
12 Jan

When I was young, the church was actively teaching God’s values and they were open about them in public so most people accepted them, even if they had no church connection. There was a clear understanding of what was right and what was wrong.  Our society had its ups and downs but overall, it ran fairly smoothly.  Over the last fifty years, liberal media and politicians have been pushing another set of values. Those values are relative and subject to individual interpretation.  They are based on four primary lies. Two of them have been around for a long time and were the ones that Satan offered to Eve.  The first is that laws are relative. God said not to touch the tree but Satan tried to confuse Eve about what God had really said. He implied that God was withholding something good. We see this on our highway where the speed limit says fifty-five, but it is a clear day and an open road so people feel that they can do seventy. Its more fun and you can get there faster. However, without a set speed, the faster drivers are constantly weaving in and out of traffic, passing the slower vehicles which increases the danger of accidents. The second backs it up. You can enjoy it and there won’t be any consequences. We see this in abortion. They push you to enjoy free sex and not worry about consequences. If you have an accidental pregnancy, you can always abort it and take care of the problem. Unfortunately, saying there won’t be a problem, does not make it so. Abortion may take care of one problem but opens up others. We are seeing the consequences of a relative set of values today. Once you allow people to make up their own rules, nobody is sure what the rules are, and some will choose rules that cause more harm than good. We are reaping the consequences of a relative set of values.


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