Archive for the ‘Violence and Gun Control’ Category

Gun Control-B-D

05 Oct

Democrats say they are pushing for responsible gun ownership but have not pushed any legislation to promote gun safety and rely on limiting the availability of guns, which has proved a failure because criminals can still get guns. In addition, some bent on killing people have turned to bombs or other weapons when they could not get guns, though the media doesn’t report those because it doesn’t support their efforts to ban guns. The National Rifle Association and other conservative groups have been the ones pushing for laws requiring responsible gun use and safety training and providing that training. There is no public record of how many mass shootings have been prevented or limited by innocent citizens who were carrying guns and were able to take down the shooter before they could kill many people, because they don’t make spectacular news and would hurt the efforts of the media to ban guns.



Gun Control-B-C

05 Oct

Democrats say they support gun control, and whenever there is a mass shooting, they ramp up their calls for banning the sale and possession of firearms. Everywhere Democrats control, they have pushed for banning or limiting the sale of guns. However, gun control doesn’t work because many mass shooters have obtained their guns legally because they had nothing that would show up on a background check. Background checks did not prevent them from getting weapons. Others got the weapons from friends or family. It also deprives innocent citizens of weapons to defend themselves while criminals can get free access to guns on the Black market. As a result, cities controlled by Democrats are the most dangerous cities in America because the criminals have free reign without having to worry about being confronted with armed victims. Mass shooters who have lived have said they chose a place where guns were banned or would not be normally carried such as schools, churches, restaurants, and concerts, so they would not have to worry about being confronted by armed citizens.



Gun Control-B-B

20 Sep

The government is supposed to protect citizens, however Democrats have proposed a number of bills to control guns, which will do nothing to protect Americans. No mass shooter has acquired their guns through private sales. They were either purchased publicly, passing a background check, or stolen. It would only make it more difficult to buy or sell firearms, ensuring that a gun dealer will get a cut of the profit. It would also create a national gun registry allowing the government to know who has guns so they could confiscate your gun whenever they decides to do so. There has been no media publicity about these bills in spite of the impact they would have on the country. Cities and countries which limit guns have seen dramatic rises in gun deaths caused by criminals who ignore the law and deaths from knifings as criminals prey on citizens unable to defend themselves. The gun laws only curb the use of guns by honest citizens. The Democrats have proven how ineffective gun laws are. States and cities controlled by Democrats have the strictest gun laws in the country and they also have the highest rate of killing by guns. Chicago which has the strictest gun laws in the nation also has more shootings that anywhere else in the nation. While gun opponents talk about gun violence as if it is everywhere, the vast majority of violence occurs in only a few places which restrict the use  of guns. Mass shooters and other criminals target areas which restrict the use of guns where they do not have to fear running into someone with a  gun, and many mass shootings have been prevented when a bystander carrying a gun took the shooter down before he could kill many people, but the media doesn’t report those because they don’t support their anti-gun narrative.



Gun Control-B-A

20 Sep

Democrats say they are seeking responsible gun use however when they gained control of the House, they pushed a wide range of bills to promote their agenda. Talk is cheap but the truth lies in what they vote for. They pushed the “Universal Gun Registration Act” which would ban all private sale of guns and require they be handled through an authorized gun dealer. All guns would have to be registered through a national registry. While that sounds good, It would disarm the citizens and leave them at the mercy of criminals and terrorists who would not register their weapons. In addition, it is the first step dictators use to disarm their citizens and allow them to subdue the citizens. While people say that can’t happen here, we saw how far President Obama pushed the country towards government control using universal health care. Most provisions never went into effect but were truly scary. They are also pushing legislation which would ban gun sales to military age adults and to mandate ammo microstamping (to trace ammo-?). They are also pursuing the “Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bill” where they could take away your gun simply because someone said you posed a threat with no due process.



Violence-Gun Control-4-S

29 Mar

Liberals are again calling for gun control but they ignore their own guilt. They continue to push the narrative that we need to kill babies that get in our way. Although they claim they are just blobs  of tissue and not really babies, ultrasounds show that it really is a baby and we can now detect a heartbeat and even brain waves within a few weeks of conception, so we have plenty of evidence that it is a baby from very shortly after birth. Now they are pushing for freedom to kill them even after birth. Once you proclaim the right to kill someone that gets in your way, it is only a matter of defining who is getting in your way. Some say it is those who are elderly, critically sick or injured, or mentally ill, while others say it is those who feel life is no longer worth living. Liberals have spent fifty years teaching that life only has value when it benefits you and when it doesn’t, it is alright to eliminate it. If you say something long enough and often enough, people begin to believe it. In addition, many people feel that if something is legal, it must be alright. During the last fifty years, abortion was technically legal. It wasn’t really legal but the courts felt they could not protect the baby because it could not be proven to be a person. That allowed abortion to flourish. As  it flourished, a growing number of people have begun viewing it as acceptable. In addition, liberal politicians turn a blind eye to violence against conservatives and those who oppose violence, reenforcing the idea that violence is acceptable if someone gets in your way. You can outlaw abortion, but you will not stop it or the increasing violence until you convince people that killing is wrong. That is not going to occur overnight. We have the laws we need to stop abortion and violence, but the laws need to be enforced or they do no good. In addition, we need to stand up and be vocal in defense of those who cannot defend themselves.



Gun Control-Violence-4-R

06 Jun

Liberal politicians and the media express surprise and concern about the recent outbreak of mass shootings but ignore the fact that pro-abortion advocates are rioting and threatening Supreme Court justices and demanding to keep the right to kill babies that are unwanted or inconvenient. Several States are passing laws allowing the killing of babies as much as 28 days after they are born in open violation of the Constitution. The Supreme Court said it couldn’t determine when life began and so the babies in the womb could not be protected by the courts, but these babies are already born and breathing. There is no doubt they are alive. The message is clear, you have the right to attack and kill those that get in your way or prevent you from being happy. Add to that the fact that the media covers it, and you have an ideal situation for someone who has something against someone and feels no one is listening. The pro-abortion advocates give the gunmen the rational for what they are doing and permission to do it. The media gives them the publicity they crave. The gun is just a means to an end, the way to accomplish the goal. The senseless lawsuits against gun manufacturers for making the guns puts car makers, brewers of alcohol, manufacturers of hammers and knives, and all kinds of innocent people at risk of being sued for something they are powerless to control. Once they make something, it is out of their hands. It can be used for good or for evil. The lawsuits are no more than publicity stunts to reach into the deep pockets of gun manufacturers to get rich over someone else’s misery. The only thing it will do is shut down American gun manufacturers and enrich foreign gun manufacturers and gun smugglers.


Violence and Gun Control-4-Q

28 May

People wring their hands and wonder what to do. The politicians and media come up with the obvious. Background checks-Practically all these mass shooters either obtained the guns illegally or had no record that would have stopped the sale, even with a background check. Take away everyone’s guns-The only guns you get are the ones of innocent people trying to protect themselves. Once they are disarmed, the criminals have a field day. Crime and violence escalate quickly. Most mass shootings take place in places where guns aren’t allowed. The shooters know that when they pick their targets. They don’t want to be interrupted by people with guns.  The guy in Texas wasn’t wearing a bullet-proof vest because he wanted to make a fashion statement. Once they are over, the investigations usually reveal a long trail so obvious a blind man could have followed it. The guy in Texas was a typical shooter. He was a loner, who felt no one cared. He was often bullied, then constantly in trouble, then labeled a trouble-maker, then spread his anger all over the social media, but at each stage, nobody listened. What would it take to get their attention? He bragged about doing something big, displayed his guns for all to see, but nobody listened. He shot his grandmother and broadcast that, but nobody listened. There is only one thing left. The more people he killed, the more people would pay attention, and they did.  By then it was too late. Why did he have to go that far before someone listened? In the beginning, all that was needed was for someone to show him they cared. One person or a small group could have stopped it at any point if they had only listened. The farther it goes, the harder it is to stop.


Violence and Gun control-4-P

25 May

While I don’t encourage people to carry guns, I don’t believe that limiting gun ownership will solve the problem. The shooter at Columbine High School had a variety of bombs in the school that he was going to set off after he shot a lot of people. Fortunately, he was stopped before he could set them off. Outlawing guns would not have stopped him. If he could not have gotten the guns, he probably would have still tried to set off the bombs. We need to stop the people that are going to do these things. The media played up the fact that this was totally unexpected, and no one knew about it until it happened. However, the shooter had broadcast that he was going to do something like that for almost two years, but no one paid any attention to him. On his way to school that day, he told a friend he met to turn around and go home because he should not go to school that day. Most school shooters have left a long trail of warnings which no one paid any attention to. A lot of incidents you have never heard about, have not happened because someone stopped to listen. In fact, the shooters are usually loners who were bullied or ignored and feel this is their way to get noticed. We need to reach these people before they reach the point of violence.


Violence and gun control-4-O

25 May

While the media continues to call for increased gun control, they ignore their own responsibility. After the shooting at Columbine High School hit the news, there were a number of similar school shootings that also drew extensive news coverage. In fact, the coverage probably encouraged the others by showing them that they could become famous by killing people. To someone who feels that no one will listen to him, it sounds like a good way to get people to remember them. However coverage of a particularly tragic school shooting ended abruptly. The media first broke the news that there had been a shooting and then abruptly cut off news coverage, without giving any details, when they apparently realized the repercussions from such coverage. Unlike the other events, only one person died but the shooter’s age made it particularly scary. I took note of it because the shooting took place at an elementary school on the school campus where I had gone to Jr. High school years before. I received the details from friends who still live there. A six-year old boy walked into his first grade class, pulled out a gun, and shot and killed a first grade girl, in front of his whole class. He had picked up the loaded gun that was laying around at home before he left for school. Most likely, he was influenced by the coverage of the school shootings which told him that the way to solve your problems is with a gun. We need to stop glorifying these people in public. When the publicity stops, they will need to seek other ways to get attention. Hopefully, ones that are less destructive.


Violence and gun control-4-N

25 May

After the tragic shooting in Texas, liberal politicians are again calling for gun control. Guns have never forced anyone to shoot someone. The problem is not guns. When I was young, there were just as many guns around but very few shootings and no mass shootings like we see today. People respected life and the rule of law. Since than we have seen a dramatic shift in our country. Liberals say it is alright to kill a baby if it will interfere with your happiness and their followers should attack conservatives because they interfere with the liberal politicians getting what they want. Liberal politicians have weaponized the judicial system to persecute their opponents and protect themselves with little concern for justice. They have continually accused former President Trump and other conservatives of various crimes but in spite of intensive investigation, have been unable to show any proof of guilt, yet there is clear evidence that Hillary Clinton committed numerous crimes and has never been prosecuted. They continually attacked former President Trump for one hour of missing tapes on January 6, but said nothing when the tape was found. Yet Hillary Clinton used her own computer as Secretary of State to avoid public scrutiny and when Donald Trump won the presidency, she destroyed the computer and all phones and I-pads, wiping their hard drives clean and even smashing them with a hammer to destroy the evidence, but the liberal media never reported it. When a man exposed the fact that Planned Parenthood was illegally harvesting and selling baby parts, the courts went after the man for exposing the crime and awarded Planned Parenthood millions of dollars in restitution for bad publicity resulting from exposure of their criminal activity. They are still trying to collect the money in spite of the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has already overturned his conviction twice. Such disregard for human life and the rule of law has infiltrated our society and led to increased killings and open disregard for the law. Yet liberal politicians refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.  Christians need to stand up in support of the value of life and the rule of law.