Violence-Social strife

20 Sep

Elizabeth Warren is on her soapbox again. She is calling on her supporters to attack crisis pregnancy centers and shut them down. While she is not the only one in Congress, she is one of the most vocal. Vandalism and fire-bombing attacks on pro-life churches and pregnancy centers have reached close to one a day since the leak of information on Roe vs Wade, yet the media is not reporting on it. They feel that Christians praying outside abortion centers and parents speaking up in Parent teacher meetings pose a threat to their power, while firebombing churches and pregnancy centers helps silence those who oppose them. President Biden has now instructed the Dept. of Justice to set up a reproduction rights task force to threaten and intimidate those who seek to protect life. The Supreme Court has ruled that the courts have the right to protect the life of the unborn, but the administration feels they can subvert the rule of law by executive order by suppressing any attempt to limit the practice of abortion until Congress can pass a law to cancel State laws that protect life. The liberal House has already passed legislation to establish abortion as a permanent right, so it is important for voters to vote in Congressmen who will protect life and respect the rule of law. It is also important to vote in State officials who will enact State laws to protect life.




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