
11 Feb

Liberal States are threatening to ban Donald Trump from running citing the 14th Amendment as their justification. It is only one more example of where they twist the law for their own purposes. The 14th Amendment bars Senators and Representatives who have committed rebellion or insurrection from serving in those offices. First, it states that it applies to Senators and representatives. It does not mention Presidents or Vice-presidents so it cannot be applied here. You can’t bar someone from office using a law that does not apply to that office. In addition, Donald Trump has never been tried under the provision. You can’t simply proclaim someone guilty, and then apply the law to them. They have a right to face their accusers in a court of law. For that reason, the law is probably unconstitutional since it does not require someone be convicted, only that they have supposedly committed the act. That opens the door for anyone to exclude someone from any office because an election official decides that the person has committed some act which they feel qualifies as a rebellion or insurrection. Once you open that door, you have abolished any appearance of the rule of law. You basically have a dictatorship.

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