Archive for the ‘Eastertide’ Category

Ascension Sunday-May 12

08 May

Sunday before Pentecost- Focus on mission-Ascension Sunday reminds us of Christ’s ascent to heaven and is the prelude to Pentecost when the church should be launching its summer evangelistic efforts. Before it starts, the church should be clear on it’s mission. After Jesus rose from the dead and showed Himself to His disciples, He appeared to them in Galilee-Matt. 28: 16-20 He gathered them and told them to go and make disciples of all nations, and to teach them all that He commanded them. During Pentecost, we concentrate on winning the lost. We are to seek the lost and lead them to the Lord. Once they receive Christ, we are to baptize them, symbolically illustrating their death and resurrection in Christ. During Kingdomtide we will focus on making disciples when we seek to teach them to do all that Christ has commanded us. That involves active training, not the passive attendance which is common in many churches today. Now is a good time to finalize plans for a summer campaign to reach those who do not know Christ. Every church board should open every meeting with the questions “What can we do to win souls?”.



Sixth Sunday of Eastertide-May 5

04 May

Fellowship-The Bible says the disciples were in one place, of one accord and were in prayer, seeking power from the Lord. The last Sunday before Ascension Day could be a time of fellowship over a potluck meal followed by a time of prayer that the church would be of one accord and that divisions and disagreements could be put aside to devote the church fully to demonstrating the love of God and that the members would be an example of God’s love that would attract unchurched people to the church so that the church could be able to reach those around it with the Gospel. It can be a time  when it finalizes plans for its summer outreach.



Fourth Sunday of Eastertide-April 21

17 Apr

Pray The church should urge members to spend the week praying over the list of opportunities in light of the items on the list or their discussion with representatives about where the Lord would have them use their talents to serve God. Some things members may feel called to might not have opportunities currently but should be seriously considered along with those that are available. Members should also be open to considering new interests that they might not have considered before and add them to their list. Members can then prioritize their interests from great interest down to passing interest since it is unlikely they can be actively involved in everything that interests them. The members could then mark them on the sheet



video-The Fields Are White-Sermon

10 Apr


Second Sunday of Eastertide-April 7

04 Apr

Study the Word-Many churches go through the motions of worship on Sunday morning and think they are worshiping God, but if that worship doesn’t affect their everyday life, it is just entertainment. God wants more than just entertainment he wants changed lives. To serve God, we must become like Christ, but to become like Christ, we must learn what Christ is like by studying the Gospels. Hopefully, Lent was a time of studying the Scriptures and seeking to become what God  wants us to become. Easter signifies a break with the past and the beginning of a new journey with God. Eastertide signifies a change in direction toward serving Christ. Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. That involves more than just the pastor preaching. Each member interacts with a multitude of unchurched individuals every day who need to hear the Gospel.   The church needs to begin preparing for reaching out to those around it by studying the Scriptures that relate to serving God.   For instance, (1) Matt 9:35-38, need for laborers, (2) Matt 16:24-26 self-denial, (3) Matt:18:1-4, Matt 20:25-28 who is greatest, (4) Luke 10:29-37 good Samaritan, (5) Matt 25:31-46 sheep & goats,  and (7) John 13:3-17 Jesus washes their feet.


video-Easter-Why We Celebrate-sermon

04 Apr


Video-Meaning of Eastertide

04 Apr


Easter Sunday

27 Mar

Easter Sunday Color is White symbolizing the purity of Christ and the new believer, washed in the blood of Christ. Easter was an important time for baptism in the early church because it celebrates the death and resurrection of Christ and reenacts the new believer’s death and resurrection in Christ. It is a new beginning, washed in the blood of Christ, but it is not the end. That new life does not come full blown and complete. We must begin to grow into what Christ wants for us, just as a child grows to maturity.



Fifth Sunday of Eastertide-May 7

03 May

Making Disciples- Christ called on His disciples to make disciples of all nations. He did not say to train disciples to oversee the churches. Therefore, He implied that all followers should become disciples and it was the responsibility of His current disciples to do it. A disciple is not just someone who believes what the master believes. A disciple is one who becomes like the master. A disciple should therefore be teaching and ministering like Jesus did. Yet few churches today train their members to become teachers and soul winners. In fact, many churches are becoming soft on teaching the Bible truths and many members are hard put to explain what they believe. It is impossible to teach others what you don’t know.



Fourth Sunday of Eastertide-April 30

28 Apr

Preach the Gospel  Christ commanded His disciples to preach the Gospel. The Gospel means good news. The good news is that Christ died for our sins and set us free from the power of sin and darkness. Most pastors speak to their congregations in church, but there is rarely a clear presentation of the Gospel. Few member’s lives are affected by it and those around the church never hear it. Many people are desperately seeking answers to the problems around them. The church has the answers, yet it is silent. It neither proclaims the truth nor demonstrates it through the lives of its members. The church must clearly proclaim the Gospel to its members and teach them how to demonstrate what it means to be a believer in their daily lives. The church also needs to teach them to engage those around them and explain to them the basis for what they believe.