Health Care-H

06 May

A majority of coverage in the United states is still private insurance but Obamacare has increased the shift to government covered care. Canada is  now illustrating the natural progression many European countries have already experienced. As health care cost continue to rise and more companies fold, the government gains a monopoly and costs continue to rise. While insurance companies have to keep costs down to keep premiums affordable so they don’t lose customers to other providers, they have  to pay health care providers enough that they will continue to accept the insurance. They may not pay for services which they don’t feel are necessary but have to approve enough to insure the patient gets the care they need to keep them as a customer. The government doesn’t have to worry about its customers leaving because there is no other affordable policies for their client. We are already seeing many healthcare providers who refuse to accept Medicare and Medicaid because they don’t get reimbursed enough and have high costs for paperwork involved in getting paid. Service providers will often drop out due to the long delays in getting paid. That will result in long delays in getting care from the remaining providers. As costs increase, the government has to restrict services to control escalating costs. Government workers charged with approving payments are pressured to deny services which they don’t feel will be cost effective, which means those who are elderly or mentally challenged, as well as those with severe or life threatening injuries or illnesses.  Some patients will die without care while others will be encouraged to accept having their life terminated. Assisted suicides are spiraling out of control in Canada and in European countries. In addition, physicians will be encouraged to terminate the patient’s life without consulting them.



Health Care-G

06 May

President Biden’s deep state is again taking the law into their own hands. The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress to provide Affordable health care to those who could not afford it but the administration is using it to promote their agenda. The Department of Health and Human Services has taken it upon themselves to rewrite the Affordable Care Act without the approval of Congress. They have added a provision requiring people of faith to fund elective abortions and transgender surgeries through their health insurance plans, ignoring the fact that Congress included a provision which prevents health care providers from funding abortions.  This will not only require people of faith to fund these practices against their conscience and in violation of the law, it will also force the insurance companies to increase their costs to pay for them putting an increased burden on those who can barely afford insurance. That will force some of them to drop their private insurance and go with government sponsored and controlled health care plans, subsidized by taxpayer funds. President Biden and his government agencies seem to feel  they are above the law and can ignore it when they see fit. We need to elect a president this November that will appoint agency directors who will obey the law.


Sixth Sunday of Eastertide-May 5

04 May

Fellowship-The Bible says the disciples were in one place, of one accord and were in prayer, seeking power from the Lord. The last Sunday before Ascension Day could be a time of fellowship over a potluck meal followed by a time of prayer that the church would be of one accord and that divisions and disagreements could be put aside to devote the church fully to demonstrating the love of God and that the members would be an example of God’s love that would attract unchurched people to the church so that the church could be able to reach those around it with the Gospel. It can be a time  when it finalizes plans for its summer outreach.




04 May

Parents are increasingly disturbed by the blatant attempt of school officials to confuse and indoctrinate their children with Gay propaganda, through the school curriculum and school clinics provided by Planned Parenthood. Children as young as Kindergarten are being told that they can change their sex, while the schools try to prevent parents and taxpayers from knowing what is being taught and what services are being provided their kids. Children that young don’t realize the difference between a boy thinking he is a girl and a boy actually becoming a girl. Teaching children that your sex may change confuses them and makes them afraid that they might wake up one morning to find they have switched to the opposite sex. The Planned Parenthood clinics are also pushing puberty blockers and corrective surgery to the kids which are paid for with Medicaid funds. Like with abortions, Medicaid is paying for these services with no attempt to bill the parents or their insurance, in violation of Medicaid rules that have strict income guidelines and require that the income of the parents of any minor getting services must be included. Such teaching is reckless and irresponsible, and parents are finally getting fed up with it. One mother became so upset she organized a world-wide sex-ed sit out where parents pulled their kids out of school for a day to warn administrators that if they didn’t change, the parents would pull their kids out permanently. Of course you didn’t hear about that in the liberal media. The time is fast approaching when parents who want well adjusted kids are going to have to pull their kids out of the public schools if the schools don’t change their ways. Ohio is considering a law similar to the Florida law that bans teaching sex related curriculum to grades K through 3 when kids are most impressionable and do not understand what they are being taught. Voters should flood their legislatures with calls, E-mails, and letters to support such legislation and check to see how their representatives vote on such issues. If their representatives support such issues, they should be voted out. Most representatives that support such issues receive hefty campaign funds from Planned Parenthood with funds provided them through taxpayer dollars for services they provide. A clear conflict of interest but one which many parents and taxpayers are not aware.


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04 May

Planned Parenthood has been developing sex ed curriculum and distributing it to schools funded by the government. They teach how to engage in sex to kindergartners and encourage sexual experimentation with the idea that sex is safe if you use protection. They know that contraceptives are subject to failures and children are not very good at maintaining the discipline needed to maintain consistent protection, so it will result in a high increase in pregnancies.  They also provide school clinics funded by the government to dispense contraceptives and condoms and refer students to their abortion clinics. School personnel often transport young girls to abortion clinics and do not report it to parents.  The clinics do not require identification to verify names or age and caution under age children against telling their age because then the clinic would be required by law to report them to their parents and child protection agencies since it is illegal to have sex with a minor. By reporting them as an adult, Planned Parenthood can then claim that the child is indigent and have the abortion covered by Medicaid since the child doesn’t have any financial resources, in spite of the fact that the child is often covered by their parents insurance, or the parents may have the ability to pay. If it was billed to the parent’s insurance they would find out about the abortion and the clinic doesn’t want the parents to know because they might object to the abortion. The parents would be less likely to be railroaded into an abortion then the child who has very little understanding of the consequences of an abortion. Therefore, the entire process is based on lies and deceit and is paid for through tax dollars. In addition, Planned Parenthood funnels millions of dollars that they receive from Medicaid for sex ed classes, school clinics, and abortions, to support candidates for Congress that will vote them additional funds to corrupt our kids. In other words, taxpayers are funding the corruption of their kids and the killing of millions of babies for the profit of a private company. Since the funds from abortions are being threatened by the repeal of Roe vs Wade, Planned Parenthood has been pushing transgender propaganda through its school curriculum and school clinics.


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04 May

Covid was a big boost for parents rights. Kids were forced to study at home so parents were able to access what their kids were being taught and many parents were really angry by what they saw. Many parents who are upset with what liberal policies have already been imposed on our public schools, have chosen to send their kids to private schools, if they can afford them, or home school them to avoid the liberal teaching in public schools. However, the teacher’s unions are trying to get the “Common Core Curriculum” established by President Obama to apply to all curriculum, including those used by private schools and home school parents. It would control what you teach your children when you home school them as much as it does when the public schools teach them. You could not opt out. Teaching that life matters, that the family is important, and that Constitutional government is the best government, would not be allowed, even in church based schools and home schools. Government has taken over dictating what is taught in the schools and is way out of hand. It is bad enough when the government controls what is taught in the public schools, but it has no right to control the private schools as well. It is time to return control of our schools to the parents and the voters who pay for them. Contact your State and federal legislators and demand that the government return control of our schools to those who pay for them and contact your friends and neighbors and urge them to do so as well.


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Fifth Sunday of Eastertide April 28

26 Apr

Commitment-The worship service could have a place where members can bring their survey sheets forward and place them on the alter as their offering to God. Members of the Board or a committee set up for the purpose could then review the survey sheets and direct members to areas where they may be able to serve. Most churches have a personnel committee of volunteers appointed before the annual meeting to develop a list of officers to be voted on but the church really needs a year long committee of those interested in helping people find ways to use their gifts that gets to know members and the church structure. It should be a year round work as committee members get to know people and their talents and the opportunities the church has to use those talents rather then a hurried affair by a randomly elected nominations committee charged with filling empty slots with warm bodies common in most churches. The Board may then consider those listed which have no current opportunities to see if they may provide opportunities to begin additional ministries which had not previously been offered. The church needs to take the long view of training members to be disciples by involving them in the church’s ministry rather than simply filling vacant positions. Many churches complain that they can’t get people to fill positions, but they only approach the 5-10% of their members who are already over committed. It is no wonder they get turned down. The Bible says God gave every member, talents to build up the church. The church needs to get to know the other 90-95% of members to see what talents God has given them.




25 Apr

Liberal politicians are pushing social justice training in teacher licensing requirements so teachers will have to take it if they want to teach in the public schools. Since private schools often hire licensed teachers to insure they are qualified, it would also allow them to infiltrate private schools through their teachers unless private schools set up a separate program to license teachers. Many of the teachers coming out of our public colleges and universities are already liberal but some private colleges and universities, particularly those attached to conservative churches, still turn out quality teachers. Those States could deny accreditation to colleges and universities in their State that don’t include social justice training in their curriculum which would force Christian students who want to teach to go out of State to school (which is much more costly since schools charge more for tuition to out of State students) or go to State universities, where they would be forced to take the social justice training to graduate. It would also mean they could not get licensed to teach in the State. Voters need to tell their State legislators to enact legislation blocking the State Board of Education from requiring social justice training or find another job.


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25 Apr

Critical Race Theory teaches that all White people support White supremacy and that Black people are all victims and White people are all oppressors. They fail to recognize the inherent desire for dominance in all of us. While America is predominantly White and slaves were predominantly Black, that is only one instance. Slavery has existed since early history among all groups and cultures. In fact, it was the White race that began the movement to free the slaves and labeling America as White supremacist ignores the sacrifices and lives that have been given by White people to free the slaves. Though free, they would not get any real equality until Martin Luther King and other Blacks brought it to national attention. The battle for equality was begun openly in the 1960’s and has been largely won through efforts to get Black people and White people to work together. However, Black people could not have gotten equality if it had not been for the White people that fought for it because Black people did not have the power of the vote, or the financial resources, or the positions of power to achieve it without wholesale bloodshed. In fact, when you scratch the surface of the movement to get Black equality, you find that those pushing it are predominantly White and are the same ones who pushed White Supremacy before they were forced to go underground by the weight of public opinion. When they found they could not segregate Black people through the law, they have begun to create divisions by inciting Black people against the police and White people in general. The so-called diversity training is designed to make White people feel guilty for oppressing Black people, even though most present-day White people are not racist. Their rhetoric is designed to create hatred among Black people for White people by blowing racially motivated incidents out of proportion. They are designed to get Black support, not equality for Black people. In fact, diversity training is not about seeking equality at all, it is about creating divisions among the races and undoing the past success in erasing racism. It is a smokescreen to hide their true objectives, and is very similar to what Hitler did in Germany by demonizing the Jews and blaming them for Germany’s problems. By demonizing White people and blaming them for America’s problems, they are hiding their efforts to take control of the media, and the educational and political institutions. By stirring up trouble, it gives them an excuse to step in and exert their control.


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25 Apr

The second problem arises from the fact that someone must write the common core curriculum. State and federal teacher’s unions have been pushing for years to get teaching on morality, particularly Christian morality that teaches the value of life and the value of the family, out of our schools and replace it with an amoral liberal philosophy that promotes sexual freedom, including abortion and Gay privileges, and rebellion against parental authority so they can mold students to accept a Socialist society. They see the common core as a way of forcing their liberal Socialist values on our society. As long as the common core curriculum is written by those supporting Socialism and liberal values, the lives of the weak and frail will be in jeopardy and by breaking down the family, the building block of a free society, civilization itself will be in jeopardy. We have already seen how much damage they have done in school districts where they have gained control. If they push through a common core curriculum, they will be able to control all schools nationwide.


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