Gun Control-B-A

20 Sep

Democrats say they are seeking responsible gun use however when they gained control of the House, they pushed a wide range of bills to promote their agenda. Talk is cheap but the truth lies in what they vote for. They pushed the “Universal Gun Registration Act” which would ban all private sale of guns and require they be handled through an authorized gun dealer. All guns would have to be registered through a national registry. While that sounds good, It would disarm the citizens and leave them at the mercy of criminals and terrorists who would not register their weapons. In addition, it is the first step dictators use to disarm their citizens and allow them to subdue the citizens. While people say that can’t happen here, we saw how far President Obama pushed the country towards government control using universal health care. Most provisions never went into effect but were truly scary. They are also pushing legislation which would ban gun sales to military age adults and to mandate ammo microstamping (to trace ammo-?). They are also pursuing the “Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bill” where they could take away your gun simply because someone said you posed a threat with no due process.



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