Archive for the ‘Violence and Gun Control’ Category


07 Jan

Liberal politicians continue to push the idea that Jan 6 last year was an organized attempt to overthrow the government. It was neither organized nor an attempt to overthrow the government. They were merely a group of unhappy people that were upset with politicians that continue to push their own agenda and ignore the will of the people.  If it had been organized there would have been a real attack with guns, tanks, and other weapons. Liberal politicians have shown that they want to instill fear to silence their opponents, not establish justice.  They have sought to round up hundreds of people present on Jan 6th and prosecute them, whether they actively participated or not, while liberal rioters have continued ongoing rioting for over a year and a half, and liberal mayors have told police not to interfere with the rioters or if police do arrest them, the rioters are being bailed out by liberal politicians and aren’t being prosecuted. We are seeing a growing attempt to overthrow the government from within. They are no longer being secretive but are very open about their determination to remake the government to promote their ideals. Liberal politicians continue to push for abortion and gay privileges in spite of the fact that most Americans are opposed to them. They continue to strip away safeguards which prevent people from voting illegally and open our borders to thousands of people to enter illegally.  Liberal judges continue to ignore the law and make laws from the bench in open violation of the Constitution. As a result, there is a growing number of people who are tired of being lied to by the media and pushed around by liberal politicians. They are tired of being called terrorists and hate groups because they don’t agree with the liberal media and politicians. They are also tired of being attacked and being thrown out of businesses because they believe in thinking for themselves and not giving in to brainwashing by the media. We are starting another round of primary elections and congressional elections and if voters don’t vote or if they don’t pay attention to who they vote for, they will continue to reelect those who ignore the will of the people and impose their own policies. If voters don’t vote wisely, one of these days they will no longer have any voice in who wins. We will be like Russia and China where you can vote but the winner is chosen by party officials, not by the vote of the people.



28 May

While liberal politicians and the media blame conservatives for the increased violence, they continue to spew hate speech fueling anger that leads to violence. They called on their followers to drive President Trump’s followers out of restaurants and businesses and accused him of all kinds of crimes with no proof. They conducted all kinds of investigations but could not find evidence of wrongdoing, solely to discredit him. While he is not perfect, he at least tried to help the American people. Liberals accuse the police of brutality and call for defunding the police. As a result, cities are reducing their police force and pulling them out of predominantly Black areas, which hurts Blacks, it doesn’t help them. In addition, it causes distrust of police, so citizens no longer cooperate with police to help them catch criminals. As police forces are reduced and people no longer support the police, it enables criminals to commit more crimes, without fear of being caught. While there are police that exceed their authority, they are a small minority. People need to work with government to get fair and impartial laws and work with police to help them catch and prosecute criminals to reduce crime.



28 May

Liberals promote talk about America being racist and fuel fear and anger in Blacks which spills over into violence, and fuels fear of Blacks by Whites. While there are still people who are racist, they are few. Liberals are doing far more damage than those that they accuse. The best way to defeat a country is to divide its people so they cannot unite against the enemy and liberals are doing everything they can to that end. If voters don’t recognize that and vote them out, they will continue to divide and corrupt this country. In addition, Christians need to continue to build bridges between races, nationalities, and individuals to break the cycle of hate and bitterness that leads to violence.



28 May

Gun opponents continue to rail against gun ownership after each mass shooting but few noted that gun violence is far less in areas with reduced restrictions on gun ownership. As more people own guns, criminals are more cautious about confronting people who might be armed. By contrast, the rate of gun violence is far higher in areas with increased restrictions where fewer people own guns, and criminals feel safer confronting people. In addition, rates of violence using knives and now acid are rising as criminals turn to other means when guns aren’t available. Great Britain first restricted carrying knives and now they are seeking to ban carrying corrosive acid in public. Taking guns away from innocent people will not solve the problem since criminals will still have guns. People are easy prey when they cannot defend themselves. You have to understand the real cause of a problem before you can solve it.


Violence & Social Strife-4-A

20 May

Liberals keep accusing Israel of attacking its neighbors and are calling on Israel to stop. Anybody with any brains knows that a child does not attack a roomful of adult bullies and expect to walk away. Israel is a small nation surrounded by large vicious neighbors who are threatening verbally and publicly to wipe it off the face of the earth. You do not hear that kind of talk from Israel about its neighbors. It has no designs on its neighbors, it just wants to be left alone. God gave the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants. While the Jews populated Israel, it flourished. When Israel was destroyed in 70 AD, the Arabs moved in and took over. The Arabs did not care for the land and a lot of it returned to desert. Since the Jews returned to Israel, the desert has blossomed again, and it has become very prosperous because God has blessed it and protected it. The Jews allowed the Arabs to continue living in Israel and there was peace between them until the Palestinians told the Arabs to leave because they were going to wipe out Israel and kill all the Jews. The Arabs launched the Seven Day War to wipe out Israel, but Israel was able to drive back the attack and defeat them, because God protected them. Many Arabs are homeless today because the Palestinians told them to leave Israel so they could wipe out the Jews, not because the Jews forced them to. Liberals have rewritten history to make Israel the bad guy but they cannot rewrite the memories of those who lived through it.


Social Strife-2-E

28 Apr

While liberals accuse conservatives of being responsible for the violence, they seem to be more prone to classify individuals as members of groups then conservatives. While conservatives usually recognize guilt and innocence in individuals, liberals tend to paint people with broad brushes. They see everything as class conflict (Marxism) rather than individual conflict. They talk about attacks of Whites against Blacks, police against citizens, etc., instead of as an individual who commits a crime. They see mass shootings as a problem with guns rather than as a problem with individuals who are mentally unstable. As a result, it is impossible for them to really solve problems because they are dealing with the wrong things. You can take away everyone’s guns and the violence will still be there. Britain has the strongest gun laws around and the number of attacks using knives has skyrocketed as fewer people have access to guns. In Chicago, they have the strongest gun laws in the country and the highest incidence of gun violence because the criminals have guns, but citizens don’t have guns to protect themselves. You can’t solve violence against Blacks by blaming all White people because the vast majority of violence against Blacks is committed by other Blacks. You need to attack the causes of the anger that precedes the violence. Emphasizing attacks of White against Blacks creates fear of Whites in Blacks, leading them to seek to attack Whites, which creates fear of Blacks in Whites. While liberal politicians and the media condemn racial strife, they fuel it with their rhetoric. Desegregation reduced racial strife as Blacks and Whites learned to live together until the liberal media and politicians began fueling it again.


Social Strife-2-D

28 Apr

Congress passed the “Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA) in 1994 to improve the criminal justice response to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and increase access of victims to services. In 2013, when it was reauthorized, changes made it more difficult to achieve those goals.  Reauthorization is now under consideration, which will continue and increase those problems. Money was diverted to Planned Parenthood who openly encourages and assists sexual predators and sexual trafficers by not reporting them even though it is required by law and disposing of the evidence so the predators and trafficers can’t be prosecuted. The reauthorization also mandates harmful gender identity ideology and diverts funds to limited purposes that limits the number of categories of victims who are able to get help, and makes it more difficult for the remaining categories of victims to get help. The reauthorization needs to be voted down and the VAWA needs to be restored to its original purpose.


Social Strife-1-L

28 Apr
Dr Martin Luther King knew that peace and equality would not be gained by violence which would only further the suspicion and fear 
between the people of color and those who are White. He knew that laws requiring segregation had to be repealed and Black churches and
 White churches would have to work together to bring the two groups together and help them see they are no different, only then would 
peace and equality be achieved. There are those today who spread fear between Blacks and Whites, between those of Asian descent and 
others, between police and Blacks, and claim they want peace and equality, but violence will only destroy that which they seek and drive 
both sides further apart. We need to return to the work that Dr King started and tackle the problems around us. Liberal politicians and 
media have threatened the church and it has gone silent, but we need its voice now more than ever. Many are afraid they will lose their 
jobs and their friends, but many in countries around the world are losing their lives because they are not afraid to stand with Christ. Christ 
faced the cross in the garden. He could have turned away, but He chose to die for you and me. The least we can do is stand for him.

Previous Posts 8/12

02 Oct

This is the eighth in the series of previous posts and highlights
Marriage, Immigration, schools, Violence and Gun Control

Click on the links below to access those series.