Fifth Sunday of Eastertide April 28

26 Apr

Commitment-The worship service could have a place where members can bring their survey sheets forward and place them on the alter as their offering to God. Members of the Board or a committee set up for the purpose could then review the survey sheets and direct members to areas where they may be able to serve. Most churches have a personnel committee of volunteers appointed before the annual meeting to develop a list of officers to be voted on but the church really needs a year long committee of those interested in helping people find ways to use their gifts that gets to know members and the church structure. It should be a year round work as committee members get to know people and their talents and the opportunities the church has to use those talents rather then a hurried affair by a randomly elected nominations committee charged with filling empty slots with warm bodies common in most churches. The Board may then consider those listed which have no current opportunities to see if they may provide opportunities to begin additional ministries which had not previously been offered. The church needs to take the long view of training members to be disciples by involving them in the church’s ministry rather than simply filling vacant positions. Many churches complain that they can’t get people to fill positions, but they only approach the 5-10% of their members who are already over committed. It is no wonder they get turned down. The Bible says God gave every member, talents to build up the church. The church needs to get to know the other 90-95% of members to see what talents God has given them.




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