Sanctity of Life-GC-E

09 Feb

They are now showing their true colors by pushing through legislation to allow them to kill babies born alive who survive abortions Once the baby is born, there is no way they can claim that they don’t know it is human. The bodies of five babies that appear to be full-term were found at an abortion clinic where it was suspected that babies born alive were being left to die. That appears to be the case with  the five babies. If so, they are evidence of criminal infanticide. However, the police, the medical examiner, and the Dept. of Justice have all refused to investigate the matter. Now, President Biden has ordered the bodies to be destroyed which will prevent an investigation. It is bad enough when babies conceived by rape are aborted and the bodies destroyed to prevent prosecution of the rapist, but this appears to be a case where babies were born alive and allowed to die, yet the authorities refuse to investigate it. Roe vs Wade said we could not tell when babies in the womb became a person so the courts could not protect them.  Abortions were then done openly (it was not legal because the States still had laws on the books  making it illegal but they could not enforce them due to Roe vs Wade) and people began to feel that if it was openly allowed, it must be alright. Roe vs Wade has been repealed so the laws can now be enforced however liberal courts feel free to continue to ignore the law. Once babies are born they are definitely a person and protected by law, yet abortionists continue to feel they can violate the law and not be prosecuted.




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