
03 Nov

Many people say the world is so confusing today and they don’t know what to believe. I find two main trends by those who are intent on gaining power. The first is an old tactic characterized by the old saying, the best defense is a strong offence. In other words, strike first. Liberals have tried to cover up their crimes by accusing their opponents of doing it. Then when they are found out, those who accuse them look like they are merely trying to get back at liberals. When people began to suspect that Hillary Clinton was working with the Russians by selling American uranium to Russia, Liberals accused Donald Trump of working with the Russians. They manufactured fake documents to support their accusations, and engaged in a long drawn out investigation which turned up no evidence that Donald Trump was working with the Russians. That served two purposes. One was to distract people from investigating Hillary Clinton so it would not hurt her chances of being elected for President. The second was to discredit Donald Trump so he would not be elected. They felt confident that it would help them win the election but were shocked when the American people responded by electing Donald Trump anyway. They continued their smear attacks throughout his presidency in order to prevent Donald Trump from being reelected and were successful in manipulating the election in their favor.


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