Archive for the ‘violence and social strife’ Category

Violence and Social Strife-2-Z

16 Dec

The Maltz Museum had a section on Hate. They included information on Hitler’s attempt to exterminate the Jews and a section on the American Civil Rights movement. I remember the Civil Rights movement well. Segregation like occurred before the Civil Rights movement breeds suspicion and fear. If you don’t know someone, you believe what others tell you about them. We have come a long way in race relations as Whites and Blacks have mingled and got to know each other.  It has done a great deal to break down old stereotypes and fears. However, President Obama did a great deal to stir up fear of Whites by Blacks and turn Blacks against Whites by drawing attention to every time a White police officer killed a Black person. He was aided by the liberal media that trumpeted every little incident like it was an earth shaking incident. In spite of the fact that Blacks are far more likely to be killed by another Black person then they are to be killed by a White person and the chances the White person will be a police officer is very small. That fear of Whites caused some Blacks to attack White people, particularly police officers. That stirred up increasing fear of Blacks by Whites. It is the old game of divide and conquer that the devil loves to play. It’s his favorite game. It is a game that Democrats are openly playing today. They are constantly accusing President Trump of every little thing and launching senseless investigations to discredit him and turn his supporters against him. They are also constantly attacking and demonizing Christians and Jews, just as Hitler did to the Jews in the 1940’s. Christians tried to ignore what Hitler was doing to the Jews until it was difficult to do much. Christians and Jews must not continue to ignore the current move in the same direction because it is becoming increasingly difficult to do much as liberals gain more power .



Violence and Social Strife-2-Y

16 Dec

My wife and I visited the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage just outside Cleveland, Oh and it was impressive.  It reminded me of how many Christians, especially evangelical Christians, ignore the Jews and the Old Testament. They feel the Old Testament is no longer relevant. The problem lies with the modern understanding of the Scriptures.  It’s not Biblical. Jesus said He didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfil it. It also says God’s Word will not pass away. God’s Word in the Old Testament is just as relevant today as in Jesus’ time. You can’t tell a child to love their brother or sister, because they don’t know what love is. They have to learn how by watching their parents love each other. Until they learn how, you must lay down the law. They are not to kill each other, steal from each other, etc. When man rejected God, he became like a baby who wants what it wants, when it wants it. God had to teach the Jews to obey the law, before they could learn to live it. The law must continue to exist for those who don’t know God or who have just learned about God, but have not yet learned what it means to love each other. The church often uses the Old Testament stories to teach children how to walk with God, but fail to see their own need to learn from it. Just as a child needs to learn to obey before he can become a mature individual, new Christians must learn to walk in obedience before they can become mature Christians. Many Christians look down on Jews and feel God has abandoned them, however God is merely waiting for them to recognize the truth and return to Him.  Jesus was a Jew and never rejected Judaism, He merely condemned the Jewish leaders who had corrupted Judaism and rejected Him. In addition, most of the early Christians were Jews. The Bible says that in the last days, the eyes of the Jews will be opened, and they will turn to Him. We are seeing Jews turning to God in previously unknown numbers as they recognize the truth of God’s Word. Pray for more Jews to see the truth.



Violence and Social Strife-2-X

16 Dec

The FBI just released its statistics on hate crimes for 2021. Unfortunately, its data is incomplete because it uses data from the National Incident-based Reporting System and not all law enforcement agencies submit their data to it. It was reported that 22% fewer agencies reported their results last year meaning that it is increasingly  inaccurate in giving us a true picture of hate crimes. In  fact, many major cities do not submit information because they do not want to broadcast how bad they are failing to curb violence. The data shows an increase in hate crimes against Jews, which is alarming considering the data does not include major cities in New York and California who are a hot-bed of  anti-Jew incidents, but don’t report their data.



Violence and social strife-2-W

28 Sep

While the president and liberal members of Congress continually accuse conservatives of trying to overthrow the government, they continue to call for violence against conservatives to threaten and intimidate them into silence. Monday, a teenage boy who was killed because his killer said “he thought the boy was a Republican extremist” was laid to rest. Since the killer freely admits he killed the boy because of his political views, it clearly falls under the “hate crime” bill requiring FBI investigation. His killer is now out on bond without supervision or house arrest after posting a mere $50,000 bail. Contrast that to the case of Mark Houck, a father of seven children who was peacefully praying in front of an abortion clinic with his twelve year old son when his son was ridiculed and verbally assaulted by a clinic worker. The father repeatedly told the worker to stop. Finally, he shoved the worker away. The worker filed charges against him for assault and battery. The District Court of Philadelphia threw the case out of court last month. However, last Friday, 25 FBI agents broke down his door and arrested him in front of his wife and children on charges under the federal Freedom of Clinic Access law and he could face up to 11 years in prison for defending life and his family. This administration is out of control and using the FBI to threaten and silence conservatives while turning a blind eye to violence by liberal terrorists who are responding to calls by the administration to threaten and attack their opponents by vandalizing and firebombing churches and pro-life women’s health clinics. The FBI needs to be investigated for its actions against conservatives and its inaction against liberals and those responsible need to be prosecuted. In addition, those people in government who are calling on their followers to attack their opponents need to be prosecuted. Liberals in Congress prosecuted President Trump for inciting to riot when videos show he urged his followers to stay calm and go home. It is only right that they should be prosecuted when they  openly call for violence against conservatives on public television. In addition, those who are vandalizing, and fire-bombing churches and pro-life clinics need to be arrested and prosecuted. However, it won’t be done by the current administration which pours millions of dollars of taxpayer money into Planned Parenthood and receives millions of dollars of that money back for their political campaigns. We need to elect Congressmen in November who will restore justice to our country.


Violence and Social strife-3-D

22 Sep

While liberals continue to claim conservatives are trying to overthrow the government, they are the ones who continue to exhibit violence against those trying to preserve American values.  While the media splashes school violence all over the media, they are only isolated incidences, yet there is a systematic and deliberate attempt to threaten and intimidate conservatives which is not even mentioned by the media. There have been daily vandalisms and fire bombings of churches  and pro-life centers. Some involved shootings where several people were injured or killed. If those had been conservatives picketing in front of abortion centers, or even schools, it would be all over the media. In addition, conservative Supreme Court justices have been threatened and their families have been threatened for voting to overturn Roe vs Wade. The only mention of it was accusations that conservative groups were behind it. Why would conservative groups want to threaten justices that support the overturning of Roe vs Wade?  That doesn’t make sense to any thinking person. Of course, they don’t believe that people should think for themselves. They feel that most people are incapable of deciding what is best for themselves, so they feel they should make the decisions for you for your own good. That is why President Biden makes executive orders to support things opposed by most Americans, when he feels Congress can’t get things passed soon enough, just as President Obama did. That is also why liberals pass all kinds of laws that the majority of Americans oppose. If you oppose them, they feel justified in threatening and intimidating you into submitting, whether by using the courts and Congressional committees to harass you with frivolous lawsuits or terrorizing you through vandalism and violent attacks. It is time to elect people who will listen to the American people and govern accordingly and will appoint judges that will rule justly to punish the guilty and not the innocent.


Violence-Social strife

20 Sep

Elizabeth Warren is on her soapbox again. She is calling on her supporters to attack crisis pregnancy centers and shut them down. While she is not the only one in Congress, she is one of the most vocal. Vandalism and fire-bombing attacks on pro-life churches and pregnancy centers have reached close to one a day since the leak of information on Roe vs Wade, yet the media is not reporting on it. They feel that Christians praying outside abortion centers and parents speaking up in Parent teacher meetings pose a threat to their power, while firebombing churches and pregnancy centers helps silence those who oppose them. President Biden has now instructed the Dept. of Justice to set up a reproduction rights task force to threaten and intimidate those who seek to protect life. The Supreme Court has ruled that the courts have the right to protect the life of the unborn, but the administration feels they can subvert the rule of law by executive order by suppressing any attempt to limit the practice of abortion until Congress can pass a law to cancel State laws that protect life. The liberal House has already passed legislation to establish abortion as a permanent right, so it is important for voters to vote in Congressmen who will protect life and respect the rule of law. It is also important to vote in State officials who will enact State laws to protect life.




Violence and Social strife-2-U

10 Aug

Businesses in Portland, Oregon continue to close or move out of the city due to the ongoing violence in the city since George Floyd was killed. Liberal politicians continue to sit on their hands and refuse to curb the violence. As long as criminals are allowed to walk freely without being held accountable, they will continue to see violence and the people and businesses will continue to move out of the city. Laws are established to keep order and prevent crime. It depends on catching and prosecuting criminals. Criminals will think twice before committing crimes if they know they will be caught and prosecuted. When no attempt is made to catch them or if they are not prosecuted once they are caught, they will be free to commit more crimes and will do so since they don’t have to worry about being punished for their crimes. In addition, children have to be taught to obey authority for if they do not learn it as children, it will be harder for them to learn when they are older. The liberal thought today that you should not punish a child when they disobey leads them to continue to disobey laws and those in authority when they are older. If they are allowed to get away with committing crimes and violence against others when they are young, they will continue it once they are grown. While liberals continue to blame guns for the violence, it isn’t the guns that are throwing bricks and stones, and they aren’t the ones breaking into stores and stealing the inventory. While they cry about all the violence, they have no one to blame but themselves. They are like spoiled children, they do what they want and then cry and lash out at others when they can’t get their way. When confronted, they refuse to accept responsibility and blame other people for their actions. It is time to hold them accountable for their actions.  For more on law and order and violence see my course on the Value of the Rule of Law on Udemy at

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Violence and Social Strife-6-D

17 Jun

While liberals continue to claim conservatives are trying to overthrow the government, they are the ones who continue to exhibit violence against those trying to preserve American values.  While the media splashes school violence all over the media, they are only isolated incidences, yet there is a systematic and deliberate attempt to threaten and intimidate conservatives which is not even mentioned by the media. There have been 41 reported vandalisms and fire bombings of church and pro-life centers in the last 40 days. Some involved shootings where several people were injured or killed. If those had been attacks against abortion centers, or even schools, it would be all over the media. In addition, conservative Supreme Court justices have been threatened and their families have been threatened, to get them to change their vote and not overturn Roe vs Wade. That doesn’t sound like trying to preserve democracy. The only mention of it is accusations that conservative groups are behind it. Why would conservative groups want to threaten justices that support the overturning of Roe vs Wade?  That doesn’t make sense to any thinking person. Of course, they don’t believe that people should decide for themselves. They feel that most people are incapable of deciding what is best for themselves, so they feel they should make the decisions for you for your own good. That is why President Biden makes executive orders to support things opposed by most Americans, when he feels Congress can’t get things passed soon enough, just as President Obama did. That is also why liberals pass all kinds of laws that the majority of Americans oppose. If you oppose them, they feel justified in threatening and intimidating you into submitting, whether by using the courts and Congressional committees to harass you with frivolous lawsuits or terrorizing you through vandalism and violent attacks. It is time to elect people who will listen to the American people and govern accordingly and will appoint judges that will rule justly to punish the guilty and not the innocent.


Violence and Social strife-2-T

16 May

Liberal philosophy says there is no relationship between what you believe and your actions. As a result, they are totally confused by the sudden rash of hate crimes and mass shootings that have broken out recently. Again as usual they condemn the hate crimes and mass shootings and call for stricter gun control. They see no connection between their rioting to intimidate the Supreme Court justices and the renewed violence. What do calling for the right to kill an unborn baby that is inconvenient and will threaten your happiness have to do with a gunman who tries to kill people who he feels are a threat to his happiness? What does burning down a church because its members disagree with you (the church opposes abortion which liberals support) have to do with someone attacking someone else because they disagree with them?  What does calling for Blacks to attack Whites have to do with Whites responding by attacking Blacks? Once you open the door to violence and claim the right to attack others, other people are going to claim that right also. The only difference is who you claim that you have the right to attack. The violence wasn’t caused by a sudden flood of guns on the street, it was caused by the actions of those who feel they have the right to threaten and intimidate those who they disagree with and those who feel they have a right to eliminate people who they see as an inconvenience or a threat. The current leadership is leading the country in the wrong direction, and it is time to vote in new leadership that will restore the values that made America great.


Violence & Social Strife-2-S

12 May

The left has become very bold and no longer hides their intensions. When it became known that the Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe vs Wade, liberal protestors openly threatened the Supreme Court justices to get them to change their opinion. We are a nation of law and should not tolerate a minority trying to overturn Supreme Court decisions by threats and intimidation, yet President Biden has not condemned the rioters and Nancy Pelosi has openly encouraged them. They continue to hunt down and prosecute those present at the January 6 riot, whether they were actively involved or not, and President Biden has ordered the FBI to investigate parents who object to the policies of their schools as terrorists, while not arresting the protesters or investigating the organizations like Antifa who are behind the rioting in major American cities. President Obama used the FBI and the Dept of Justice to spy on Donald Trump using a document that they knew was fake to justify it, so they could prevent him from winning the election. When it failed, they created other fake charges to impeach him even though they never uncovered any evidence of wrongdoing. If we don’t elect representatives that respect law and order in the next election, there may not be any law and order by the following election.