
29 Mar

Energy policies are also not being implemented wisely in managing our power grid. Old power plants using coal and gas are being pulled offline faster than  new solar and wind production is being built to replace them. That is straining our already overburdened systems.  In addition, electric cars have to be charged and the demand to switch to electric vehicles being pushed by President Biden will put a huge strain on our electric grid. In addition, many of our power distribution lines were constructed a long time ago and are in great need of being updated. Power lines have been responsible for a number wildfires lately when powerlines became overheated or stretched to the point they touched ground or other obstructions. In addition, power generated and transported for long distances loses power resulting in the need to generate additional energy to make up for losses. Wind and solar energy can be helpful in supplementing  the power grid, but cannot be relied on as the sole source. Many homes and businesses can get their own wind and solar generators to cut down on their electric bills. Solar panel and wind turbines can often be mounted on roofs where they don’t take up valuable land. In addition, it saves the need for transmitting power over long distances and will ease the strain on our power grid. Many generators produce more than the household or business needs and the excess power can be sold back to the power company to supplement their own power. However, power companies are often penalizing homes and businesses by underpaying them for electricity they supply and overcharging them when they need additional electricity to discourage them from switching because it costs them revenue.



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