Posts Tagged ‘politics’


21 Feb

Democrats are making a big deal out of the fact that Republican States are turning down funds for summer school feeding programs to help poor kids during the summer when they can’t get school lunches and crowing about how Republicans don’t care about the poor kids who will go hungry. However, they are not saying why the Republican States are turning down the funds. President Biden added an executive order to the school lunch program which requires those who get the summer feeding program to recognize transgender students and allow them to use the bathroom of their choice. It is a matter of accepting the funds and being forced to endanger girls and women by allowing men disguised as women to use women’s restrooms, showers, and sleeping quarters or turning down the funds in order to protect them. Republicans care more about protecting women from embarrassment and even rape then the summer school program, while Democrats are more concerned about pushing their agenda regardless of the danger to women. They would rather have the kids go hungry then back down on promoting their pro-transgender policies. Many churches and civic organizations are stepping up to provide meals and food to low-income families in the States that refuse the funds at far less cost than the government funded programs and do not have to accept the government mandates that go with the funds.



21 Feb

It is clear where President Biden’s priorities are. He issued a ban on new oil drilling to satisfy the environmentalists causing gas prices to double. However, with his ratings falling because of inflation fueled by rising fuel prices and his out of control spending, he apparently had second thoughts about restricting our oil production. He apparently hoped to cut his party’s losses in the off-year elections, and bowed to public pressure to cut gas restrictions to allow a drop in gas prices. He agreed to open new gas drilling and gas prices started to fall slightly. However, due to pressure from environmentalists, who contribute to his party’s campaign funds, he has now restored the ban on new drilling and prices have begun rising again. Apparently he is more concerned about the source of his campaign funds than about the voters that elected him and who might not vote for his party in the upcoming election.


Gas Prices-J

21 Feb

I just checked gas prices to fill up the car and the price has been going up for three weeks straight. A lot of it is due to the fighting in the Mid-East. Most stations are about $3.29 a gallon compared to $1.75 a gallon when President Biden took office. President Trump pushed America to be independent of Arab oil prices which lowered gas prices since it didn’t have to be transported from the Mid-east and profits went to American workers and investors. Under President Trump, gas prices would not have been affected by the war, but now the fighting is pushing prices up still further. President Biden forced cuts in America’s oil production forcing us to buy oil from Mid-Eastern countries which has to be transported by ship, greatly increasing the cost. A lot of that oil goes through the Suez Canal and the shipping lanes near the Arab States. Arab terrorists have made travel in the region difficult and many are oil  tankers who are opting to go around the south of Africa to avoid it, which creates extensive delay and a lot of extra cost.  In addition, there is nothing to prevent the Arab countries from raising prices to hurt the American economy, like they did in 1974. The profit from Arab oil goes to Arab countries who supply our oil and much of it goes into the pockets of rich Arab rulers who in turn support Arab terrorist activities.



Health Care-D

14 Feb

The United Nation’s World Health Organization is meeting to next week to work out a Pandemic Treaty to prepare for the next pandemic which will put all decision making power in the WHO. This will be a disaster as the WHO made a huge blunder with the Covid pandemic. To trust them with running things during another pandemic would be foolish. We saw the problem first hand in the United States when the U.S. Dept of Health tried to manage our own response to the pandemic. Areas vary widely in their conditions. While big cities were hard hit, small towns and rural areas saw very few cases. The Dept of Health tried to develop a single plan for everyone based on what they saw in the big cities and tried to impose it on everyone. The result was an economic disaster for both the big cities and rural areas, but especially for rural areas that did not have the resources that big cities had. In addition, rural areas did not have the large number of cases that the cities had and could have coped without the burden placed on them by the federal regulations. For the WHO to impose a single plan  on the whole world would be even more disastrous. President Biden has openly stated his support for the treaty and his willingness to sign it. If he does, the United States will be bound by any decision that the WHO makes in the next pandemic, whether we agree with it or not. Every area should be left to decide for itself based on the conditions they face. Globalists in the United Nations have been pushing every  way they can to extend their control over member nations and countries ruled by dictators have increasingly been pushing for climate control regulations to cripple America’s economy, even though we provide most of the income for the United Nations. We need to tell them to back off or we will



11 Feb

The justice department has again demonstrated  its double standard when it comes to its treatment of those accused. They continue to press their prosecution of Donald Trump for possessing documents from his administration. The documents were in a secure safe in the basement of his home. It has come to light that President Obama has a large store of such documents and so does President Biden, yet neither has been prosecuted since they claim that the President has the authority to declassify them and retain them. If it is not illegal for a former President to possess them, why did the justice department raid his home and seize them and why are they continuing to prosecute him. President Biden also had documents from his days as Vice-President in his garage in boxes where they could be available to anyone. It is also known that he hosted Chinese officials at his home which means they could have had access to them. In addition, President Biden had classified documents from when he was a senator. While the President has the authority to declassify and retain documents, a Senator does not. Those documents were in fact illegally held. In addition, President Biden also had notes from classified meetings at the Whitehouse. Participants of classified meetings who take notes in classified hearings must  secure them, since they are held to be classified documents as well, yet President Biden had his notebooks from when he was a Senator and Vice-President also stored in the unsecured garage. When an investigative Congressional committee investigated that, they concluded that he is an old man and forgetful and should not be prosecuted. It is interesting that they feel he is too old and absent-minded to be prosecuted for “misplacing” classified government documents, but he is not too old and absent-minded to run the country and control the nuclear button that could launch world war three. It sounds like it is time to remove him from office and bar him from running again. A man who can’t keep track of classified documents should not be running the country.


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11 Feb

Liberal States are threatening to ban Donald Trump from running citing the 14th Amendment as their justification. It is only one more example of where they twist the law for their own purposes. The 14th Amendment bars Senators and Representatives who have committed rebellion or insurrection from serving in those offices. First, it states that it applies to Senators and representatives. It does not mention Presidents or Vice-presidents so it cannot be applied here. You can’t bar someone from office using a law that does not apply to that office. In addition, Donald Trump has never been tried under the provision. You can’t simply proclaim someone guilty, and then apply the law to them. They have a right to face their accusers in a court of law. For that reason, the law is probably unconstitutional since it does not require someone be convicted, only that they have supposedly committed the act. That opens the door for anyone to exclude someone from any office because an election official decides that the person has committed some act which they feel qualifies as a rebellion or insurrection. Once you open that door, you have abolished any appearance of the rule of law. You basically have a dictatorship.

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07 Feb

Beginning with the hippy movement in the 1960’s, there has been an open attack on marriage. (DOMA) The Defense of Marriage Act of 1995 was a bipartisan effort signed by President Bill Clinton to protect marriage. It delayed the efforts of liberal politicians until it was overturned by the courts nineteen years later. We cannot take the institution of marriage for granted and assume our representatives will protect marriage. We are facing increasingly liberal courts that ignore the laws of this country and promote their own agenda. In addition, we are facing an increasing number of liberal politicians who ignore the rights and well-being of the voters who vote them in, in order to promote their own agenda and that of the special interest groups who fund their campaigns. Sadly, the voters are asleep and are not holding their representatives accountable, allowing politicians to vote in laws restricting the rights and threatening the well-being of their voters, without any fear of being held accountable. Politicians are increasingly avoiding discussing their programs, which they know the voters will reject, in favor of personal attacks against politicians who still seek the rights and well-being of the voters who voted them in. It is therefore important for voters to track the voting records of their politicians and vote out those who refuse to respond to the will of the voters.



25 Jan

Democrats have been pressing to remove any requirements to require ID’s of people voting and the Obama Administration even filed lawsuits to force States to drop their voter ID laws saying that it discriminates against poor people. However, those who don’t drive can get State ID’s and they have to have ID’s whether they want to get welfare or to get a job so there is no reason for them not to have one. The only reason to try to vote without an ID is if you are an illegal alien or are trying to vote multiple times at different locations under different names. That also explains why the President has been so reluctant to shut our southern border. The more illegal aliens in the U.S., the more they can register illegally and get to vote. Of course, we could always compromise and allow people to vote without an ID if they allow themselves to be fingerprinted to allow the voter registration workers to verify they aren’t trying to vote twice and provide verification of residence and citizenship to verify that they are eligible to vote.


























25 Jan

One of the main questions today is if our elections are safe. While Democrats claim that there is no evidence  of fraud,  repeated instances have been uncovered and numerous people convicted. However, the media has censored any instances of widespread fraud by Democrats while exploiting minor instances where Republicans were involved. For instance a mailman caught with several bags of ballots was hardly mentioned but a person taking several ballots from a nursing home to the election office was blown all out of proportion.  While Democrats have spearheaded efforts to loosen voter laws and open the doors to fraud, unscrupulous Republican candidates have not been above exploiting those possibilities.  America used to have the safest election system in the world. You had to go to the election board, present picture ID, and register to vote at least 30 days before the election so they could send your confirmation to your address to verify you lived there. Then you had to appear in person at a voting poll in your neighborhood, present a picture ID to a Republican and a Democrat election worker from your neighborhood, before you could vote. Since then, Democrats have sought to tear down those protections by allowing registration a wide variety of ways, allowing voting by mail and computer where there is no personal verification, and allowing you to vote anywhere so you can vote in multiple places without being recognized. Those open a wide variety of opportunities for fraud by both Republicans and Democrats, jeopardizing the safety of the ballot box. Americans need to press for returning to more stringent laws to protect their vote.




12 Jan

The fourth lie is the one that says everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It is a lie because they obviously don’t believe it, not because it isn’t true. They say everyone should be free to believe what they want. They feel differently and feel they should be able to hold their opinion regardless of what others believe. They claim they should not be punished for going against the majority. While there is basically nothing wrong with that, the problem is that they feel society should accommodate their beliefs. They use it to justify their actions which violate the rights of the majority of people. Transexual men feel they should be able to use the women’s bathroom or play in women’s sports because they feel they are a woman and feel society should allow them to. If they want to believe they are a woman, that is their right, but they violate what they say they believe when they try to force society to accommodate them. According to what they claim, society should be free to believe what it believes just as they claim the right to believe what they believe. If they want to go to a deserted island and practice what they believe, nobody will stop them, but they should not force their beliefs on society.