Sanctity of Life-4-III-B

29 Oct

The worst provision of the new law is the provision which prevents interference with access to an abortion. The provision poses a serious threat to babies and  their mothers. The provision would block the State from preventing abortions when the physician determines it is necessary to protect the life or health of the mother. That would overrule laws that would prevent parents from interfering with a child getting an abortion and block the legislature or the people from passing laws to limit abortions. When I worked as an office manager for a pro-life crisis pregnancy center for a while, a woman brought in three high school girls. The girls were unrelated and the woman did not act like the mother of any of the girls. The woman acted like a professional woman and I got the impression she might be a school nurse. It is a good possibility that none of the girl’s parents knew they were there. A school nurse or even a child molester could take girls for abortions and the amendment would bar the parents from preventing them, in spite of the laws of every State which ban minors from getting non-emergency medical treatment without their parent’s consent. The way the amendment is written, it could possibly bar the mother from preventing it also since it states that the State cannot prevent it if the physician  determines it is necessary. It does not include any provision requiring the patient’s consent and could be used by a rapist or sex trafficker to force a victim to get an abortion against her will.  It could possibly be used to block attempts to license abortionists and abortion facilities since abortion providers claim they make it more difficult for them to conduct business which interferes with women’s access to abortions.



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