Posts Tagged ‘marriage’
Fifth Sunday of Lent-Mar 17
Matt. 5:27-30 Thou shall not commit adultery-God commanded the children of Israel not to commit adultery because it destroys the marriage relationship by dividing the affection of the one committing adultery and destroys the trust of the other marriage partner. However, Jesus said You have heard it said, “You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” It is not the act of adultery that destroys the marriage relationship but the lust that precedes the act itself. When someone lusts after another, they have already set in motion the thoughts that lead to the act and even if they never commit the act itself, they have already violated their marriage vows to love only their spouse by fostering love for someone outside the marriage in their heart. See “The Value of Family and Gender” in Udemy at
Marriage is an important institution which protects the husband and wife and any children. Children need a stable home to teach them to be responsible adults. As laws have been weakened, divorce has become easier and an increasing number of couples are getting divorced. As the number of mothers and fathers who are having to raise their kids alone increases, the children growing up in those families are unable to maintain a healthy marriage of their own. They eventually divorce and repeat the cycle creating an increasing number of divorces, until now the number of divorces is declining because an increasing number of adults decide to not get married in the first place. Many today are never marrying due to fear of their spouse being unfaithful. They figure that if they don’t get married, they won’t have to worry about getting a divorce. They can just leave when they want to. They still have kids but without the protection of marriage. We are seeing the fallout in not only the increasing number of kids growing up in one-parent families caused by children who never learned to deal with problems because they learned from their parents that when the going gets rough, you bail out. We are also seeing an increase in violence because they learned to attack someone who doesn’t let you have your way by watching their parents fight. In addition, we are seeing an increase in lack of respect for authority because they never had any consistent discipline and never learned that actions have consequences. See my course on the family and gender at Course URL-
Beginning with the hippy movement in the 1960’s, there has been an open attack on marriage. (DOMA) The Defense of Marriage Act of 1995 was a bipartisan effort signed by President Bill Clinton to protect marriage. It delayed the efforts of liberal politicians until it was overturned by the courts nineteen years later. We cannot take the institution of marriage for granted and assume our representatives will protect marriage. We are facing increasingly liberal courts that ignore the laws of this country and promote their own agenda. In addition, we are facing an increasing number of liberal politicians who ignore the rights and well-being of the voters who vote them in, in order to promote their own agenda and that of the special interest groups who fund their campaigns. Sadly, the voters are asleep and are not holding their representatives accountable, allowing politicians to vote in laws restricting the rights and threatening the well-being of their voters, without any fear of being held accountable. Politicians are increasingly avoiding discussing their programs, which they know the voters will reject, in favor of personal attacks against politicians who still seek the rights and well-being of the voters who voted them in. It is therefore important for voters to track the voting records of their politicians and vote out those who refuse to respond to the will of the voters.
The institutionalizing of marriage protects the partners from infidelity by the other. If a member of a couple who are not married finds another partner, they can simply leave and take up with their new partner. If the couple is married, they must divorce their current partner or they may be charged with adultery. Prior to the changes of the 1970’s, divorce was hard to get. It was only allowed in cases of abuse or desertion and adultery was a serious matter with stiff penalties so the wife was protected. Today, society often turns a blind eye to adultery and there are very few penalties for adultery. In addition, divorce has become so easy, one partner can end the marriage fairly easily. By allowing easy divorce, we are not protecting women who usually end up shouldering the heaviest burden of child care in the event of divorce or desertion.
One important factor is that marriage normally provides a safe, secure sexual outlet. If someone doesn’t have one, they are more likely to seek alternatives, such as pornography, prostitution, incest, and short-term sexual relationships. Our society is overrun with rapes and child molestation because people do not belong to healthy marriages that provide a safe sexual outlet. Fathers turn to their daughters for what their wife won’t provide, and mothers turn to their sons. Loners seduce or force themselves on strangers, both adults and children. Many then kill their victims to cover up their crime. In addition, many children growing up today without clear sexual rolls are confused about their sexual identity and turn to others of their own sex for the satisfaction that they should be getting from normal sexual relations. Many seek Gay and Lesbian relationships because they can not develop normal sexual relationships.
Gay Rights-I-E
The Supreme Court ruled that Gays have a right to marry and so abolished bans against it in the States where it wasn’t legal. Regulating marriage is not granted to the federal government by the Constitution and is therefore delegated to the States by the Constitution. The Supreme Court decision therefore ignores the Constitution. In addition, the House just passed the “Respect for Marriage Act which makes same sex marriages legal in all States. It now goes to the White House where President Biden says he will sign it. It also strips the States of the right to vote whether they want to accept same sex marriages or not. Since regulating marriage is not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, it is delegated to the States. Therefore, the law openly violates the Constitution. It also poses a grave threat to religious liberty because it mandates compliance by everyone acting under the color of the law, which includes anyone who receives federal funds, as well as anyone working for a city, county, State or federal government entity. It also allows private individuals, the Dept of Justice, and State attorney generals to bring civil suits against alleged violators, which opens those who object to frivolous lawsuits. It is a huge step in destroying the family and silencing opposition. Amendments proposed by Republicans to protect those whose faith opposes same sex marriage were defeated. Since Conservatives did not get a majority in both the House and Senate in this election and do not control the White House, there is no chance of repealing it anytime soon.
Third Sunday of Advent-Dec 11
Hope for Our Family-Because Christ lives there is hope for our families. Liberal policies discourage long term commitments, especially marriage. As a result, many people never marry and many marriages end in divorce. Those who are divorced or don’t marry will often float from one relationship to another. As a result, many children grow up with unstable parenting. They may have a series of fathers, a series of mothers, or a series of both. As a result, they are subjected to a variety of values and training leaving them confused about what is right and wrong. It also leaves them subject to neglect and abuse by adult figures who don’t care about the children because they don’t plan on staying very long. In addition, with no incentive to work out problems, the adults quarrel frequently and the children are often used as pawns in their quarrels which is very destructive. On the other hand, two parents, transformed by the love of God will be committed to the marriage for the long run providing consistent training guided by Biblical principles and will be determined to raise their children to care about each other and to respect each other.
The “Respect For Marriage Act” (H.R. 8404) was passed by the Senate and has now gone back to the House to pass the amended bill. President Biden is sure to sign it if both houses of Congress pass it. Contact your House representative and tell them to vote NO. This must not become law or anyone opposed to same sex marriage will be subject to frivolous criminal charges and civil lawsuits by those who seek to silence any opposition to same sex marriage. There would be no protection for those of faith since it voids the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996”. Liberal politicians are determined to push this through before they lose control of the House in January. This poses a great threat to Christians and others who believe in the sanctity of marriage as being between a man and a woman.