Posts Tagged ‘media’


12 Jan

The fourth lie is the one that says everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It is a lie because they obviously don’t believe it, not because it isn’t true. They say everyone should be free to believe what they want. They feel differently and feel they should be able to hold their opinion regardless of what others believe. They claim they should not be punished for going against the majority. While there is basically nothing wrong with that, the problem is that they feel society should accommodate their beliefs. They use it to justify their actions which violate the rights of the majority of people. Transexual men feel they should be able to use the women’s bathroom or play in women’s sports because they feel they are a woman and feel society should allow them to. If they want to believe they are a woman, that is their right, but they violate what they say they believe when they try to force society to accommodate them. According to what they claim, society should be free to believe what it believes just as they claim the right to believe what they believe. If they want to go to a deserted island and practice what they believe, nobody will stop them, but they should not force their beliefs on society.



12 Jan

Another lie is just as serious. They say that it doesn’t matter what you believe. You are free to believe whatever you want and it won’t affect your life. Decisions are based on the problem you face and not on any pre-set feelings about right and wrong.  It is often referred to as situation ethics. That is closely related to the belief that there won’t be any consequences. It releases the person from the need to figure out how that belief will affect their life. Someone can change their beliefs whenever they want and not have to analyze whether it is good or bad because it won’t make any difference. It allows people to do things that create all kinds of problems and dismiss them as not their fault. It allows people to claim that telling women to kill their unborn baby because it will get in the way of their happiness is not responsible for someone shooting his boss and coworkers because they stand in the way of his happiness. They claim that the problem stems from the fact he had access to a gun. If he didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t have done it. The problem is that they have to ignore when someone uses a knife or a bomb because it can’t be blamed on the fact that they had access to a gun.



12 Jan

When I was young, the church was actively teaching God’s values and they were open about them in public so most people accepted them, even if they had no church connection. There was a clear understanding of what was right and what was wrong.  Our society had its ups and downs but overall, it ran fairly smoothly.  Over the last fifty years, liberal media and politicians have been pushing another set of values. Those values are relative and subject to individual interpretation.  They are based on four primary lies. Two of them have been around for a long time and were the ones that Satan offered to Eve.  The first is that laws are relative. God said not to touch the tree but Satan tried to confuse Eve about what God had really said. He implied that God was withholding something good. We see this on our highway where the speed limit says fifty-five, but it is a clear day and an open road so people feel that they can do seventy. Its more fun and you can get there faster. However, without a set speed, the faster drivers are constantly weaving in and out of traffic, passing the slower vehicles which increases the danger of accidents. The second backs it up. You can enjoy it and there won’t be any consequences. We see this in abortion. They push you to enjoy free sex and not worry about consequences. If you have an accidental pregnancy, you can always abort it and take care of the problem. Unfortunately, saying there won’t be a problem, does not make it so. Abortion may take care of one problem but opens up others. We are seeing the consequences of a relative set of values today. Once you allow people to make up their own rules, nobody is sure what the rules are, and some will choose rules that cause more harm than good. We are reaping the consequences of a relative set of values.



08 Dec

The vast number of people, including Christians, get their news and entertainment from popular media, however popular media is very biased in favor of liberal causes and openly censors organizations trying to reveal the true facts. They are having a widespread effect on the views held by children and young people. As a result, many people, including those in many of our churches hold liberal views. There are still some Christian radio stations and local radio stations which are  trying to report the facts, but few Christians and conservatives listen to them or support them. There are now a number of organizations developing conservative oriented social media. Gab has been around for a  little while and there are some others but they are not widely known. I just heard of two new ones, Daily Wire and a new Bentkey, which are joining. While they have a long way to go, they are a refreshing alternative. Bentkey is challenging Disney who is so liberal as to provoke widespread boycotting by conservatives. Disney has continued to turn out liberal movies and watched them bomb out at the box office because consumers aren’t buying them. We can vote with our money by supporting conservative businesses and organizations and boycotting those that support liberal causes, and by letting people know about them and supporting them, we can not only get factual information and wholesome entertainment, we can ensure that they survive and grow so more people can access them. In addition, by withholding money and support from liberal organizations, we can force them to cut back services and reduce their effect on our society. Money talks and too few Christians understand how to use it effectively.

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The Media-B-H

06 Dec

Conservatives have begun to talk about government control being necessary in light of widespread censorship by the media and social media, however, it is dangerous because it is often hijacked by liberal politicians to censor Christians. While it seems to be the answer, government control has tended to support liberals and target conservatives. We are learning of increased pressure by the FBI to get the social media to censor conservatives and feeding them which posts to remove.  Even when we had a conservative President, much of the deep State remained committed to liberals. Democrats continue to push for government control over the internet and have been crowing about how Silicon Valley pulled the wool over the eyes of what they called “the stupid Republicans” who ran the hearings on censorship in the media. Government action, if any, should seek to break up the monopolies held by liberal media opening social media up to competition, allowing conservatives to develop their own networks or find some way to get around the censorship, just as they have set up their own radio and TV stations, and magazines to counter the liberal media. Churches need to openly inform their members about important social issues and Christians need to be aggressive in passing along Bible-based material and the truth about Social issues and events to their friends. I have worked hard to keep Christians informed on Social issues and events but I can only reach so many. However, if others pass it on to their friends, and they pass it on to their friends, it will soon reach millions of people.  Liberals are very aggressive on social media and doing everything they can to block those who promote the truth. It is easy for them to block big organizations from posting material but almost impossible to track millions of individuals who pick up the information and pass it on.    

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The Media-B-G

06 Dec

Almost all the national media is funneled through the Associated Press which filters and colors the news, the media has been promoting liberal programs and ignoring, and even attacking conservative programs. While there are still independent radio and TV stations, they are few and are being squeezed out of the marketplace and few Christians support them. In addition, many Christians still rely on the mainstream media to keep them up to date in spite of its open attacks on Christian values and few Christians take advantage of Christian programs. As a result, many Christians have a distorted view of what is going on today. Christians need to seek reliable news sources and support them. Since they don’t read the Bible, and their churches do not teach on Biblical values, they often support programs which clearly violate Scripture. Many people don’t consider Social media when they talk about media, but social media is becoming an increasing force in our society. In fact, the Social media has become the main source of the truth for many people, because of the censorship in the mainstream media. As the media censors Christians and other conservatives, they are increasingly turning to social media to inform fellow conservatives about issues. Recently, that censorship has been spreading to the social media. Now Christians are facing an increase in censorship in the Social media as well.  Large reputable Christian organizations have reported that their posts had been restricted or blocked, (particularly those on Facebook and Twitter) often with no notice from the internet provider. Others are receiving notices that their postings have been removed because they don’t conform to company standards. Apparently those standards are very one-sided because it is alright for liberals to call on others to kill conservatives but not alright for conservatives to call on people to not kill unborn babies. If a conservative reports that being Gay is not genetic, that is censored as hate speech, but if a liberal calls on their followers to harass, bully, and even kill conservatives, that is allowed to remain and is not restricted. Clearly something needs to be done. If social media blocks it, there is no other way for people to hear about it. That is why I began producing this blog. I am just a small site and have not had many problems, but I know Face Book has been blocking people from reposting the Neighborhood Ministries page, from time to time. I don’t know how long I will be able to continue publishing this blog. I have received word that Word Press, who provides this website, has begun censoring conservatives. Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge blocked me from  accessing my website for awhile so I could not update it but I could still access it from other media. If those block me, it will prevent others from seeing it, though it wouldn’t take it down. I don’t know of anyone who is being prevented from viewing this site yet and hopefully it will not come to that.

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08 Dec

The stories that come out of the liberal media are interesting. They immediately proclaim solutions before the facts are even known. If it is a shooting, they jump on gun control and tougher purchase requirements. When it comes out the gun was stolen, they go silent. If a Black man is attacked, its racist. When it comes out it was a Black that attacked him, They go silent. If a Gay bar is attacked, its anti-gay. When it turns out it was someone who was Gay, they go silent. No retraction, no correction, no apology.  They leave their listeners thinking their original statement was correct to further their agenda. They have lost a lot of listeners who got wise to their tactics, but a lot of people still listen to them and don’t check the facts. There are no national alternatives except Fox news and sometimes the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) which reports on some American stories. While liberal politicians and financiers like George Soros control the major news networks and social media, many local stations, not affiliated with the national broadcasting companies wait until the facts are out before commenting on stories and Christian stations are usually good about getting the facts first. With social media blocking many large conservative organizations, it is important for people to search out the facts from conservative organizations or reliable public media and pass them on to their friends. Social media doesn’t have the capacity to monitor all posts yet, so they are concentrating on the big organizations for now. However, they have issued a call for an army of volunteers to monitor the web and report conservative postings that expose liberal lies. If they succeed, we will be no different than China or Russia who strictly control all media. Recently, someone shot up two electric substations and shut down electricity over a wide area. The media immediately stated it was White supremacists, even though nobody knows who did it or why. It could have been Muslim terrorists, Chinese or Russian operatives, or even an unhappy electric company employee who got fired and wanted to get back at the company.

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11 Oct

The media is claiming a double standard of liability about what is posted on their site. When faced with a defamation suit for allowing repeated defamatory posts against a conservative Congressman, they claim they should be exempt from liability for what is posted since they cannot closely monitor what is posted. Yet there is clear evidence that they have selectively blocked campaign posts by conservative candidates costing them billions of dollars in campaign funds and an unknown number of votes, while allowing a free flow of posts by liberal candidates. Obviously they can control what is posted and choose to be selective in what they allow depending on who the posts favor politically. If they choose to closely monitor and censor what is posted, then they should be held responsible for irresponsible posts. They can’t have it both ways. Coordinated censorship between public media and social media pose a grave threat to democracy. An electorate cannot make a good  choice between candidates without accurate information about the candidates. They cannot vote intelligently if they only get information from one side and that is greatly distorted. Polls showed a dramatic shift in voter preference away from Donald Trump after accusations that he was working the Russians. The accusations were later proved to be false, but not until after the election when the damage was already done. While it was not enough to prevent his election, it could easily have done so. At that time, they controlled the public media but not the social media. Since then, they have gained control of the social media and numerous conservative candidates have lost elections after liberal candidates have made unfounded accusations just before the election. The media has picked up and broadcast the accusations while blocking attempts of the candidates to defend themselves. Polls show a dramatic shift in voter preference immediately after the accusations indicating that the accusations were instrumental in changing the outcomes of many of the elections. Clearly, the voters voted based on false information but the candidates who made the accusations and the media who supported them, have never been held accountable. Any accusations should be tried in a court of law, not in the media with no chance for the accused to defend themselves. Those who deliberately make false accusations in order to corrupt the election process should be prosecuted.

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Violence and gun control-4-O

25 May

While the media continues to call for increased gun control, they ignore their own responsibility. After the shooting at Columbine High School hit the news, there were a number of similar school shootings that also drew extensive news coverage. In fact, the coverage probably encouraged the others by showing them that they could become famous by killing people. To someone who feels that no one will listen to him, it sounds like a good way to get people to remember them. However coverage of a particularly tragic school shooting ended abruptly. The media first broke the news that there had been a shooting and then abruptly cut off news coverage, without giving any details, when they apparently realized the repercussions from such coverage. Unlike the other events, only one person died but the shooter’s age made it particularly scary. I took note of it because the shooting took place at an elementary school on the school campus where I had gone to Jr. High school years before. I received the details from friends who still live there. A six-year old boy walked into his first grade class, pulled out a gun, and shot and killed a first grade girl, in front of his whole class. He had picked up the loaded gun that was laying around at home before he left for school. Most likely, he was influenced by the coverage of the school shootings which told him that the way to solve your problems is with a gun. We need to stop glorifying these people in public. When the publicity stops, they will need to seek other ways to get attention. Hopefully, ones that are less destructive.



04 May

All the major radio and TV networks, as well as many newspapers, get their news from a single source. That source is the Associated Press and it is very liberal. In addition, the networks themselves are supported by liberal individuals and businesses that dictate a liberal bias. As a result, we have been seeing a tremendous one-sided attack on conservatives by the media. Fox News has tried to remain fairly balanced and is one of the few sources of balanced news available. Christian radio and TV stations (many listener supported) and magazines are continuing to keep Conservatives abreast of the latest news but unfortunately, many conservatives don’t listen to Christian programs or read Christian magazines. Many conservatives and even Christians continue to get the bulk of their news from liberal news sources and hold liberal views on many social issues. Liberals found social media to be a great way to get their message out and have been dominating the social media. Conservatives have been slow to recognize its value, however an increasing number of conservative organizations have begun using it to reach conservatives that don’t access conservative radio, TV, and magazines.