters will often have a list of candidates in your area and what issues the candidates support. The Congressional Record  will usually tell how representatives voted on each bill, unless it was a voice vote. Regardless of what issues they say they support, you can tell if they  support on issue or not by how they vote.



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