Parents are increasingly disturbed by the blatant attempt of school officials to confuse and indoctrinate their children with Gay propaganda, through the school curriculum and school clinics provided by Planned Parenthood. Children as young as Kindergarten are being told that they can change their sex, while the schools try to prevent parents and taxpayers from knowing what is being taught and what services are being provided their kids. Children that young don’t realize the difference between a boy thinking he is a girl and a boy actually becoming a girl. Teaching children that your sex may change confuses them and makes them afraid that they might wake up one morning to find they have switched to the opposite sex. The Planned Parenthood clinics are also pushing puberty blockers and corrective surgery to the kids which are paid for with Medicaid funds. Like with abortions, Medicaid is paying for these services with no attempt to bill the parents or their insurance, in violation of Medicaid rules that have strict income guidelines and require that the income of the parents of any minor getting services must be included. Such teaching is reckless and irresponsible, and parents are finally getting fed up with it. One mother became so upset she organized a world-wide sex-ed sit out where parents pulled their kids out of school for a day to warn administrators that if they didn’t change, the parents would pull their kids out permanently. Of course you didn’t hear about that in the liberal media. The time is fast approaching when parents who want well adjusted kids are going to have to pull their kids out of the public schools if the schools don’t change their ways. Ohio is considering a law similar to the Florida law that bans teaching sex related curriculum to grades K through 3 when kids are most impressionable and do not understand what they are being taught. Voters should flood their legislatures with calls, E-mails, and letters to support such legislation and check to see how their representatives vote on such issues. If their representatives support such issues, they should be voted out. Most representatives that support such issues receive hefty campaign funds from Planned Parenthood with funds provided them through taxpayer dollars for services they provide. A clear conflict of interest but one which many parents and taxpayers are not aware.