Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category


12 Jan

The fourth lie is the one that says everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It is a lie because they obviously don’t believe it, not because it isn’t true. They say everyone should be free to believe what they want. They feel differently and feel they should be able to hold their opinion regardless of what others believe. They claim they should not be punished for going against the majority. While there is basically nothing wrong with that, the problem is that they feel society should accommodate their beliefs. They use it to justify their actions which violate the rights of the majority of people. Transexual men feel they should be able to use the women’s bathroom or play in women’s sports because they feel they are a woman and feel society should allow them to. If they want to believe they are a woman, that is their right, but they violate what they say they believe when they try to force society to accommodate them. According to what they claim, society should be free to believe what it believes just as they claim the right to believe what they believe. If they want to go to a deserted island and practice what they believe, nobody will stop them, but they should not force their beliefs on society.



12 Jan

Another lie is just as serious. They say that it doesn’t matter what you believe. You are free to believe whatever you want and it won’t affect your life. Decisions are based on the problem you face and not on any pre-set feelings about right and wrong.  It is often referred to as situation ethics. That is closely related to the belief that there won’t be any consequences. It releases the person from the need to figure out how that belief will affect their life. Someone can change their beliefs whenever they want and not have to analyze whether it is good or bad because it won’t make any difference. It allows people to do things that create all kinds of problems and dismiss them as not their fault. It allows people to claim that telling women to kill their unborn baby because it will get in the way of their happiness is not responsible for someone shooting his boss and coworkers because they stand in the way of his happiness. They claim that the problem stems from the fact he had access to a gun. If he didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have done it. The problem is that they have to ignore when someone uses a knife or a bomb because it can’t be blamed on the fact that they had access to a gun.



12 Jan

When I was young, the church was actively teaching God’s values and they were open about them in public so most people accepted them, even if they had no church connection. There was a clear understanding of what was right and what was wrong.  Our society had its ups and downs but overall, it ran fairly smoothly.  Over the last fifty years, liberal media and politicians have been pushing another set of values. Those values are relative and subject to individual interpretation.  They are based on four primary lies. Two of them have been around for a long time and were the ones that Satan offered to Eve.  The first is that laws are relative. God said not to touch the tree but Satan tried to confuse Eve about what God had really said. He implied that God was withholding something good. We see this on our highway where the speed limit says fifty-five, but it is a clear day and an open road so people feel that they can do seventy. Its more fun and you can get there faster. However, without a set speed, the faster drivers are constantly weaving in and out of traffic, passing the slower vehicles which increases the danger of accidents. The second backs it up. You can enjoy it and there won’t be any consequences. We see this in abortion. They push you to enjoy free sex and not worry about consequences. If you have an accidental pregnancy, you can always abort it and take care of the problem. Unfortunately, saying there won’t be a problem, does not make it so. Abortion may take care of one problem but opens up others. We are seeing the consequences of a relative set of values today. Once you allow people to make up their own rules, nobody is sure what the rules are, and some will choose rules that cause more harm than good. We are reaping the consequences of a relative set of values.



04 Jan

It is interesting to watch Democrats deal with migrants who enter their cities and States. They encourage the migrants to come and prevent any attempt to stop them, knowing that the Republican border States are going to bear the burden of taking care of them. They stick their heads in the sand and ignore the problems they are creating because it does not affect them. Now the border States have gotten smart and have begun shipping a few of them into Democrat controlled cities and States. The number being shipped is only a very small fraction of those pouring into Texas and Arizona every day, but it is enough to give them a taste of the problems they are creating for the border States. All of a sudden, Democrats are having to face the problems they are creating and they don’t want to deal with them. They are trying to prevent the migrants from being shipped to them and are even threatening to send them back to the border. They want the migrants to come to the United States as long as they don’t have to deal with them, so they are trying to prevent them from coming to their cities and States. They want to destroy the economies of the Republican States that are prospering due to low taxes and few business regulations to make their cities and States look good, even though they are struggling under failing economies due to the high taxes, uncontrolled government spending, and heavy government regulation of business forced on them by their leadership of Democrats who are anything but Democratic.



04 Jan

While President Biden continues to complain about the influx of illegal immigrants, he has done nothing to stop them. In fact, by pushing for them to stay once they get here, he is encouraging them to come. He ended President Trump’s policy of sending them back if they crossed illegally and instead releases them into the country where they disappear and never show up for their hearings. Unfortunately, the huge influx of illegal immigrants is overtaxing immigration authorities and preventing them from protecting our borders from other threats. Over a million pills laced with Fentanyl were intercepted in California coming in from Mexico in a recent drug bust. Fentanyl is the number one cause of death in those age 18-45. It is not known how many pills have slipped past border agents busy rounding up illegal immigrants. Border agents have also spotted an increased number of terrorists slipping over the border. Our President is responsible for protecting us from foreign threats and this certainly qualifies as a foreign threat. President Trump built large segments of the border in spite of  opposition from liberals but President Biden put an end to it and striped it of the funding that was allocated under President Trump. Now he complains he can’t do anything because he can’t get the funding from Congress.  We need a president like President Trump that will deal with the problem and not encourage it and then bellyache about it.



29 Dec

I get tired of top liberals constantly claiming that Donald Trump is a dictator that is destroying democracy. Trump sought to restore the family and the rights of parents. Liberals want to push Gay privileges and abortion by preventing parents from interfering in the decisions of minors to get abortions and gender transition therapy. Liberals are forcing schools to teach critical race theory, Gay privilege, gender fluidity, and sexual play, by threatening lawsuits, and forcing them to hide it from parents. President Obama made numerous executive orders that violated the Constitution  and the rights of American citizens. Trump revoked them when he got in office, but President Biden restored them when he got in office. While executive orders do not have the force of law, President Obama tried to enforce them by threatening to file lawsuits against States and schools that did not comply. Some executive orders directly required States to violate the laws of the United States passed by Congress which is an open violation of the Constitution and his oath of office to uphold the laws of the United States. Trump tried to get States to clean up their voter rolls and enact laws protecting the voting process. Liberals have continually tried to enact laws that would open loopholes allowing massive fraud in voting and would prevent States from enacting laws to protect their voting process. Several liberal States have already enacted laws that will nullify the votes cast in their State. Their electors will cast their vote for whoever wins the national vote, regardless of how the people vote in that State. It is entirely possible for the electors of that State to cast their vote for a candidate who was not even on the ballot in that State. It bypasses the Constitutional safeguards that prevent voters from a few heavily populated States from determining the outcome of an election. A dictator is someone who forces people to do things against their will and it is obvious who the real dictators are. It is time for voters to stop listening to the rhetoric and start looking at the facts.   


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Posted in Politics


Voter Safety I-A-B

27 Dec

Even with ID laws, it is not completely safe. Fake ID’s are easy to get and a lot of teens get them so they can buy beer and cigarettes. If a political party knows someone is registered but won’t vote, they can make fake ID’s using the names and addresses of registered voters for someone to pose as those people and vote in their place. By registering a lot of inner-city people who probably won’t vote, they have a goldmine of potential for fake ID’s.  If you have to vote where you live, someone will recognize if you come back to the same voting place several times using different names and ID’s but if you can vote by mail, on multiple days, or wherever you want, you can go to several different polling places or go on several days, and vote under different names without anyone realizing it, making it easier for a dishonest party to “stuff the ballot box” with fraudulent ballots. Most States today issue ID’s for those that don’t drive. Poor Blacks often get welfare and have to have ID’s to get it. As a result, voter ID laws do not provide a barrier to them voting, like they used to. It does require that people prove they are eligible to vote and are not trying to vote illegally. The most common fraud is when someone claims to be someone else who is registered but not likely to vote, either because they have died or because they moved out of State and are no longer eligible to vote in the State. Many States have laws requiring them to clean out voter registration lists and remove anyone who hasn’t voted in three years to eliminate those who have died or moved out of State so people can’t use those names to vote illegally, however that still leaves a window where someone can try to vote claiming they are someone who is already listed on the rolls, but is not likely to vote because they either died or moved out of State.


Voter Safety I-A-A

27 Dec

Democrats are fighting attempts  to enact or maintain voter ID laws saying they prevent people, particularly minorities from voting.  It is not strange that a large number of illegal immigrants are found on the voter registration rolls in States that allow online and mail registration since it doesn’t allow face to face verification of identity. It is also not surprising that many of them might vote in States that also do not require voter ID’s at the polls. Further problems arise when States allow registering at  driver’s license offices and do not verify citizenship before issuing driver’s licenses. California recently enacted a law which will automatically register you to vote when you get a driver’s license or renew one unless you opt out. Since California also has enacted a law allowing people to get driver’s licenses without verifying citizenship, it means that up to a million illegal immigrants in California could become registered to vote. A review of Pennsylvania’s voter roles have shown over 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote. Pennsylvania also allows you to register to vote when you renew your driver’s license. There was no check to see how many have voted but it isn’t hard to think that a lot of them probably did since it is unlikely they would register to vote if they did not intend to vote, unless someone signed them up to vote, knowing they would not vote, so their names could be used to allow someone else to vote illegally. Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are being allowed to stay in the U.S. and States like California are now allowing them to get driver’s licenses, so the potential for fraud is unimaginable.




Voting Safety-1-D-A

27 Dec

The National Voter Registration Act was passed to require States to clean up their voter registrations.  Before President Obama took office, many States complied with the National Voter Registration Act and regularly cleaned their rolls. However, President Obama filed lawsuits against many States to prevent them from complying with the National Voter Registration Act. A clear act to defy the law and force the States to violate the law as well. President Obama  claimed it deprived people of their right to vote, in spite of the fact that the majority were people who had died or moved out of State and were no longer eligible to vote. Ohio went ahead and cleaned their rolls anyway but the federal government took them to court and the court ordered Ohio to reinstate them. As a result, records showed that there was probably between 3-5 million people on the rolls in Ohio that weren’t eligible to vote. That left a great deal of potential for fraud. Ohio appealed it to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ruled that Ohio did not violate federal laws in cleaning up its voter rolls by removing the names of those who had not voted for several years. While it did say not voting alone was not an acceptable reason for removing them, since Ohio seeks to contact the person and if after notification the person still doesn’t vote, then it is permissible to remove them. Six other States have similar laws which means 43 States do not have laws protecting the integrity of their voting by removing those who do not vote. Judge Alito in the majority opinion stated that about 1 in 8 voter registrations are invalid or inaccurate allowing people to use those names fraudulently. It is not strange that dead people and those people voting in multiple States usually vote for Democratic candidates since Democrats are the ones fighting to keep these names on the rolls. Without a voter ID law, anyone can go to the voter rolls, pick out someone who hasn’t voted in a couple years and go to the polls claiming to be that person. Since the name of the person they claim to be is on the rolls, and they are not asked for identification, they could vote. Research showed that the man compiling the information was registered in three States, though he did not realize it. He had moved and not canceled his registration in the old State. Most people don’t cancel their voter registration when they move out of State, and most States don’t cross check voter registrations with death records. While Donald Trump urged States to comply with the act, many States controlled by Democrats refused.  By not cleaning the rolls, it leaves a lot of ineligible voters registered which leaves a large pool of names for those who seek to stuff the ballot box with illegal votes by creating fake ballots under the names of those who haven’t voted. Judicial Watch, a political watch dog group, has uncovered evidence that at least 11 States, with a total of over 100 counties have more registered voters than people of eligible age to vote and have warned the counties that if they don’t make a reasonable effort to clean up their rolls, Judicial Watch will file a lawsuit against them to compel them to comply with the law. Private citizens should not have to go to court to compel States to obey federal law.





20 Dec

Many people are frustrated with the party politics and the poor quality candidates offered in the general election. A lot of that is due to voter apathy where voters in the primaries do not take the elections seriously. A reform is being suggested is to do away with party primaries and hold a general primary election. Everyone would vote for their top pick candidate. For instance, if there are ten candidates in the primary,  the top four or five would be forwarded to the general election regardless of party affiliation. That would force candidates to appeal to a wider range of voters and not just to the party faithful. That would also require them as elected officials in strong blue or red States to compromise to satisfy the largest number of voters and not just the party faithful.  It would also allow independents and non-committed voters to vote since they are barred from primaries where they have to declare themselves as supporting one party or the other. That might open the door to minority candidates who might not be well-known in their party  but are more widely known by the public. That offers a promise of improving the elections. However, it might also force out candidates in minority parties who don’t have the broad support outside of their party or force out Republicans in a strong Democrat State or force out Democrats in a strong Republican State. We haven’t had enough experience with it yet to fully know the effects. While there is bipartisan support for it, there is also bipartisan opposition.