
29 Dec

I get tired of top liberals constantly claiming that Donald Trump is a dictator that is destroying democracy. Trump sought to restore the family and the rights of parents. Liberals want to push Gay privileges and abortion by preventing parents from interfering in the decisions of minors to get abortions and gender transition therapy. Liberals are forcing schools to teach critical race theory, Gay privilege, gender fluidity, and sexual play, by threatening lawsuits, and forcing them to hide it from parents. President Obama made numerous executive orders that violated the Constitution  and the rights of American citizens. Trump revoked them when he got in office, but President Biden restored them when he got in office. While executive orders do not have the force of law, President Obama tried to enforce them by threatening to file lawsuits against States and schools that did not comply. Some executive orders directly required States to violate the laws of the United States passed by Congress which is an open violation of the Constitution and his oath of office to uphold the laws of the United States. Trump tried to get States to clean up their voter rolls and enact laws protecting the voting process. Liberals have continually tried to enact laws that would open loopholes allowing massive fraud in voting and would prevent States from enacting laws to protect their voting process. Several liberal States have already enacted laws that will nullify the votes cast in their State. Their electors will cast their vote for whoever wins the national vote, regardless of how the people vote in that State. It is entirely possible for the electors of that State to cast their vote for a candidate who was not even on the ballot in that State. It bypasses the Constitutional safeguards that prevent voters from a few heavily populated States from determining the outcome of an election. A dictator is someone who forces people to do things against their will and it is obvious who the real dictators are. It is time for voters to stop listening to the rhetoric and start looking at the facts.   


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