
11 Feb

The justice department has again demonstrated  its double standard when it comes to its treatment of those accused. They continue to press their prosecution of Donald Trump for possessing documents from his administration. The documents were in a secure safe in the basement of his home. It has come to light that President Obama has a large store of such documents and so does President Biden, yet neither has been prosecuted since they claim that the President has the authority to declassify them and retain them. If it is not illegal for a former President to possess them, why did the justice department raid his home and seize them and why are they continuing to prosecute him. President Biden also had documents from his days as Vice-President in his garage in boxes where they could be available to anyone. It is also known that he hosted Chinese officials at his home which means they could have had access to them. In addition, President Biden had classified documents from when he was a senator. While the President has the authority to declassify and retain documents, a Senator does not. Those documents were in fact illegally held. In addition, President Biden also had notes from classified meetings at the Whitehouse. Participants of classified meetings who take notes in classified hearings must  secure them, since they are held to be classified documents as well, yet President Biden had his notebooks from when he was a Senator and Vice-President also stored in the unsecured garage. When an investigative Congressional committee investigated that, they concluded that he is an old man and forgetful and should not be prosecuted. It is interesting that they feel he is too old and absent-minded to be prosecuted for “misplacing” classified government documents, but he is not too old and absent-minded to run the country and control the nuclear button that could launch world war three. It sounds like it is time to remove him from office and bar him from running again. A man who can’t keep track of classified documents should not be running the country.


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