Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category


20 Dec

While several Republicans have been vocal in highlighting voter fraud in general elections, the media and Democrat party leaders have downplayed them as fake news. They have also managed to prevent Democrat party members from speaking out on instances of voter fraud in Democrat primaries, where the largest number of cases have taken place.  In addition, Democrats have often stonewalled or ignored cases of fraud in Democrat primaries. Democrat leaders have deprived Democrats of their vote through election engineering schemes in Democrat primaries to elect radical liberal candidates to the general elections. As a result, Democrat voters are forced to choose  the radical candidate unless they are willing to vote Republican or independent, and so party leaders have succeeded in getting radical Democrats elected to Congress and even the White House. However, it has resulted in fewer Democrats reporting their intention vote, yet Democrat primaries often still report more votes cast than eligible voters. While prominent Democrats proclaim that voters approve their agenda, many Democrat voters as well as a majority of Republicans oppose them. Democrats  have continued to push passage of laws opening loopholes that could be used to influence elections. Democrats have recently been pushing for non-citizens to vote in New York and other States in local elections but one has to wonder what steps they take to prevent them from voting for federal officials. In light of the increasing number of counties reporting more votes cast then eligible voters, it indicating that some of  the ballots are not legal. Democrats have been preventing States they control from purging their rolls of those who have died or moved out of State and allowing voters to vote without presenting identification to verify they are who they claim to be, making them ripe for people who aren’t eligible to vote using the name of someone who is deceased or no longer living in the State, but whose names are still on the rolls.



Freedom of Religion-B-V

26 Nov

We are in a cultural war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. While liberals try to tell you that they just want equal time to express  their beliefs, it is a lie. While they tell you they want to take all religion out of the schools, that is also a lie. While their religion is not organized like Christianity or Islam, their beliefs are as much a religion as anyone else’s religion. They believe in a god, they believe that they are the god and supreme ruler of their universe. They have a belief in a reason for their existence and the existence of everything around them, they believe it all happened by accidental occurrences down through history.  They have a belief in what will happen when we die, they believe we will simply cease to exist. Their “religion” is very similar to the existential religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and similar religions. They are seeking to replace your religion with theirs. In fact, the seeds of this religion began sprouting in America in the hippy years when the hippies rejected the materialist culture and adopted many Hindu and Buddhist practices. They were originally attracted to Socialism which they equated with Communism (no relation to what Russia and China claim to have which is merely Socialism in disguise). Many of our leaders today are Socialists that came out of the hippy movement and have close ties with Russia and China. They have  infiltrated the schools, the media, and the government to teach their religion and force you to accept it if you resist. The California State Assembly passed a resolution directing all religious leaders to promote homosexuality and the transgender lifestyle. While it is not legally binding, it shows how far the homosexual lobby is willing to go to promote its agenda. How long will it be before they pass a law requiring it? It is obviously a trial balloon sent up to see how much opposition there is before they push for a law.  There are other States waiting to see how it turns out before pushing their own attempts to stamp out all religions, except their own. They believe that they are god the all-knowing one, and know what is best for you and are seeking to make themselves the god who rules your universe as well as their own, just as Caesar and many other kings and rulers of the past have done.  The Bible says that in the last days, Satan will prowl like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour, seeking to turn even the elect, and all we have to do is look around to see that he has been very successful.




15 Nov

Democrats have long pushed for ballot drop boxes and mail-in voting to make it easier for voters to vote. Recent arrests in the use of Ballot Drop Boxes to stuff the ballot box show how vulnerable they are to abuse.  The boxes are not attended and no process is available to verify that the ballots were filled out by a registered voter. Video  cameras caught two top Democratic party officials making repeated trips to the boxes and depositing ballots in a Democratic primary. Mail-in ballots also cannot be adequately verified. Some States require the voter’s signature on the outside as well as the inside so the signatures can be compared to ensure the ballot wasn’t removed and replaced but that is no guarantee since both signitures could be forged and replacing the envelope as well as the ballot or as in Georgia, removing the ballots from the envelope and throwing them away so the signatures could not be compared. While many people focus on the national elections, the primaries are the place where the party’s candidate for the national election is chosen. Since the primaries are presided over by party officials, they are the easiest to subvert. The party can ensure their preferred candidate is elected in the primary through manipulating ballots in the primary. By manipulating elections in cities and States where Democrats are strong, they can staff the city and State governments with people who will support the party leadership and prevent investigations into election . In swing States, they can use their times in power to manipulate elections to guarantee that the Republicans can no longer win. While the electoral college guarantees that a candidate for President must have support of voters in a vast number of States, Democrat efforts to abolish the electoral college would allow them to win with the support of the voters in only a few highly populous States. Democrats and Republicans both need to support common sense protections for voting to ensure that their vote is safe.



03 Nov

The second tactic being used today is one I learned about very early in life. I had Polio at age two and was on crutches for several years. I was an easy target for bullies. They would attack me by stealing my lunch or kicking my crutches out from under me. When I complained, they said I started it. Their friends would lie and support what they said. All the other kids were afraid to speak up and tell what really happened, because they were afraid the bullies would attack them too. The teachers believed them since there were several of them and only one of me, so I got punished. We see this in the current Hamas war with Israel. The Hamas made a brutal attack on Israeli civilians and when Israel fought back to defend themselves, they claimed that Israel had attacked them first. The other Arab nations then rallied behind Hamas, and the media supported their claims and blamed the Israelis. Many nations are afraid to speak up in support of Israel because they are afraid the Arabs would cut off their oil supply or attack them. As a result, many people believe them, especially young people who have grown up hearing how Israel was attacking its neighbors, but never hear about how Hamas had attacked them first. Unfortunately, many people do not think things through. Any thinking person would realize that a small weak nation would not go around attacking its big strong neighbors, unless it had a serious death wish. There are many large powerful Arab nations surrounding Israel which is very small, only about the size of New Jersey. No nation in its right mind would attempt to attack it neighbors like that and hope to survive. Israel has survived continuous attacks by its neighbors because God has protected it. In the same way I could never understand why my teachers believed the bullies. I would be a fool to attack someone bigger and stronger than me when I couldn’t defend myself if they attacked back. If I attempted to attack them, they could just run away and I couldn’t chase them. In addition, Hamas has been open and vocal about its goal of destroying Israel and wipe it off the face of the earth. All Israel wants is to be left alone. Israel has even given up land to its neighbors in the hope of being left alone but its neighbors have continually broken the treaties and demanded more land. Hamas has clearly stated they will not stop until they have wiped Israel off the map.




03 Nov

Many people say the world is so confusing today and they don’t know what to believe. I find two main trends by those who are intent on gaining power. The first is an old tactic characterized by the old saying, the best defense is a strong offence. In other words, strike first. Liberals have tried to cover up their crimes by accusing their opponents of doing it. Then when they are found out, those who accuse them look like they are merely trying to get back at liberals. When people began to suspect that Hillary Clinton was working with the Russians by selling American uranium to Russia, Liberals accused Donald Trump of working with the Russians. They manufactured fake documents to support their accusations, and engaged in a long drawn out investigation which turned up no evidence that Donald Trump was working with the Russians. That served two purposes. One was to distract people from investigating Hillary Clinton so it would not hurt her chances of being elected for President. The second was to discredit Donald Trump so he would not be elected. They felt confident that it would help them win the election but were shocked when the American people responded by electing Donald Trump anyway. They continued their smear attacks throughout his presidency in order to prevent Donald Trump from being reelected and were successful in manipulating the election in their favor.


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Sanctity of Life-4-III-B

29 Oct

The worst provision of the new law is the provision which prevents interference with access to an abortion. The provision poses a serious threat to babies and  their mothers. The provision would block the State from preventing abortions when the physician determines it is necessary to protect the life or health of the mother. That would overrule laws that would prevent parents from interfering with a child getting an abortion and block the legislature or the people from passing laws to limit abortions. When I worked as an office manager for a pro-life crisis pregnancy center for a while, a woman brought in three high school girls. The girls were unrelated and the woman did not act like the mother of any of the girls. The woman acted like a professional woman and I got the impression she might be a school nurse. It is a good possibility that none of the girl’s parents knew they were there. A school nurse or even a child molester could take girls for abortions and the amendment would bar the parents from preventing them, in spite of the laws of every State which ban minors from getting non-emergency medical treatment without their parent’s consent. The way the amendment is written, it could possibly bar the mother from preventing it also since it states that the State cannot prevent it if the physician  determines it is necessary. It does not include any provision requiring the patient’s consent and could be used by a rapist or sex trafficker to force a victim to get an abortion against her will.  It could possibly be used to block attempts to license abortionists and abortion facilities since abortion providers claim they make it more difficult for them to conduct business which interferes with women’s access to abortions.



Sanctity of Life-4-III-A

29 Oct

Abortion providers in Ohio are pushing an amendment to the Constitution to expand abortion in Ohio.  They have continued to spew forth a pack of lies to get support. It is important for voters to understand the law in order to vote intelligently. It restricts abortion after the child is viable, which many people support, but allows the doctor to determine when it is viable and that depends on the doctor. A doctor pushing abortion could say a baby isn’t viable until it is born. Many mothers who want their baby have been told it would probably have a deformity and not be viable, yet when the baby was born, it was perfectly healthy. It is hard to determine exact conditions before birth. The amendment also allows for when the mother’s life is in jeopardy, which is also determined by the doctor, which many people support. Those are already included in Ohio’s law so that is no change.  The change is in the little phrase they add including a threat to her health in the determination. Since abortion doctors feel that an unwanted pregnancy puts stress on the mother, they feel that jeopardizes her mental health and so feel that allows them to perform abortions for any reason and at any time up until birth.  It is a phrase they have added to State Constitutions to open the door to unlimited abortion. They have been running numerous ads saying that there are no current provisions in the Constitution to allow for cases of rape which many would agree is needed, but that is a total lie since the law already contains such a provision.




18 Oct

While Democrats claim that the American people support their programs, the vast majority do not. They vote consistently for programs that support unions, abortion, and Gay privileges because those are the programs that are promoted by the organizations that contribute to their political campaigns. One Senator claimed in his financial report that he got over one million dollars for his Senate campaign in one campaign. With the costs of political campaigns, it is hard to ignore that kind of money. When Obamacare was being debated, several Democrat candidates promised their constituents that they would oppose pro-abortion mandates. Just before the vote, President Obama called them into his office for a talk. Shortly afterward, all of them voted for abortion mandates. I can imagine that the President probably reminded them how much they would lose if they didn’t comply. Republicans have no such large donors. They rely primarily on small donations from a large number of people which means  they have to be responsive to the will of the people to get support. Some of them have corporations which support their campaigns but Democrats usually raise three to ten times the money that Republicans do, and the majority is from labor unions and abortion and Gay rights organizations. That is why they consistently vote to support the wishes of those groups. That reason, plus their control of the media and social media, is why they are able to dominate the news with their message. It is known that if you say something long enough and often enough, and do not hear any opposing information, many people are led to believe it is true, however that doesn’t mean it is true.  It is very important to get the facts and decide for yourself rather than allowing yourself to be talked into something that might not be wise. .




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18 Oct
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Special Free study course #8

16 Oct

One of the biggest problems today, second only to the loss of our value for life, stems from the loss of our God-given concept of justice for all and the rise of the man-centered concept of survival of the fittest.

We are offering our course on Christian Values-Rule of Law for free for a limited time. The coupon is good until October 26 to the first 100 who sign up at