Archive for the ‘Gay Rights’ Category

Freedom of Religion-A-G

17 Aug

Liberals have sought to infiltrate and control what is taught in our public schools and universities, as well as the media, because they know that is where children learn about the world around them. As a result, liberal administrators are seeking to banish Christians and any beliefs that run contrary to their liberal ideas from our public schools and universities and have sought to impose their liberal beliefs on students without their parent’s knowledge or consent. Schools no longer seek to educate students to analyze problems and seek solutions based on facts, but are trying to turn children against Christian beliefs and indoctrinate them in their liberal beliefs. In addition, it has sought to control Christian schools and universities through threats and intimidation. Christians must recognize the threat and seek to reach children with the truth and expose liberal lies. Christians cannot expect that their children are immune to the lies and threats of the liberal school administrations. Churches must actively teach their children the truth and expose the lies in the media and their schools. While liberals portray Christians as accepting falsehoods on faith, the liberals base their arguments on feelings with little or no basis in fact and it is Christians whose beliefs are supported by facts. However, Christians cannot resist the liberal lies without access to the facts and liberals are doing everything possible to suppress the facts.



Gay Rights-V-E

12 Aug

An increasing number of kids are experiencing gender confusion. Gay Rights advocates say transitioning to their perceived gender will solve the problem and have been pushing puberty blockers and corrective surgery. However, many physicians and therapists oppose puberty blockers, even ones that are strongly pro-gay. Gay Rights advocates have been pushing legislation to prevent parents with interfering with the child’s decision to transition and some schools are refusing to notify parents when their child wants to transition. The treatment must begin around age eleven but kids that age are too young to understand implications of it. Time is required for maturity and hormones play big part of that.  Puberty blockers prevent normal sexual development, causing sexual dysfunction and often permanently sterility. England has been more aggressive in the use of puberty blockers, however there is an increasing backlash against the use. Workers have become upset with the fact that counselors do not adequately screen children for emotional problems and are pressing for use of puberty blockers with very little understanding of the potential effects and very little follow-up to see if the treatment has been effective. In addition, children are beginning to realize the outcomes from the use of puberty blockers and are beginning to file lawsuits claiming they were misled by counselors. The courts are beginning to agree. Hopefully other countries like the United States will begin to seriously question the practice and it will lead to serious investigation of the use.



Gay Rights-V-D

10 Aug

School boards are increasingly pushing for Gay privileges in their schools, under pressure from the federal Dept. of Education and  trying to block public opposition. For instance, when the Loudoun County Schools in Virginia proposed a policy which would allow students to change their names and pronouns at school without parental involvement and would require all teachers, staff, and students to address them by their chosen pronoun or face punishment. The initiative was funded by outside groups. A teacher objected in a public comment time in a school board meeting and the school district fired her. She challenged it in court and the court agreed with her. The school board then appealed the lower court’s decision but the Virginia Supreme Court also agreed  with the teacher. The school board then instituted the policy in violation of the court rulings. Voters have elected school board members with no thought to what policies they will implement and have allowed school boards to do whatever they want without any opposition. As a result, school boards have increasingly been imposing their liberal policies on school children without parents knowledge. Parents need to monitor what their children are learning. Learning from home during the Covid epidemic has enabled more parents to see what their children are learning, but knowledge does no good without an active response. It is time voters start electing people who will listen to what parents want and implement good policies and voters need to start recalling school board members who blatantly impose their liberal policies on students with no regard for student’s or parent’s rights




27 Jul

The American people support protecting marriage and have repeatedly voted for laws protecting marriage, only to have them overturned by the courts (even though the courts don’t have jurisdiction to overturn voter approved laws). The courts are to interpret laws and rule on the Constitutionality of laws passed by Congress, the Constitution does not give them authority to overturn laws passed by the voters. Our courts have already shown that they will do anything to promote the Gay agenda until we get laws that specifically protect marriage. It is imperative that voters vote for judges and representatives that will uphold the Constitution and respect the rule of law. It is also imperative that we elect representatives in both the national House and the Senate who will defend marriage. We also need to write our Senators and Representatives and urge them to push through laws protecting marriage as a union between one man and one woman.




27 Jul
Those supporting Gay marriage know that any popular vote on the issue will be defeated 
because most people oppose Gay privileges. Therefore, they choose to go through the 
legislatures and the courts. Gay Rights organizations know they can sway Democratic 
votes by contributing large sums to their election campaigns and while many Republicans 
oppose Gay privileges, they are afraid to speak out because of smear campaigns by Gay 
Rights activists or are outvoted by legislatures dominated by Democrats. Democrats are 
pushing a bill right now called the “Respect for Marriage Act” which would openly trash
marriage and open it to anyone who wants to get the benefits of marriage, whether it be those 
of the opposite sex or not and the shameful thing is that some Republican legislators who 
have always supported real marriage are caving in and supporting it. Christians need to 
support and vote for legislators and judges who support the sanctity of marriage. 

Gay Rights=2-F

16 Jul

President Biden has bypassed Congress and rewritten Title IX rules to replace the ban on discrimination based on sex with discrimination based on gender identity. It will require schools to allow children to use the restrooms, locker rooms, showers based on their perceived gender, not their sex. There is no word when the regulations will take effect. Gay rights groups have been targeting schools to force them to open restrooms to transgender children. Recently a school in Washington State decided that a boy who thought he was really a girl should be allowed to use the girl’s restrooms. Parents are understandably up in arms. It opens the doors to all kinds of danger. All a boy has to do is declare he feels he is a girl to gain access to the girl’s restroom. With advances in technology enabling people to plant cameras to spy on people, giving boys access to a girl’s restroom opens up more dangers. Recently a college that had opened its locker rooms to transgender students found a camera had been planted in the restroom and was taking pictures of the girls showering. The boys responsible had been posing as transgender and used the opportunity to plant the cameras. While the boys were expelled from school, the pictures had already been posted on the internet for all to see and the girls will have to live with the knowledge that pictures of them undressed are floating around the internet for their friends and potential friends to see. Parents can bring about change. The Stafford Co (VA) School Board decided to allow a cross-gender boy to use the girl’s bathroom, however, irate parents crowded into the School Board’s next meeting to protest and the School Board decided not to allow the boy to use the girl’s bathroom though they did not pass a resolution to prevent the school from allowing it in the future. The issue is not over.



Gay Rights-V-C

18 Jun

President Biden is continuing his attempts to make laws through executive order with no concern for the will of those who elected him. He thinks he is the king and can dictate whatever he wants. His recent order directed the Dept. of Health and Human Services to expand children’s access to gender transforming hormones and surgery while blocking attempts of parents and others to counsel them. Children are told their problems stem from being in the wrong body and that they can be solved by transitioning to the opposite sex. To assume all problems of childhood stem from being in the wrong body is insane. Children go through four stages of development. Two involve getting to know members of the opposite sex and how to deal with them. They are normal development and not signs that the person is really of the opposite sex and in the wrong body. The other two involve exploring who they are and seeking to develop their abilities through interaction with others of their own sex, which does not mean they should be the opposite sex and are in the wrong body. Children normally experience problems in growing up and should not be railroaded into mutilating their body because they are experiencing problems which children normally experience. The executive order also blocks parents and others from trying to help children deal with those problems and work out solutions. Parents are responsible for their children’s care and should be allowed to help them deal with problems they experience. Children are incapable of understanding the risks and consequences of gender altering hormones and surgeries and should not be allowed to make those decisions on their own. The order is so insane that radical feminists are joining conservatives in opposing it.



Gay Rights-II-E

05 May

President Biden is continuing pressure to get Title IX rewritten to prevent discrimination on the basis of gender identity instead of the basis of biological sex. Liberals are insistent on the right of children to use the school bathroom, locker room, shower, and sleeping facility of their choice based on the gender they feel they are rather than their gender based on their physical structure. However, to allow that has implications far beyond the Gay community. Separate school bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms were set aside to protect girls from voyeurs and sexual predators. When rules are enforced, the mere presence of a boy hanging around outside a girls facility would alert bystanders to a threat before he is able to attack anyone. However, if boys are allowed to use the facility of their choice, there would not be anything suspicious about a man entering a girls facility and predators could enter a girls facility without raising suspicion and attack vulnerable girls. Once the decision is made to allow children to use the facility of their choice, it is only logical for them to press to extend that to public facilities outside schools. The issue has already come up in numerous States and been defeated by pressure from concerned parents and other citizens. Gay Rights groups will continue to try to threaten schools with legal action to allow kids to use the facility of their choice and parents must be constantly vigilant to prevent it. We need to continue to insist on strict separation of all public restroom facilities.




07 Apr

Parents are increasingly disturbed by the blatant attempt of school officials to confuse and indoctrinate their children with Gay propaganda. Children as young as Kindergarten are being told that they can change their sex. Children that young don’t realize the difference between a boy thinking he is a girl or a boy actually becoming a girl. Teaching children that your sex may change confuses them and makes them afraid that they might wake up one morning to find they have switched to the opposite sex. Such teaching is reckless and irresponsible, and parents are finally getting fed up with it. One mother became so upset she organized a world-wide sex-ed sit out where parents pulled their kids out of school for a day to warn administrators that if they didn’t change, the parents would pull their kids out permanently. Of course you didn’t hear about that in the liberal media. The time is fast approaching when parents who want well adjusted kids are going to have to pull their kids out of the public schools if the schools don’t change their ways. Ohio is considering a law similar to the Florida law that bans teaching sex related curriculum to grades K through 3 when kids are most impressionable and do not understand what they are being taught. Voters should flood their legislatures with calls, E-mails, and letters to support such legislation.


Gay Rights-IV-O

31 Mar

We are seeing an increasing number of girls claim to be transgender due to the schools and social media. Girls have had an increasing problem with their self-image due to media hammering out the message that women are discriminated against and are second class citizens. While that was once true, there were vast advances in women’s rights and women were excelling in school over boys and graduating from high school, college, and graduate schools more often then boys. Since the current rise in efforts to promote transgenderism, society has openly trampled on women’s rights. Men, claiming to be women, have been allowed to use women’s restrooms, showers, and sleeping quarters endangering women. In addition, men, claiming to be women,  have been allowed to enter women’s sports, forcing biological women out of the competition. Society is increasingly showing open contempt for women’s rights. Girls often have a self-image problem in their teen years with changes in their body, but the media is making it worse with promotion of the perfect body for women. Girls are increasingly online where they are told that their problem is due to them being a boy in a girl’s body and are pressured to transition to boys. In addition, they may feel they can avoid the pressure to have the perfect body by transitioning to being a boy. As a result, we are seeing an explosion in the number of girls seeking to transition. Schools are compounding the problem by teaching that you can not relay on biology to tell you what sex you are, causing children to become confused and causing doubts when they run into normal problems in growing up. Instead of dealing with the problems, they are urged to transition to the opposite sex.