Posts Tagged ‘Values’


12 Jan

The fourth lie is the one that says everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It is a lie because they obviously don’t believe it, not because it isn’t true. They say everyone should be free to believe what they want. They feel differently and feel they should be able to hold their opinion regardless of what others believe. They claim they should not be punished for going against the majority. While there is basically nothing wrong with that, the problem is that they feel society should accommodate their beliefs. They use it to justify their actions which violate the rights of the majority of people. Transexual men feel they should be able to use the women’s bathroom or play in women’s sports because they feel they are a woman and feel society should allow them to. If they want to believe they are a woman, that is their right, but they violate what they say they believe when they try to force society to accommodate them. According to what they claim, society should be free to believe what it believes just as they claim the right to believe what they believe. If they want to go to a deserted island and practice what they believe, nobody will stop them, but they should not force their beliefs on society.



12 Jan

Another lie is just as serious. They say that it doesn’t matter what you believe. You are free to believe whatever you want and it won’t affect your life. Decisions are based on the problem you face and not on any pre-set feelings about right and wrong.  It is often referred to as situation ethics. That is closely related to the belief that there won’t be any consequences. It releases the person from the need to figure out how that belief will affect their life. Someone can change their beliefs whenever they want and not have to analyze whether it is good or bad because it won’t make any difference. It allows people to do things that create all kinds of problems and dismiss them as not their fault. It allows people to claim that telling women to kill their unborn baby because it will get in the way of their happiness is not responsible for someone shooting his boss and coworkers because they stand in the way of his happiness. They claim that the problem stems from the fact he had access to a gun. If he didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have done it. The problem is that they have to ignore when someone uses a knife or a bomb because it can’t be blamed on the fact that they had access to a gun.



12 Jan

When I was young, the church was actively teaching God’s values and they were open about them in public so most people accepted them, even if they had no church connection. There was a clear understanding of what was right and what was wrong.  Our society had its ups and downs but overall, it ran fairly smoothly.  Over the last fifty years, liberal media and politicians have been pushing another set of values. Those values are relative and subject to individual interpretation.  They are based on four primary lies. Two of them have been around for a long time and were the ones that Satan offered to Eve.  The first is that laws are relative. God said not to touch the tree but Satan tried to confuse Eve about what God had really said. He implied that God was withholding something good. We see this on our highway where the speed limit says fifty-five, but it is a clear day and an open road so people feel that they can do seventy. Its more fun and you can get there faster. However, without a set speed, the faster drivers are constantly weaving in and out of traffic, passing the slower vehicles which increases the danger of accidents. The second backs it up. You can enjoy it and there won’t be any consequences. We see this in abortion. They push you to enjoy free sex and not worry about consequences. If you have an accidental pregnancy, you can always abort it and take care of the problem. Unfortunately, saying there won’t be a problem, does not make it so. Abortion may take care of one problem but opens up others. We are seeing the consequences of a relative set of values today. Once you allow people to make up their own rules, nobody is sure what the rules are, and some will choose rules that cause more harm than good. We are reaping the consequences of a relative set of values.


Second Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 10

08 Sep

Values-Christian values had so taken over the western world that many in the church had begun to view the community’s values as Christian. Unnoticed by many Christians is the fact that liberals have been taking over community values through the schools, the media, and the entertainment industry. While liberals have been very vocal about what they believe, the church has been silent and done little to counter the liberal teachings. Many Christians still believe we are a Christian nation, but our community values are anything but Christian. Our communities at large no longer value life, the rule of law, the family, or any other values taught by God. If the church is to regain the moral high ground, it must speak out against the liberal teachings. However, it can not simple proclaim that God says so because they don’t recognize the authority of a God they don’t believe exists. Christians must demonstrate through their lives that God’s values are superior to man’s values.


Fourth Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 26

22 Sep

Men are by nature bigger and stronger than women. To those of the world, that means that men can dominate women and use them for their pleasure. However, God created men and women to be different so they could best fulfill what they needed to do. God created men bigger and stronger, and more independent so they could protect women and provide for them. God gave women the ability to bear children and care for numerous children, the sick, and aging parents. It was not meant to be something of domination by the stronger but a pooling of abilities between two equals. People have distorted that to fit their warped desires. With modern technology, a lot of jobs have opened to women that were formerly closed to them allowing them to expand into new areas but that was not always so. You can’t go hunting for days on end or go to war dragging a child who is still nursing. God knew what He was doing but man has twisted it for his own benefit. Feminists in the early 20th Century fought hard to gain the right to walk with their husbands as equals but modern feminists care only about themselves and in their push to become dominant over men, are destroying many of the gains that early feminists fought so hard to win.



27 Jun

Introduction-God said that he has set before us life and death and urged us to choose life. Deu. 30:19. God’s values aren’t man’s values. The most important value of all is life. Without life, anything else is meaningless. God set that choice before Adam and Eve, but they chose the way of death. As a result, man has faced death ever since. People ask why God created the tree of the fruit of good and evil if he did not want man to choose it. The fact is, if God had not given man the choice, man would have been a puppet doing just as he was told. However, God wanted someone He could share creation with and only someone who has a choice can really choose. If you only have one choice, you can’t really choose, the choice is inevitable. (see “Introduction to Values series”-to get it, E-mail me at and put “Manuscripts” in subject bar and ask for “Values-Intro”)

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