President Obama gave promises of citizenship and other benefits which lured a lot of people to come to the United States in the hope of cashing in on the promises. When President Trump signaled that he was going to close the border, the number coming dropped off, even before he started work on the wall, because they realized it would be more difficult to get in. but picked up again as soon as President Biden took office and ordered construction stopped. Since President Biden took office, he has increased promises of benefits, so the number flowing across the border illegally has reached record numbers. In addition, drug dealers, gun runners, and those dealing in human trafficking have taken advantage of it by encouraging people to flood the border in order to overtax the border patrol and provide cover for them. As a result, the border has been overrun by people trying to get in. As a result, the courts are so overwhelmed, they release many into the United States, rather than deport them, on the promise to appear on their court date, but many just disappear and never show up for their court date. In addition, the White house ordered many asylum cases removed from the records, so they no longer have to check with authorities, effectively granting them amnesty, if they did not have a criminal record or appear to pose a threat to the security of the United States. In 2022, 100,000 people were removed from the legal system, compared to 36,000 who were deported, and 31,000 granted asylum. In 2023, 150,000 have been removed from the books , 56,000 have been deported, and 43,000 granted asylum. While that includes only those who were caught, a lot of them were able to get in without being caught. As long as liberal politicians continue to promise open borders and numerous benefits, they will continue to come.