Social Strife-1-L

28 Apr
Dr Martin Luther King knew that peace and equality would not be gained by violence which would only further the suspicion and fear 
between the people of color and those who are White. He knew that laws requiring segregation had to be repealed and Black churches and
 White churches would have to work together to bring the two groups together and help them see they are no different, only then would 
peace and equality be achieved. There are those today who spread fear between Blacks and Whites, between those of Asian descent and 
others, between police and Blacks, and claim they want peace and equality, but violence will only destroy that which they seek and drive 
both sides further apart. We need to return to the work that Dr King started and tackle the problems around us. Liberal politicians and 
media have threatened the church and it has gone silent, but we need its voice now more than ever. Many are afraid they will lose their 
jobs and their friends, but many in countries around the world are losing their lives because they are not afraid to stand with Christ. Christ 
faced the cross in the garden. He could have turned away, but He chose to die for you and me. The least we can do is stand for him.

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