Archive for the ‘Study Courses’ Category

Video-Basic Christian Beliefs-study course

04 Jan

As of today, I am offering my course on Basic Christian Beliefs as a free introductory course.  (time 1 hr, 50 min. )

Basic Christian Beliefs study course-


Course URL



Video-Value of Time, Truth, and Education-study course

22 Dec

Available at Udemy at


video-Church in the 21st Century-Course Promo

26 Sep

The church today is struggling. It must recognize the changes in the world around it. This details with how to deal with them. See course at

Course URL


Rosh Hosanna Sept-25-27, 2022 Study Course Video

22 Sep

Rosh Hosanna signals the beginning of the celebration of the Fall harvest which is the final harvest of the year. After the first day when good people are rewarded. The rest have ten days to repent. This parallels Revelation where the trumpet sounds, Jesus returns and collects His chosen people, and then begins the tribulation where the rest will have one final chance to repent before the close of the final harvest of the elect. This celebration has not been fulfilled but whenever it is, it will probably occur on Rosh Hosanna. Never-the-less, we need to be ready every day because we never know when we will pass out of this world into the next and seal our fate for eternity. (For more on the holidays, see “Before Your Eyes” in “Understanding the Path We Walk”) and Udemy course Celebrations- Promo

Course URL         


Third Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 18

13 Sep

organized teaching-In addition to a firm foundation, members need organized teaching. Often, the preaching and the adult Sunday Schools of many churches are very haphazard with no master plan. Sermons are often chosen week by week or from a series that hits the pastor’s fancy. Adult Sunday School classes are often chosen for each quarter at random. Without a basic foundation of knowledge and without organized instruction, bits and pieces of knowledge are tossed together in a heap. Many adult church members know many things about the faith but have no way to pull it together and do not understand how it applies to their life. The church needs to draw up a blueprint of what its members need to know and teach them in an organized manner. Using the Christian calendar gives structure to teaching and helps the church provide organized teaching. By going through the Christian calendar, it goes through all the major teachings of the church each year.  I have a series of courses on Udemy to teach Christian beliefs. It begins with a course on Basic Christian beliefs. Next is a course on the Celebrations and how they help members understand the faith. Next I have courses on the values laid down in the Ten Commandments., including the value of life, the value of the rule of law, and the value of the family. See promos and links under “study courses”                                    


video-In the World, Not of it-study course promo

10 Sep

You can take the course at Udemy by posting the following URL:



Video-Value of Family and Gender-course promo

07 Sep

Available on Udemy at URL:



Video-study course-Value of the Rule of Law-promo

01 Aug

I have a course on Christian Values on the Value of the Rule of Law, which is posted on Udemy.

It is available by posting the following link in your browser.


video-study course-Value of Life- promo

04 Jul

I have a course on Christian Values on the Value of Life, which is posted on Udemy.

It is available by posting the following link in your browser.


Video-study course-Christian Celebrations-promo

22 Jun

I have a course on Basic Christian Beliefs for new Christians and as a refresher for long-time Christians, which is posted on Udemy.

It is available by posting the following link in your browser.