
25 Apr

Critical Race Theory teaches that all White people support White supremacy and that Black people are all victims and White people are all oppressors. They fail to recognize the inherent desire for dominance in all of us. While America is predominantly White and slaves were predominantly Black, that is only one instance. Slavery has existed since early history among all groups and cultures. In fact, it was the White race that began the movement to free the slaves and labeling America as White supremacist ignores the sacrifices and lives that have been given by White people to free the slaves. Though free, they would not get any real equality until Martin Luther King and other Blacks brought it to national attention. The battle for equality was begun openly in the 1960’s and has been largely won through efforts to get Black people and White people to work together. However, Black people could not have gotten equality if it had not been for the White people that fought for it because Black people did not have the power of the vote, or the financial resources, or the positions of power to achieve it without wholesale bloodshed. In fact, when you scratch the surface of the movement to get Black equality, you find that those pushing it are predominantly White and are the same ones who pushed White Supremacy before they were forced to go underground by the weight of public opinion. When they found they could not segregate Black people through the law, they have begun to create divisions by inciting Black people against the police and White people in general. The so-called diversity training is designed to make White people feel guilty for oppressing Black people, even though most present-day White people are not racist. Their rhetoric is designed to create hatred among Black people for White people by blowing racially motivated incidents out of proportion. They are designed to get Black support, not equality for Black people. In fact, diversity training is not about seeking equality at all, it is about creating divisions among the races and undoing the past success in erasing racism. It is a smokescreen to hide their true objectives, and is very similar to what Hitler did in Germany by demonizing the Jews and blaming them for Germany’s problems. By demonizing White people and blaming them for America’s problems, they are hiding their efforts to take control of the media, and the educational and political institutions. By stirring up trouble, it gives them an excuse to step in and exert their control.


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