
29 Mar

President Biden continues to push for more reliance on renewable energy with no concern for how it is done. We are facing an increasing energy crisis with existing energy use and our electric grid is being pushed to the limits. We are using an increasing amount of electricity. Homes that once used electricity for lighting now have radios, TVs, electric appliances in the kitchen, electronic equipment in the den, and a host of other electric gadgets. Many homes were not built for such use and it is straining their electric wiring. However, nationwide, we are seeing even bigger problems. A few years ago, America was hit with a series of rolling blackouts as our usage exceeded the capacity of power companies to supply power. Energy suppliers were able to overcome the problems by increasing electric generation and distribution systems but we are again facing the possibility of  rolling blackouts. When wind and solar power are more environmentally friendly, they aren’t reliable. Clouds occasionally hamper solar collectors and the lack of wind occasionally hampers wind turbines. Texas experienced massive blackouts when cold weather froze wind turbines and snow covered solar collectors. They aren’t alone. Northern States are finding that electric vehicles don’t work well in cold weather.



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