This is the sixteenth in the series of previous posts and highlights
The Evangelism, Male-female relations, Senior issues, and violence & social strife
Click on the links below to access those series.
The liberal politicians continue to revoke the protections which Women’s liberation won to protect women in the workforce from dangerous occupations and chemicals. Women fought hard for those protections because many of those women were wives and mothers. In addition, they are continuing to push women in the Armed Services into combat positions. Many of those women have to leave their children behind when they are deployed and risk leaving those children motherless if they are killed. Liberal politicians have no concern about what women in combat means to their families because liberals would rather women did not get married or have children. In addition, women suffer a great deal from harassment from the men who are under stress in combat situations and from the problems associated with women in the primitive conditions faced in combat. In addition, women face a greater danger in combat against men who are bigger and stronger than they are, but the politicians give no thought to that. They want to wipe out any distinction between the sexes. Some have even been pushing to extend the draft to cover women. While women may volunteer for military service, they should not be forced through the draft. They often hold up Israel as an example of how women can serve in the military but they forget that Israel is a country under siege by the nations around it. They need every able man and woman to help defend the country. They don’t have a choice. In addition, there is no front line. The whole country is in danger so women can not be protected behind the front lines. . They say they care about women but they do not show it by their disregard for women’s safety.
Few people realize that the women’s liberation movement began as a movement of women in the church. Though Southern white churches generally supported slavery, many churches in the North strongly condemned it. The women heard about the poor treatment of slaves in the South through churches in the South that did not agree with slavery. The women had learned to raise money and organize through the church mission societies that raised funds to support missionaries and used that knowledge and the church communication networks to spread information about slavery. Though some preachers opposed slavery and preached against it, much of the work and the fund raising was done by the women’s societies in the church. Through their efforts, they learned that they needed the right to vote in order to pressure Congress to oppose slavery. The women’s liberation movement soon spread beyond slavery and the right to vote. Women soon took up the cause of temperance and other issues threatening women, families, and society, including getting greater protections for women in industry. Though the issues quickly spread beyond the church, the women of the church were instrumental in getting greater protections and opportunities for women and families. The modern feminist movement has become self-centered, seeking their own agenda, with no thought to its effect on other women. The liberal push has centered on getting free from the burden of having children. They have demonized motherhood and sought to abolish it, in spite of the fact that many women still desire having kids and a family. Liberal promoters have portrayed motherhood as a threat to women because they say it prevents them from getting and holding prestigious jobs, yet many women have still risen to highly prestigious jobs while raising a family. Many modern feminists look down on women who choose to stay home and raise their kids and portray motherhood as a degrading occupation, in spite of the fact that the family is instrumental in raising children. Many also portray marriage as enslavement of women and feel a woman should not limit herself to one man. Their efforts have done much to break down the institution of marriage and deprive women of the benefits of marriage. Liberal promoters have promoted abortion as a way of enabling women to have sex freely without having to worry about having children. In their zeal to get rid of unwanted children, they have taken no thought about the women and girls who have faced unwanted pregnancies as a result of their promotion of free sex or the physical and emotional suffering they have endured due to their abortions. They have also not taken any thought to the millions of babies that have been aborted. The liberal churches have been caught up in the liberal philosophies and many support abortion. However many Bible-centered churches continue to fight to protect women and girls from exploitation by those who profit from abortion (see the section on “Where Are The Children” in “The Servant’s Heart”-Lulu Press).