Sanctity of LIfe-A-2-K

21 Sep

Planned Parenthood is pushing for unlimited abortion under the pretense of protecting the mother. They recently pushed through an amendment to the Ohio State Constitution under the pretense of protecting mothers when their life was threatened but included a phrase that would allow an abortion if the doctors felt the women’s mental health was in danger. It gives the doctor the authority to perform abortions up to the time of birth for any reason , since every unwanted pregnancy is stressful to the mother. It also opens the door to the doctor doing it even when the mother objects because it says the doctor may perform it if he feels it is necessary but does not require the mother’s consent. That allows them to abort a baby when a rapist or a  relative engaging in incest brings in a pregnant woman and seeks an abortion even when the woman doesn’t want it. It also allows parents, husbands or boyfriends to force the woman to have the abortion against her will. It also included a provision that prevents interference when the woman or young girl wants an abortion. That prevents parents of a minor child from preventing her from getting an abortion, and allows a girl as young as 10 or 11 to get an abortion without her parents knowledge or consent. They claim they care about the poor girl but they just want the money. They are also pushing the same scam in other States to overturn pro-life laws.



Fourth Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 22

21 Sep

Youth-dealing with issues Many youth groups have lots of fun stuff but are short on teaching about the faith. In addition, most teaching is theological and does not deal with the basic issues young people are struggling with every day in school and at home. As a result, most youth drop out of church when they graduate from high school or before because they do not see the church having anything relevant to say in the issues they are struggling with. They will be discussing the issues with their classmates and teachers where they get a secular view, but youth groups need to have regular discussions of important issues they face so young people can get a Christian view of the issues. Without it, the youth accept the secular view by default because they do not have the knowledge to recognize the errors in liberal teachings. (see “Truly In The World, But Not Of It”-part A & B for information on important issues today. I also have a number of courses on Christian values in my series on Basic Christian Beliefs)


video-Rosh Hosanna

17 Sep


Senior Citizen issues-H

16 Sep

Projected Social Security Cost of living raises are expected to be the lowest since 2021. Supposedly, inflation is leveling off but it doesn’t show in food prices which have increased must faster than that. Food makes up a large portion of the expenses of many Seniors so they will take a serious loss this year. The economy isn’t improving, they are manipulating the figures to make it seem like the economy is improving because it is an election year. It indicates how little this administration thinks of Seniors. In their philosophy, you are only important if you contribute income and that excludes unborn babies, those who are seriously ill or injured, and the elderly. Seniors make up a large and increasing portion of voters so they are trying to impress them while not wanting to pour a lot of money into them.


Health Care-I

15 Sep

Kamala Harris is proposing a national health care system similar to the one she pushed in her home State. It would expand Obamacare to complete coverage for everyone under one system. Canada has one and it has been failing for years with delays in treatment for months for critical care and longer for routine care. Many Canadians come to the United States for treatment even though they have to pay out of their own pocket. In England a lot of people die every day waiting for emergency care and their system is so overwhelmed they have proposed supplementing the system with a series of private clinics. While proponents claims it makes care available to everyone,  it forces health care providers to get approval from government boards that weigh the cost against benefit and reject a lot of care to those who are critically ill or injured or are elderly, as not worth the cost. It results in endless delays due to layers of authorizations, and it depersonalizes care as decisions are made by government review boards and patients are seen as units rather than individuals. It is also not flexible enough to meet individual needs. While they say it cuts the cost of care to the individual, the true cost is hidden in taxes and the cost of health care increases as it adds layers of government bureaucracies.



15 Sep

President Biden is pushing for a crypto currency. Such a currency would allow the government to know how much money you have, where it is kept, and how you spend it. Every transaction you do would be recorded and could be monitored. They could control what you purchased and who you supported. While many say that the American people would never accept an economic  system like is recorded in the book of Revelations, liberal politicians in Washington are pushing for exactly that. The system he proposes would eliminate all paper money and coins and would give the government complete control of all money transactions. While nothing is being said about a computer chip to handle transactions, once it is in place, the government could require it and there would be no alternative to it. You either get the chip or lose the ability to access your funds. The Obamacare bill included a provision for a computer chip to be inserted with medical information to allow access to government health care once private insurance was eliminated.  The medical chip would include an ID number similar to the Social Security number but that would be required of everyone accessing medical treatment, that could than be expanded to include financial transactions in the same way that the Social Security number was. The original Social Security card said it was not to be used for anything but Social Security, but is now utilized by almost all major financial transactions. Once it is in place, they could simply remove your number and you would be unable to buy or sell anything. They could easily eliminate anyone they felt posed a threat or refused to cooperate with them. The federal reserve is already testing it and major banks are expected to join in soon.



Third Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 15

14 Sep

Many churches are building huge children’s programs and many also are seeking young pastors to lead youth programs as their second pastor, but that is a big mistake. Youth are at a critical time in their life and are making decisions about the rest of their life so it is important to reach them, however, many young people leave their local church after graduating to go to college or pursue a career and do not return, because the youth programs are not helping them deal with the problems they face. In addition, it is hard to combat the influence of the world in only a couple hours a week, so if the church doesn’t also reach the parents, they fight a very difficult battle. They make up a small part of the congregation and require large amounts of resources, yet contribute very little to the church financially. The same goes for children’s programs. It is important to maximize resources to get the most out of them and to pour large amounts of resources on a small segment of the congregation while neglecting the rest of the congregation is not a wise use of resources. While young pastors may understand what it means to be a student, they don’t understand what it means to be a parent, and they don’t have the experience to minister to parents, middle aged empty nesters, and the elderly. Far better to get an older pastor capable of ministering to all ages and have him recruit and train young adults in the congregation to lead the children’s and youth programs under his guidance.


Senior Citizen issues-G

14 Sep

While Democrats continue to declare that Republicans want to cut Social Security, they ignore the facts. It is the old story of accusing your opponent of doing what you are doing so people won’t notice you are doing it. President Biden has been providing Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants endangering the already threatened fund. In addition, he has cut Medicare reimbursements two times in the past two years. The only cuts to Social Security that Donald Trump wants to make is to remove illegal immigrants who did not pay into the fund and have not met the eligibility requirements. President Biden feels that supporting illegal immigrants is more important than supporting Seniors who paid into the fund their whole life. In addition, President Biden and Kamala Harris continue to push abortion which is robbing us of the future workers needed to pay into the Social Security fund to keep it solvent and available to Seniors who will continue to need the fund. Democrats drained the funds in the social Security fund to support welfare programs so it relies on funds supplied by those currently working, but abortion has killed one out of every three babies conceived and left us with too few workers to support the program. We might be helped by immigrants who come here to work, but Democrats are keeping the border open and flooding he country with illegal immigrants who are not paying into the system and forcing reduction in the number of legal immigrants that we can accept who would work and pay into the system. Unless we cut back the number of abortions and control illegal immigration, we will soon face a real crisis. Seniors need to support someone who will work to protect the Social Security fund so it will be there for Seniors when they need it. President Trump did what he could but President Biden has undone everything he did and did a great deal more damage to it.



09 Sep

I recently came across two articles that made me think about our approach to the environment. In Russia, the world’s fourth largest lake has been reduced to two small stagnant ponds due to poor agricultural practices that waste water. In the next article, transgender people were calling for us to do away with gender designated bathrooms and make all public bathrooms open so anyone can use them. I have noticed that when public bathrooms are made unisex that they usually take out the urinals because many women are offended by the sight of them. The average toilet uses about 3-4 gallons or more for every flush while a urinal uses a pint to a quart. Some new ones don’t use any water. That means that every time a man uses a urinal he saves up to four gallons of water. If I had one installed in my home, I could probably save about 100 gallons a week. That is water I pay for and then flush it down the toilet. For a city of 500,000, assuming half are men, a urinal in every bathroom could save 25 million gallons a week, or enough in a year to fill a small city reservoir. If we installed one in every home and business, America probably wouldn’t have a water crisis. Make a little cabinet for it and women wouldn’t have to see it. Install a little attachment for women and you could double the savings. Environmentalists want people out west to tear up their grass, which cleans carbon from the air and holds water in the soil, and leave it bare so the water runs off and down the sewer. In addition, grass has a cooling affect while bare ground reflects heat back into the air. Maybe we ought to enlist the environmentalists in our fight against the transgender movement since its a threat to the environment. It is just another instance where environmentalists look for easy solutions, not always the best solution.


video-Meaning of Kingdomtide-started Sept 1

06 Sep