Archive for the ‘Economics’ Category


13 Mar

President Biden’s budget is insane. He says that he is going to tax the rich and not the middle class, but it is nothing but a shell game where you try to guess where the money comes from. The rich get their money from corporations they own or investments. President Biden says he is taxing corporations. They don’t print money, they have to earn it through selling products or services. Corporations get the money to pay the increased taxes from increasing the price of their goods or services, which you and I must purchase, or by laying off workers or denying them a raise to cover the increase cost of living. Without pay raises, the paycheck doesn’t buy as much since things cost more, so it is the same as cutting their wages. The budget also includes taxes on stocks and other investments. However, people invest in corporations to get a profit. If there is no profit due to increased taxes, they will invest their money elsewhere. That will mean less money available to corporations to expand their business or upgrade it to keep it competitive. If they can’t compete, they will lose money which will result in more layoffs and maybe closing the business. He says he isn’t taxing the average American, but he really is. He is just doing it in a way that you don’t realize he is doing it.




13 Mar

It is amazing to see the way the present administration is playing the American people. Two banks have folded in the last week and President Biden has stated that the federal government will guarantee depositors  get all their money, but it won’t cost the taxpayers anything. It will be interesting to see where the money comes from because the federal governments gets its funds from the taxpayers. He may think he can just charge it to the national debt but not unless he gets the debt limit raised and borrows the money. Even if he borrows the money, it will have to be paid back sometime and that money will have to come from taxpayers. It is like he thinks the American people gave him a credit card with no debt limit. That is foolish thinking. He is pushing a fantastic raise in the national debt with his budget and says Congress has to raise the debt limit to accommodate the increased debt. Ever since President Clinton began the brinkmanship over the budget, liberals have pushed huge  increases in debt and forced Congress to raise the debt limit to accommodate it by refusing to negotiate on the budget until it comes down to passing the budget or shutting down the government. Conservative representatives feel it is better to accommodate them then shut down the government, so they give in. When I was growing up, that was called blackmail, but apparently they feel it is just politics. We cannot continue to increase the debt limit to accommodate the out of control spending. Americans seem to be blinded by the prospect of getting free money from the government and don’t stop to think that they are the ones providing the money that they receive.





04 Feb

President Biden is proclaiming his  success in restoring the economy by bragging about the large number of jobs filled this past month. However anyone with any understanding of economics knows that this is the time when summer businesses start hiring. It is early yet for northern States like Michigan and Ohio but mid-American States like Kentucky and Tennessee are interviewing to hire. Further South they have probably already got a good number of those they want to hire for the summer. Nurseries, landscaping businesses, and businesses that cater to tourists are beginning to fill out their summer staff. I would be very concerned if there was no big spike in hiring at this time. In fact the number he brags about sounds low to me. The spike in hiring is not due  to his success but to normal seasonal hiring. Just last week I saw a notice about Covid relief money going out to businesses that continued to pay their staff during the pandemic. Those were the businesses like Walmart and similar businesses that were big enough that they could afford to stay open. Many small businesses closed because they were unable to go on paying staff with no business to bring in money to pay the staff with, because the government forced them to close. The government put so many conditions on staying open that the small businesses could not meet them. The big businesses pushed the regulations knowing they could accommodate them but smaller businesses could not. The companies knew it would destroy their competitors and they would profit in spite of the added expense. While the administration stated it was declaring war on the rich and on big business, their policies aided big businesses and forced many of the small businesses out of business. The rich who are heavily invested in big businesses benefited while small businesses and their employees lost out. The American people need to look at the results of their economic policies and understand what is really happening to the economy. They should not be misled by rhetoric which is designed to hide the administrations failures and make it look good.



Government Finances-II-L

12 Jan

No one talks about who is holding the loans of our government. We can only print so much money without fueling inflation. President Obama kept a lid on inflation by borrowing heavily, but that can only be controlled so long. President Trump cut taxes so the economy began to bounce back but if we don’t control the debt, it will drain all our resources. President Biden has resumed the massive spending extensive government giveaways fueling inflation. Liberal politicians continue to push massive spending bills. When we reached our debt limit, liberal politicians pushed to increase the debt limit. It is easy to vote to do it but ignores the fact that we will reach the point where we can’t pay the interest, let alone the principle on the loans. They waited until the deadline where we risked a government shutdown if it wasn’t passed, and blackmailed conservatives into passing it to avoid a government shutdown. That is not how to run a government. The government should seek to find reasonable solutions, not blackmail its opponents to accept unreasonable ones. Another danger is that our creditors call in the loans. If we have a hard time paying the interest, we definitely can’t pay the principle.  China is one of the biggest holders of American debt and can easily use that to get preferential trade agreements and shape American policies in the Far East. The worst part is that China is getting overextended as well and selling the loans to the Arabs. That leaves us vulnerable to manipulation by the Arabs. They know that if they suddenly call in those loans, China would have to call in theirs, and we could not pay them, leaving us open to blackmail or worse yet they could simply shut off the funds which would cause our economy to collapse. Once it does, they can simply walk in and take over. Everyone needs to contact their Congressman (whether Democrat or Republican) and demand they cut spending and try to get the debt under control and in the next election, elect Congressmen committed to balancing the budget.



Economics-Government Finances-H-B

09 Jan

Social Security-Liberals in Congress have an interesting view of the world when it comes to Social Security. Originally, very few elderly lived long after retirement. Most worked until they died or became disabled. With a large number of workers paying into it, and few drawing on it, it amassed a large surplus. Workers felt they could rest assured that the money would be there for them when they retired. Social Security is in trouble of going broke because liberals raided it to pay for their welfare programs. Had that money remained on deposit gathering interest, we would not be facing the question of it becoming insolvent. Liberals did not take into account changes going on in our society. More working women meant less children.  That meant more money pouring in, but it also meant fewer future workers to pay into the system. They also pushed abortion which has killed one out of every three babies conceived. Improving health has meant Seniors live longer and many are retiring at the earliest age of retirement which means they are not paying in as long but are drawing benefits longer. Without the funds from the surplus, retired Seniors are drawing benefits currently being paid in by workers. With fewer workers paying in and a growing number of retirees drawing longer, it has created the mess we now face. Liberals could help the situation by restoring the funds they took, but they feel it is more important to bribe people to vote for them with huge giveaways then to repay what they took from Seniors. Liberals feel the solution is to raise the limit on income taxed and use the increase revenue to raise benefits for those who are receiving the lowest benefits. That sounds good on paper but looks terrible when you examine the facts. There are very few at the top and the small amount raised will not be much help for the large number of people at the bottom so it is really only a token gesture. Since the new money received would go right back out, it also would not extend the life of Social Security. Conservatives would rather raise the lower age of retirement. They did it a couple times but liberals discontinued it. However, it makes sense because many people are still healthy when they retire and able to work up to 20-30 years after retirement due to improved health. My parents had a printing business and both worked for 20 years after retirement. The only reason they had to stop was because they were attacked by thieves who left them homebound. Before the attack, they were still very healthy and probably could have worked for quite a while longer. By delaying retirement, workers would pay into Social Security longer. Since the rate of death increases with age, the number of Seniors declines with age. That means that a large number of people would continue paying in, but fewer people would be drawing out and would not be drawing out as long. Those whose health did not allow them to work up to the new age of retirement could still get Social Security disability like those currently under 62.




08 Jan

Canada just passed a law  banning home ownership by foreigners. They feel that foreigners are taking advantage of low housing prices due to the pandemic and are buying up houses as an investment. The United States has an even bigger problem which politicians are reluctant to address. China is buying up a lot of businesses and farmland which poses a threat to our security. First, they are appropriating the business secrets from the electronic, manufacturing, and technical companies they buy up. In addition, they are moving the headquarters of the companies and much of their manufacturing plants to China resulting in mass layoffs in the U.S. and loss of tax money. The businesses and farmland they buy up gives them leverage in our economy and drains money from our economy to support their economy. Wesaw during the early days of the pandemic how dangerous it is to depend on China. A great deal of our medicines and medical equipment are made in China and when the pandemic broke out, China supplied their people first and we had to wait a long time before we got the life-saving equipment we needed. President Trump provided help to American companies by lowering corporate taxes and reducing regulations, as well as helping them begin producing what we needed but we were playing catchup and lost critical time that cost lives. President Biden has returned to supporting Chinese companies by giving them favorable trade allowances and hurting American companies because he has raised corporate taxes and increased government regulations, making it very hard for them to compete.



Government Economics-II-I

30 Dec

While President Biden totes his massive spending bill (one of several) he talks about the fact that it won’t cost the average American because they will be taxing the rich and large corporations. It sounds nice but ignores basic economics. First, there aren’t enough rich to pay the price for the spending they want. Second, the rich won’t pay it. They will hide their money in tax free accounts. That will take money out of circulation which would normally be used to create new businesses and expand old ones. Next, taxing big corporations would hurt the average American because businesses would pass the cost on to the consumer (you and me) in higher prices for goods and services. That would hurt the poor, the retired, and others on fixed incomes who wouldn’t get pay raises. The less business, the less taxes coming in. Lastly, increased revenue only fuels their desire to spend more so the added money won’t pay down the debt.



Government economics-II-H

30 Dec

It is really upsetting to see the rhetoric flying about the budget proposal. The Democrats are accusing the Republicans of refusing to give in and increase the debt limit when that is a two-way street. The Democrats aren’t giving in on cutting spending. The Democrats just want to up the debt limit so they can continue their wasteful spending. The Republicans gave in so they couldn’t be accused of shutting down the government and so we got saddled with a huge increase in spending again. It is time we call a stop to the wasteful spending and require our legislators to live within their budget like everyone else has to. Raising the debt limit will only put off the inevitable need to cut spending. The debt is getting so large it is hard to even pay the interest on it and allowing it to increase will only increase the interest. Eventually it will reach the point where we can’t pay the interest, let alone pay on the principle. It is time we demand that our law makers honor their campaign promises and cut spending. They won’t do it on their own, the American people have to demand that they do so.



Government economics-II-G

30 Dec

President Biden just ordered a raise for federal employees. After robbing the average American by fueling inflation by pushing through massive new spending  and crippling the American energy programs, he turned around and hurt them again by pushing through huge new taxes. Now, he is rewarding the bureaucrats who already make fantastic salaries, and who are almost immune from firing due to strong unions, supported by laws enacted by liberal Democrats. The increased  cost of those raises will raise the budgets of federal agencies, however, there is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the President to order expenditures from the treasury. The House must initiate and approve all budget items and they must be approved by the Senate. Once passed by Congress, the President has the authority to approve them or veto them, but can not change them. President Biden seems to think he can take the law into his own hands and change it at his own discretion.




11 Oct

Polls show that very few, only 3%, of voters consider a candidate’s value of life as a priority when voting. If a candidate does not value life unless it has value to him, he will do anything to cater to you as long as you have value to him, but ignore you the moment you no longer have value to him. The vast majority of voters say that the economy is their number one concern, showing how much the American people have been corrupted by greed, placing personal gain above protecting life. However, the administration’s record on the economy is as bad as its record on protecting life. While the administration and media are trying to convince you that the economy is looking up, all you have to do is look around you and you can tell the economy is in serious trouble. The administration has been handing out generous gifts to lure voters to vote for them and printing money like never before to pay for those gifts. The money is being handed out indiscriminately with no requirement of need. Many people were working and did not need the money.  With all the free money, many are buying luxuries, not necessities, which is fueling inflation. With a lot of excess money, many people are willing to pay higher prices. With high demand and a shortage of goods due to the administrations poor handling of the economy, sellers are pushing to get as much for their goods as possible, which leaves low income and fixed income people paying more and often doing without. Many store shelves are empty because those with extra money are buying wholesale and stockpiling or reselling scarce items at a  profit so many goods never reach the shelves. The administration knows that people will be upset by the rising prices and that they have to pay for all the free money they give out, so they are raising taxes to pay for the generous gifts and raising interest to reduce the money available and slow the inflation. However, this also hurts low income and fixed income people most because they can least afford the higher taxes and interest. Since most people have money taken out for taxes, they won’t notice the higher taxes. They will not notice a difference in what they owe or get back at the end of the year because the amount taken out will be increased to cover the added taxes. The administration is giving away money openly to get votes and then taking it away secretly so they will not lose votes. The question is, do you want to reelect those who force you to continue paying high prices for goods and high taxes and interest rates, or do you want to elect someone who will stop the wasteful spending, reduce the rate of inflation, and bring down taxes and interest rates like we saw under President Trump.