Freedom of Religion-A-G

17 Aug

Liberals have sought to infiltrate and control what is taught in our public schools and universities, as well as the media, because they know that is where children learn about the world around them. As a result, liberal administrators are seeking to banish Christians and any beliefs that run contrary to their liberal ideas from our public schools and universities and have sought to impose their liberal beliefs on students without their parent’s knowledge or consent. Schools no longer seek to educate students to analyze problems and seek solutions based on facts, but are trying to turn children against Christian beliefs and indoctrinate them in their liberal beliefs. In addition, it has sought to control Christian schools and universities through threats and intimidation. Christians must recognize the threat and seek to reach children with the truth and expose liberal lies. Christians cannot expect that their children are immune to the lies and threats of the liberal school administrations. Churches must actively teach their children the truth and expose the lies in the media and their schools. While liberals portray Christians as accepting falsehoods on faith, the liberals base their arguments on feelings with little or no basis in fact and it is Christians whose beliefs are supported by facts. However, Christians cannot resist the liberal lies without access to the facts and liberals are doing everything possible to suppress the facts.



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