Posts Tagged ‘study courses’

Video-value of Family and Gender-study course-promo

14 Mar

Click on the link to access promo


Video-Value of Life-Study Course-promo

14 Mar


video-In the World, Not of it-study course-promo

21 Feb


Video-The Church That Transforms-Study Course Series-Promo

05 Dec


Second Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 10

08 Sep

Values-Christian values had so taken over the western world that many in the church had begun to view the community’s values as Christian. Unnoticed by many Christians is the fact that liberals have been taking over community values through the schools, the media, and the entertainment industry. While liberals have been very vocal about what they believe, the church has been silent and done little to counter the liberal teachings. Many Christians still believe we are a Christian nation, but our community values are anything but Christian. Our communities at large no longer value life, the rule of law, the family, or any other values taught by God. If the church is to regain the moral high ground, it must speak out against the liberal teachings. However, it can not simple proclaim that God says so because they don’t recognize the authority of a God they don’t believe exists. Christians must demonstrate through their lives that God’s values are superior to man’s values.


Study course-Basic Christian Beliefs-free

16 Mar

course available at


Video-The Value of You, Your Work, and Your Possessions

13 Feb

The course can be accessed at


Video-Basic Christian Beliefs-study course

04 Jan

As of today, I am offering my course on Basic Christian Beliefs as a free introductory course.  (time 1 hr, 50 min. )

Basic Christian Beliefs study course-


Course URL



Video-Value of Time, Truth, and Education-study course

22 Dec

Available at Udemy at


video-Church in the 21st Century-Course Promo

26 Sep

The church today is struggling. It must recognize the changes in the world around it. This details with how to deal with them. See course at

Course URL