Archive for the ‘Schools’ Category


25 Apr

Liberal politicians are pushing social justice training in teacher licensing requirements so teachers will have to take it if they want to teach in the public schools. Since private schools often hire licensed teachers to insure they are qualified, it would also allow them to infiltrate private schools through their teachers unless private schools set up a separate program to license teachers. Many of the teachers coming out of our public colleges and universities are already liberal but some private colleges and universities, particularly those attached to conservative churches, still turn out quality teachers. Those States could deny accreditation to colleges and universities in their State that don’t include social justice training in their curriculum which would force Christian students who want to teach to go out of State to school (which is much more costly since schools charge more for tuition to out of State students) or go to State universities, where they would be forced to take the social justice training to graduate. It would also mean they could not get licensed to teach in the State. Voters need to tell their State legislators to enact legislation blocking the State Board of Education from requiring social justice training or find another job.


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25 Apr

Critical Race Theory teaches that all White people support White supremacy and that Black people are all victims and White people are all oppressors. They fail to recognize the inherent desire for dominance in all of us. While America is predominantly White and slaves were predominantly Black, that is only one instance. Slavery has existed since early history among all groups and cultures. In fact, it was the White race that began the movement to free the slaves and labeling America as White supremacist ignores the sacrifices and lives that have been given by White people to free the slaves. Though free, they would not get any real equality until Martin Luther King and other Blacks brought it to national attention. The battle for equality was begun openly in the 1960’s and has been largely won through efforts to get Black people and White people to work together. However, Black people could not have gotten equality if it had not been for the White people that fought for it because Black people did not have the power of the vote, or the financial resources, or the positions of power to achieve it without wholesale bloodshed. In fact, when you scratch the surface of the movement to get Black equality, you find that those pushing it are predominantly White and are the same ones who pushed White Supremacy before they were forced to go underground by the weight of public opinion. When they found they could not segregate Black people through the law, they have begun to create divisions by inciting Black people against the police and White people in general. The so-called diversity training is designed to make White people feel guilty for oppressing Black people, even though most present-day White people are not racist. Their rhetoric is designed to create hatred among Black people for White people by blowing racially motivated incidents out of proportion. They are designed to get Black support, not equality for Black people. In fact, diversity training is not about seeking equality at all, it is about creating divisions among the races and undoing the past success in erasing racism. It is a smokescreen to hide their true objectives, and is very similar to what Hitler did in Germany by demonizing the Jews and blaming them for Germany’s problems. By demonizing White people and blaming them for America’s problems, they are hiding their efforts to take control of the media, and the educational and political institutions. By stirring up trouble, it gives them an excuse to step in and exert their control.


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25 Apr

The second problem arises from the fact that someone must write the common core curriculum. State and federal teacher’s unions have been pushing for years to get teaching on morality, particularly Christian morality that teaches the value of life and the value of the family, out of our schools and replace it with an amoral liberal philosophy that promotes sexual freedom, including abortion and Gay privileges, and rebellion against parental authority so they can mold students to accept a Socialist society. They see the common core as a way of forcing their liberal Socialist values on our society. As long as the common core curriculum is written by those supporting Socialism and liberal values, the lives of the weak and frail will be in jeopardy and by breaking down the family, the building block of a free society, civilization itself will be in jeopardy. We have already seen how much damage they have done in school districts where they have gained control. If they push through a common core curriculum, they will be able to control all schools nationwide.


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25 Apr

Common Core- Sponsors of a common core curriculum press the idea that we should have one standard curriculum so that students transferring from one school to another will not face problems due to areas which their new school emphasizes that their previous school may not have emphasized. That sounds reasonable with the widespread mobility of families today, however it overlooks two basic facts. First, the schools originally taught kids to think for themselves. By learning the basics in Math and phonics in English, students were equipped to handle variables in curriculum when they changed schools by brushing up in areas they missed. However, since they are now taught the new Math and are no longer taught phonics in English, students are now dependent on the teacher for what they learn. As a result it is very difficult for them to brush up on areas they are deficient in. Thus, the need for a standard curriculum has been created by their failed educational policies and would not be needed otherwise.


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10 Apr

President Biden continues to show his contempt for the rule of law. He seems to feel he is above the law. He continues to engineer student loan forgiveness in spite of the Supreme Court ruling that he has no authority to do so. He is committing American taxpayers to pay billions of dollars to cover  student loans with no authorization from Congress. He continues to authorize funds for abortions overseas in spite of the fact that our laws expressly forbid any funds for organizations performing abortions overseas.  He also continues to push for Veteran’s hospitals to perform abortions in States that have outlawed abortions, claiming the Veterans hospitals are federal property and not subject to State law and is pushing States to pay for abortions from Medicaid funds, for patients coming from States that have outlawed abortions, in spite of the fact that Medicaid funds are State funds, not federal funds and State laws require that recipients must be residents of the State. He is also pushing hospitals and doctors to perform abortions in  spite of their religious beliefs which forbid it. Our country was founded on the principle laid down by God that no one, including the king (or president) is above the law and that everyone is endowed by God with certain rights which the government cannot violate. President Biden continues to push the belief that since he is president, he can bend or ignore laws he feels will not promote his agenda, or which threaten him or his friends, but can use those laws to threaten and intimidate his opponents. When he was sworn in as President, he promised to uphold the laws of this country and has since openly violated his oath of office and the laws of this country on numerous occasions. Voters will need to decide in November whether they want a country ruled by God’s law which applies equally to everyone or a country where laws can be changed or ignored at the discretion of politicians.




26 Nov

Christians need to be very careful about over-reacting to the crisis around us. Liberals are censoring Christians while openly promoting their own agenda. Christians and non-Christian parents concerned about sex-ed programs promoting intercourse to pre-teens and history books painting White people as slavers and Black people as victims are pushing laws to ban them. However, many are going to extremes. To block objectionable material, they are creating blanket bans which create a backlash from people who are basically neutral and deprive children of important knowledge. Some are passing laws to ban all teaching of Black history. Black history is an important part of our history. Children need to know about slavery in America and the steps we have taken to eliminate it and the discrimination that followed so they will not repeat it. Slavery has been a part of history since the earliest known written history and children need to know how bad it is and why it is wrong. It isn’t a product of White people and Black people aren’t the only victims because White people have been enslaved as much as Black people. Children need to be taught accurate Black history because Black people have made important contributions to America, as well as many other nations.  Banning all teaching about sex is detrimental because it is a part of life. You can’t teach science about animals and people without acknowledging that they have sex organs for reproduction. To leave it out will lead children to seek information about it and there are a great many sources providing bad information. They need to be able to get good information. It is hard to make those distinctions when passing laws. The best solution is selecting school board members and teachers who have a good moral understanding.  Parents also need to actively watch to see what the textbooks include and what teachers teach by keeping the lines of communication open between them and their child and with their teachers and feel free to express any concerns they have. Parents need to be informed and talk with their kids about sensitive subjects. If the school refuses to listen parents have the option of finding another school for their kids, voting out school board members and voting in ones who will listen to parent’s concerns, or refusing to renew school levies. Parents are not completely helpless as liberals would have you believe. We need laws to ban things that are harmful but need to be very careful about over-reacting and throwing out the good with the bad because it will create a vacuum that children will seek to fill.


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29 Jun

A Utah school district has banned the Bible from its elementary school and middle school libraries on the pretext that it is filled with sex. It shows how warped their thinking is. They think it is alright to show graphic pornographic videos and have kids read graphic pornographic novels, but think kids should not read the Bible because they say it is filled with sex. They think it is alright to teach elementary kids to apply condoms and engage in sex but feel the Bible has too much sex. They think it is alright to have graphic Gay and transgender programs in the schools and libraries but think it is wrong to teach them that marriage is between a man and a woman. It shows how narrow liberal thinking is. They see what they want to see and are blind to everything else around them. It is all about them and advancing themselves and they bristle at any views that conflict with their own, but have probably never read it. They are afraid to allow kids to read the Bible because it condemns their lifestyle. God established the value of life, the rule of law, the family and other values because they make life better for everyone. It is important to understand our values and why we believe them if we are to stand against those who want to tear down everything our forefathers fought for and build a new utopia, but it is a house of cards that will fall at the first  wind. When we stand on the rock of Jesus, we will not be moved by every wind of doctrine.




17 Jun

The schools have increasingly been pushing parents out of the decision making process over the education of heir children. School boards were set up in each school district and members were elected by voters in the district. Members were known in the school district and elected based on the values of the voters. The boards held regular board meetings where parents could voice concerns and inform board members about their concerns. In addition, school districts usually had Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) where parents and teachers worked together to support the schools.  Schools were supported by funds from local taxes. However, the federal department of education has increasingly been funneling money to school districts under the pretense of helping poorer districts. However money has been distributed to both rich and poor districts making them increasingly dependent on those funds. The federal department of education then began blackmailing school districts to include liberal moral and ethical teaching, by threatening to cut off funds if they did not comply. Many of the programs were instituted without notifying parents. When parents have learned of them and objected they were ignored or even ridiculed. With Covid, children were forced to work from home and many parents learned about programs that had not been aware of, and have begun speaking out against them. The Ohio legislature has introduced House bill HB-8 ”The Parent’s Bill of Rights” to address the growing tyranny of the educational establishment. It would reestablish the parent’s right to make decisions about the child’s upbringing, care, and education. It would also require schools to notify parents ahead of time when the school was going to provide instruction involving sexual material. It would also protect students from being pressured by school staff to transition to the opposite sex without the parent’s knowledge and require the school to notify the parents if a student requests a change in gender recognition at school. Nineteen other States have already passed similar legislation. It is important to inform your representatives in Columbus that you want them to support the bill.


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07 Jun

Parents should not be forced to send their children to schools that turn their children against them and the values they seek to teach them. Parents should be allowed to determine what their children are taught and where they attend school. There are a number of ways that we can return control of our children’s education back to parents. The best method is to tie the funding to the child. The child is given a voucher to take to any school they choose. That way, children can get the kind of education which their parents feel is best for them. While liberal educators say that will fund church related schools, which the government isn’t allowed to do, the government would not be supporting one religion over another, which is what is prohibited. Any religion, whether Christian, Jewish, Moslem, or Buddhist would be free to set up their own schools and receive funds like any other. Every child would get an equal amount and the funds would go to the child for the parents to use for the school they choose. It would be the parent’s choice where they go, government would not be forcing them to attend a religious school. The government’s current withholding funds from religious schools and banning the Bible and Christian prayer are in fact discrimination based on religion. In addition, our schools are pushing secular humanism which is as much a religion as Judaism or Christianity. While it is not an institutional religion, it is still a body of religious belief  which says that there is no god and man is the ruler of his fate. It is very similar to Buddhism and other philosophical religions which are recognized religions. They also believe that there is no god and man is the ruler of his fate, but they have developed rituals and common practices which secular humanism has not. The public schools are pushing secular humanism over other religions. In addition, many schools are pushing teaching on Islam which is also promoting one religion over others, in violation of the Constitution.



07 Jun

Parents have a right to protect their children against such destructive philosophies and should be able to choose what their children are taught. It was instilled in our educational system from the very beginning. School funding was set up so each school district funded its own schools. Each district had a school board elected by the voters of that school district. Since most families had children, that ensured that parents directed what their children were taught through the school board members  they elected. Liberal educators have tried to hijack the school systems by increasingly injecting State and federal funds to supplement local taxes under the disguise of making schools more equitable. City schools originally had more funding then rural areas due to the factories and businesses. However, as factories, businesses, and higher income families have moved to the suburbs, it has impoverished the city schools. While it is important to help poorer school districts, liberal politicians have poured money into rich school districts as well as poor ones and have used federal and State dollars to manipulate and control school districts. They use the threat of withholding funds to force schools to adopt liberal policies and practices, against parent’s wishes. Today, parents have very little say in what their kids are taught. In addition, educators have sought to shield their liberal teachings from parents so most parents have no idea what is being taught. Covid forced children to study at home allowing parents a glimpse of what is being taught. In addition, public schools have benefited from a virtual monopoly on education. Public education is free to residents of the district, paid for through taxes. Those who choose alternative schools must not only pay taxes to support the public schools, they must also pay for their children’s education. Only the rich could afford to send their kids to the school of their choice. As a result, the vast majority of children are forced to attend public schools. Without competition, the public schools have had no pressure to maintain quality education and public school standards have seriously declined over the years while private schools continue to maintain high standards. We are rapidly returning to a society dominated by the rich which our forefathers fought so hard to prevent. If parents are to have any say in what their children are taught and ensure they get a quality education, they must have a say in where their children attend.