
12 Jan

Another lie is just as serious. They say that it doesn’t matter what you believe. You are free to believe whatever you want and it won’t affect your life. Decisions are based on the problem you face and not on any pre-set feelings about right and wrong.  It is often referred to as situation ethics. That is closely related to the belief that there won’t be any consequences. It releases the person from the need to figure out how that belief will affect their life. Someone can change their beliefs whenever they want and not have to analyze whether it is good or bad because it won’t make any difference. It allows people to do things that create all kinds of problems and dismiss them as not their fault. It allows people to claim that telling women to kill their unborn baby because it will get in the way of their happiness is not responsible for someone shooting his boss and coworkers because they stand in the way of his happiness. They claim that the problem stems from the fact he had access to a gun. If he didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have done it. The problem is that they have to ignore when someone uses a knife or a bomb because it can’t be blamed on the fact that they had access to a gun.


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