
18 Oct

While Democrats claim that the American people support their programs, the vast majority do not. They vote consistently for programs that support unions, abortion, and Gay privileges because those are the programs that are promoted by the organizations that contribute to their political campaigns. One Senator claimed in his financial report that he got over one million dollars for his Senate campaign in one campaign. With the costs of political campaigns, it is hard to ignore that kind of money. When Obamacare was being debated, several Democrat candidates promised their constituents that they would oppose pro-abortion mandates. Just before the vote, President Obama called them into his office for a talk. Shortly afterward, all of them voted for abortion mandates. I can imagine that the President probably reminded them how much they would lose if they didn’t comply. Republicans have no such large donors. They rely primarily on small donations from a large number of people which means  they have to be responsive to the will of the people to get support. Some of them have corporations which support their campaigns but Democrats usually raise three to ten times the money that Republicans do, and the majority is from labor unions and abortion and Gay rights organizations. That is why they consistently vote to support the wishes of those groups. That reason, plus their control of the media and social media, is why they are able to dominate the news with their message. It is known that if you say something long enough and often enough, and do not hear any opposing information, many people are led to believe it is true, however that doesn’t mean it is true.  It is very important to get the facts and decide for yourself rather than allowing yourself to be talked into something that might not be wise. .




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